TILT- BlocklyScenario–part 10

Scenario for adding and retrieving the own TILTs

I needed a way to show to the front-end programmer how he should call the API.

One is to retrieve all the TILTS urls and the other is to add a new TILT, once authenticated

I have used NetCore2Blockly nuget package and configured with demoBlocks ( wwwroot\BlocklyAutomation\assets\showUsage\demoBlocks )

For authentication, this is the link https://tiltwebapp.azurewebsites.net/BlocklyAutomation/automation/loadexample/authenticate

For adding a new TILT , this is how you do it https://tiltwebapp.azurewebsites.net/BlocklyAutomation/automation/loadexample/newPost :

For see all public TILTS, this is how you do it ( https://tiltwebapp.azurewebsites.net/BlocklyAutomation/automation/loadexample/publicTilts )

Tools Used

NetCore2Blockly Visual Studio