DIForFunctions–what it does- part 4

You can find a demo at https://github.com/ignatandrei/FunctionsDI/tree/main/src/FunctionsWithDI  – see TestCOnsoleAPP. But let’s write here also

Generate (constructor) and functions calls similar with ASP.NET Core WebAPI ( [FromServices] will be provided by DI ) Also, verifies for null .


Reference into the csproj

    <PackageReference Include="RSCG_FunctionsWithDI" Version="2022.6.19.1605" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" OutputItemType="Analyzer" />
    <PackageReference Include="RSCG_FunctionsWithDI_Base" Version="2022.6.19.1605" />

Then for every class you can write [FromServices]

using RSCG_FunctionsWithDI_Base;
//namespace if necessary
public partial class TestDIFunction
    public bool TestMyFunc1([FromServices] TestDI1 t1, [FromServices] TestDI2 t2, int x, int y)
        return true;
    //more functions

generates the constructor with needed details

public partial class TestDIFunction
private TestDI1 _TestDI1;
private TestDI2 _TestDI2;
public TestDIFunction  (TestDI1 _TestDI1,TestDI2 _TestDI2) //constructor generated with needed DI

 } //end constructor 

//making call to TestMyFunc1
public bool TestMyFunc1(int  x,int  y){ 
var t1 = this._TestDI1  ;
if(t1 == null) throw new ArgumentException(" service TestDI1  is null in TestDIFunction ");
var t2 = this._TestDI2  ;
if(t2 == null) throw new ArgumentException(" service TestDI2  is null in TestDIFunction ");
return  TestMyFunc1(t1,t2,x,y);

so you can call

var test=serviceProvider.GetService<TestDIFunction>();
Console.WriteLine(test.TestMyFunc1(10,3)); // calling without the [FromServices] arguments