NetCoreUsefullEndpoints-part 9- adding endpoints for shutdown

In my NuGet NetCoreUsefullEndpoints package  I want to can shutdown the application . Could be hard way, like calling Environment.Exit or the easy way , like calling a cancellation token. Also, what should happen with all the requests that are coming ? ( And I do not want to mention long running tasks – I do not found a useful registration / un-registration for those)

So I come with the following implementation for forced exit


var rhForced = route.MapPost(“api/usefull/shutdownForced/{id:int}”,
     (int id) =>

For the shutdown that is requested , I come with 3 modifications:

1.In Program.cs , I put a Middleware for not serving the HTTP



await app.RunAsync(UsefullExtensions.UsefullExtensions.cts.Token);

2.  Register the routes in order to use the cancellation token


var rhSec = route.MapPost(“api/usefull/shutdownAfter/{seconds}”,
             (HttpContext httpContext, int seconds) =>
                 RequestedShutdownAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
                 var h = cts.Token.GetHashCode();
                 return h;


3. Use a middleware to return 418 Status Code if the application is shutting down

public class MiddlewareShutdown : IMiddleware
     public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
         if (UsefullExtensions.RequestedShutdownAt != null)
             context.Response.StatusCode = 418;
             await context.Response.WriteAsync(“Service is stopping at ” + UsefullExtensions.RequestedShutdownAt!.Value.ToString(“s”));
         await next(context);

And with those you can shutdown gracefully any ASP.NET Core application ( without long running tasks!)