Full Projects

My first blog post in English is from 14 nov 2009 ( http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/2009/11/14/jquery-learning/ ). It was on the time that Jquery was just integrated in VS 2010.

My first blog post about programming was from 13 March 2005 (http://serviciipeweb.ro/iafblog/2005/03/13/pentru-inceput/ ). I was working on “ log4Net, NUnit , C#, asp.net, VB.Net sai VB6” …..

From the old blog in Romanian, those are the projects that remains ok: http://serviciipeweb.ro/iafblog/2015/03/23/proiecte-codeplex/

From the new blog in English , those are the projects that I have created:  http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/full-projects/
