Friday links 457

  1. An AOP Example that Makes MemoryCache Easier to Use – CodeProject
  2. The Biggest Lie in Open Source – Google Search
  3. Who is Tim Woods …… and how do I eliminate him? – Work Smarter Together
  4. What is a T-Shaped developer ?. Full Stack, Frontend, Backend… | by DavidMM | Quick Code | Medium
  5. Using GitHub Actions for Bulk Resolving
  6. sdras/awesome-actions: A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub
  7. From .NET Standard to .NET 5
  8. Real World Localization Implementation ASP.NET Core 5 | Mitchel Sellers
  9. C# 9 Covariant Return Types | Khalid Abuhakmeh
  10. I CAN MAKE THIS WORK…: Prettier your CSharp with dotnet-format and lint-staged