AutoActions for Skinny controllers–custom template

Now I want to let the user make his own template. For this, I have enriched the attribute AutoActionsAttribute with a

public string CustomTemplateFileName { get; set; }


The code was pretty easy, just reading from GeneratorExecutionContext . AdditionalFiles instead of reading from the template in the dll


switch (templateId)

case TemplateIndicator.None:
	context.ReportDiagnostic(DoDiagnostic(DiagnosticSeverity.Info, $"class {myController.Name} has no template "));
case TemplateIndicator.CustomTemplateFile:

	var file = context.AdditionalFiles.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Path.EndsWith(templateCustom));
	if (file == null)
		context.ReportDiagnostic(DoDiagnostic(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, $"cannot find {templateCustom} for  {myController.Name} . Did you put in AdditionalFiles in csproj ?"));
	post = file.GetText().ToString();

	using (var stream = executing.GetManifestResourceStream($"SkinnyControllersGenerator.templates.{templateId}.txt"))
		using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
		post = reader.ReadToEnd();



There are 2 small catches

1 see the EndsWith  ? The GeneratorExecutionContext . AdditionalFiles  gives you the full path

2. the additional files should be registered in the .csproj

<AdditionalFiles Include=”Controllers\CustomTemplate1.txt” />


Now the user can define his own template for the controller like this

[AutoActions(template = TemplateIndicator.CustomTemplateFile, FieldsName = new[] { "*" } ,CustomTemplateFileName = "Controllers\\CustomTemplate1.txt")]
    public partial class CustomTemplateController : ControllerBase
        private readonly RepositoryWF repository;

        public CustomTemplateController ()
            //do via DI
            repository = new RepositoryWF();


And this is all ! ( ok. some documentation should be involved)