[ADCES]React – first steps(again) and SRE and .NET
Presentation 1: React( first steps) – again
Presenter: Andrei Ignat, http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/
Descriere : O sa fie atinse urmatoarele concepte prin exemple practice:
1. React ca librarie, nu ca framework
2. Create-react-app – cu typescript si modificarile care trebuie aduse
3. Componente si Utilizarea de Hooks
4. Comunicarea intre componente de React – de la parinte la copil si intre copii diferiti cu RxJS
4. Utilizarea de librarii: React Router, MUI
Presentation 2: What a SRE wants and how .NET provides
Descriere: We will answer to https://oschvr.com/posts/what-id-like-as-sre/ with examples and tests 😉
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