RSCG–AMS – About My software –NuGet– part 5

The problem with RSCG is to differentiate  between the generator and the code generated. In my case , the base class should be in one nuget, the generator in other ( to can remove it from build) and the WebAPI in another.

That took me a whole day and the result is ok . Pain Points: 

CI action and Deploy to nuget

PackageReference Include=”Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design

Now it works for WebAPI with

<PackageReference Include=”AMSWebAPI” Version=”2021.6.26.1937″ />
<PackageReference Include=”AMS_Base” Version=”2021.6.26.1937″ />
<PackageReference Include=”RSCG_AMS” Version=”2021.6.26.1937″ ReferenceOutputAssembly=”false” OutputItemType=”Analyzer” />

And I hve seen that I am not the only one to differentiate between CI servers – for example,

But now the work is done and you can access all AMS via web ,

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

either to AMS/index.html , either to AMS/all .