TILT–Analyzing code–part 13

I want a static analysis tool that can be used to check the quality of the code. SonarCloud.io is a great tool for this.

You can find the instructions for the tool here: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard/index/organization/sonarcloud/project/sonarcloud-project-id

It was easy to set up – and it is free. You can see the results here: https://sonarcloud.io/summary/overall?id=ignatandrei_TILT

This is the result

Two were a false positive

var c = this.User?.Claims.ToArray();
if ((c?.Length ?? 0) == 0)
    return -1;
return c.Length;

and one was a problem ( comparing bool with null).

There was a security hotspot – based on Configuring in EF . No problem here.

Solving most of code smells were ok.

I have added also a badge Maintainability Rating

Tools used


GitHub Actions