Friday links 460

  1. Debugging a native deadlock in a .NET Linux application | by Kevin Gosse | Feb, 2021 | Medium
  2. When DRY Doesn’t Work, Go WET. It’s okay if you repeat yourself | by Nick Bull | Better Programming
  3. Clean code through Reactive programming in Angular with RxJS
  4. ironcev/awesome-roslyn: Curated list of awesome Roslyn books, tutorials, open-source projects, analyzers, code fixes, refactorings, and source generators
  5. amis92/csharp-source-generators: A list of C# Source Generators (not necessarily awesome) and associated resources: articles, talks, demos.
  6. atifaziz/Transplator: Simple C# source generator for text templates
  7. Main demo | RevoGrid – Excel like data grid component
  8. cloudcommunity/Free-Certifications: Curated list of free courses & certifications
  9. Multi-Tenant Architecture. Software Architect’s library | by Alex Gurbych | Feb, 2021 | Level Up Coding
  10. A simple template for Onion Architecture with .NET 5 | by David Pereira | Feb, 2021 | Medium