RSCG–ISourceGenerator porting to IIncrementalGenerator in 3 steps

Roslyn Source Code Generators (RSCG) have deprecated the ISourceGenerator  (roslyn/ at main · dotnet/roslyn · GitHub )   vs the new interface IIncrementalGenerator , roslyn/ at main · dotnet/roslyn · GitHub . That because of the idea of speed of generating code – and the idea of not generating twice the same code.

How is the implementation of IIncrementalGenerator , when you have already an ISourceGenerator  ?

I have moved the ( the generates code to transform comments / obsolete attribute as errors , after a time) and those are my findings

  1. Read the theory from .  The ISourceGenerator was simpler to understand. After you read you can see how  the IIncrementalGenerator makes sense for increasing performance of RSCG.
  2. The code from ISourceGenerator  could be copy and paste to IIncrementalGenerator . The code from ISourceGenerator.Initialize belongs now to context.SyntaxProvider.CreateSyntaxProvider –> predicate , where the code that obtain the datas is written after this
  3. The real code that generates the new source code belong to context.RegisterSourceOutput


There are some problems

  1. Register a diagnostic occurs later  – could be fixed with Analyzers – see Incremental Roslyn Source Generators In .NET 6: Better Experience Through Roslyn Analyzers & Code Fixes – Part 2 – Thinktecture AG
  2. The additional files also occurs later – could be fixed by having a prefix in the file name in the order to not load all files content

Overall , this is a nicer way to wrote code ( although the learning curve is bigger). You can see the result at file RSCG_TimeBombComment\src\RSCG_TimeBombComment\RSCG_TimeBombComment\GenerateFromComments.cs vs RSCG_TimeBombComment\src\RSCG_TimeBombComment\RSCG_TimeBombComment\GenerateFromCommentsIncremental.cs from repo

If you want to see more RSCG with the new method, keep an eye to