Friday links 477

  1. The pain points of C# source generators – Turnerj (aka. James Turner)
  2. github/codeql-action: Actions for running CodeQL analysis
  3. It haunts us | CommitStrip
  4. Don’t Write Code for a Startup. Confessions of a serial startup… | by Chris The Data Guy | Jun, 2021 | Better Programming
  5. migueldeicaza/gui.cs: Console-based user interface toolkit for .NET applications.
  6. HTTP Range Requests and Partial Responses With ASP.NET Core | Khalid Abuhakmeh
  7. The cost of the cloud – Ayende @ Rahien
  8. Using SSH and to test GitHub webhooks locally
  9. Clean code tip: Principle of Least Surprise – Code4IT
  10. Dinosaur families may have lived in the Arctic year-round | Science News