RSCG – JsonPolymorphicGenerator
RSCG – JsonPolymorphicGenerator
name | JsonPolymorphicGenerator |
nuget | |
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author | surgicalcoder |
Generating JsonDerivedType to be added to the base class
This is how you can use JsonPolymorphicGenerator .
The code that you start with is
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <OutputType>Exe</OutputType> <TargetFramework>net7.0</TargetFramework> <ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings> <Nullable>enable</Nullable> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="GoLive.Generator.JsonPolymorphicGenerator" Version="1.0.4"> <PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets> <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets> </PackageReference> </ItemGroup> <PropertyGroup> <EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles>true</EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles> <CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath>$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX</CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath> </PropertyGroup> </Project>
The code that you will use is
// using JsonPolymorphicGeneratorDemo; using System.Text.Json; Person[] persons = new Person[2]; persons[0] = new Student() { Name="Student Ignat"}; persons[1] = new Teacher() { Name = "Teacher Ignat" }; JsonSerializerOptions opt = new () { WriteIndented = true }; var ser = JsonSerializer.Serialize(persons, opt); Console.WriteLine(ser); var p = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Person[]>(ser); if(p != null) foreach (var item in p) { Console.WriteLine(item.Data()); }
using System.Text.Json.Serialization; namespace JsonPolymorphicGeneratorDemo; [JsonPolymorphic] public abstract partial class Person { public string? Name { get; set; } public abstract string Data(); } public class Teacher : Person { public override string Data() { return "Class Teacher:" + Name; } } public class Student : Person { public override string Data() { return "Class Student:" + Name; } }
The code that is generated is
using System.Text.Json.Serialization; namespace JsonPolymorphicGeneratorDemo { [JsonDerivedType(typeof(JsonPolymorphicGeneratorDemo.Teacher), "Teacher")] [JsonDerivedType(typeof(JsonPolymorphicGeneratorDemo.Student), "Student")] public partial class Person { } }
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