RSCG – RSCG_Templating
RSCG – RSCG_Templating
name | RSCG_Templating |
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author | Andrei Ignat |
Templating every your data ( starting with class)
This is how you can use RSCG_Templating .
The code that you start with is
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <OutputType>Exe</OutputType> <TargetFramework>net7.0</TargetFramework> <ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings> <Nullable>enable</Nullable> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <AdditionalFiles Include="ClassTypeName.txt" /> <AdditionalFiles Include="ClassPropByName.txt" /> </ItemGroup> <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="RSCG_Templating" Version="2023.1007.724" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" /> <PackageReference Include="RSCG_TemplatingCommon" Version="2023.1007.724" /> </ItemGroup> <PropertyGroup> <EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles>true</EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles> <CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath>$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX</CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath> </PropertyGroup> </Project>
The code that you will use is
using RSCG_TemplatingDemo; var x = new Person(); Console.WriteLine("The generated string type is " + x.MyTypeName); x.FirstName = "Andrei"; //set last name via prop x.SetPropValue(ePerson_Properties.LastName, "Ignat"); Console.WriteLine("called directly first name : " + x.FirstName); Console.WriteLine("called via enum of prop first name : " + x.GetPropValue(ePerson_Properties.FirstName)); Console.WriteLine("called get property :" + x.GetPropValue(ePerson_Properties.Name)); Console.WriteLine("this will throw error because Name has not set "); try { x.SetPropValue(ePerson_Properties.Name, "asd"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("this is good!"); } Console.ReadLine();
using RSCG_TemplatingCommon; namespace RSCG_TemplatingDemo; [IGenerateDataFromClass("ClassTypeName")] [IGenerateDataFromClass("ClassPropByName")] public partial class Person { public string Name { get { return FullName(" "); } } public string? FirstName { get; set; } public string? LastName { get; set; } public string FullName(string separator = " ") { return FirstName + separator + LastName; } public void DisplayNameOnConsole() { Console.WriteLine(FullName()); } public async Task<string> GetName() { await Task.Delay(1000); return FirstName ?? ""; } public Task<string> GetFullName() { return Task.FromResult(FullName()); } public Task SaveId(int id) { if (id < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("this is an error because is <0 "); } return Task.CompletedTask; } }
The code that is generated is
//autogenerated by RSCG_Templating version 2023.1007.724.0 from file Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.AdditionalTextFile namespace RSCG_TemplatingDemo { public enum ePerson_Properties { None = 0, Name, FirstName, LastName, } partial class Person { public object GetPropValue(ePerson_Properties prop){ switch(prop){ case ePerson_Properties.Name: return this.Name; case ePerson_Properties.FirstName: return this.FirstName; case ePerson_Properties.LastName: return this.LastName; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public void SetPropValue<T>(ePerson_Properties prop , T value){ switch(prop){ case ePerson_Properties.Name: throw new NotImplementedException(); case ePerson_Properties.FirstName: this.FirstName = (string?)(dynamic)value; break; case ePerson_Properties.LastName: this.LastName = (string?)(dynamic)value; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }//end class }//end namespace
//autogenerated by RSCG_Templating version 2023.1007.724.0 from file Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.AdditionalTextFile namespace RSCG_TemplatingDemo { partial class Person { public string MyTypeName = "RSCG_TemplatingDemo.Person"; }//end class }//end namespace
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