
I was trying to apply AOPMethods to – surprise! –  AOPMethods project itself. And I have discovered a new reason: I do not want to make the methods public. I just want to put try/catch around them to know what is wrong.

The fast – and not so good – idea was to transform

MethodPrefix =”pub”

into a

Dictionary<MethodsPrefix: string,  VIsibilty: string>

in order to pass something like that

{ “pub”, “public” } , {“prv”, “private”}

The second idea was better : what if I allow multiple instances and generate accordingly  ?

So I came up with this definition

[AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.MethodWithPartial, MethodPrefix =”pub”)]
[AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.CustomTemplateFile,CustomTemplateFileName =”privateTryCatch.txt”,  MethodSuffix = “bup”)]
partial class Person

And the code  processes both attributes – and generates the code. One slightly problem: Cannot have GeneratedCode and CompilerGenerated on both generated files. But – it works!