The component programmer

In our days  there are a few occasions when you wrote all the code. I will give 2 examples:

1. Sorting an array

In the late 90 I will do a Quick sort implementation . In our days, the .NET the Array Sort has many overloads – pick your poison

2. Make a persistent searchable chat between users of the application

In the 90 I will do an implementation with some network file and/or opening a communication channel ( or, if I were picky , with a database) . Now I have so many options to do the job straight away: databases( SqlServer , Mongo ), communications ( RabbitMQ , SignalR, GRPC ) , languages ( .NET Core for me  ),  architecture ( communicating from one client directly via REST  / GRPC  / WCF /  ) , testing ( MSTEST, XUnit, NUnit…) , compiling and deploying ( GitHub Actions, Azure Devops …). And I do not want to comment about the vast amount of components on Nuget  / Npm .

So in our days counts not only knowing a language and how to do algorithms  , but also knowing a large amount of components that can make your work easy to implement.

Note: For sure, there are also programmers that works to the Google/Bing Search Engine. That are working to innovation at ML  / AI . But I think that the most majority of programmers work for some kind of business – and they are much more productive if they are not a DIY/NIH programmers )