Retarder–Fixed and Random strategy and Tests-part 4

Now I want to make a second strategy : the random strategy between a min and a max value. This is only to minimize the impact on the extension that uses the Random – it is good to be hidden inside. For Random Strategy it is better to re-use the Fixed Strategy – and this is the code:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace NetCoreRetarderCore
    public class StrategyAwaitRandom : IStrategyAwait
        StrategyAwaitFixed sf;
        public StrategyAwaitRandom(int min,int max)
            if (min > max)
                var x = min;
                min = max;
                max = min;
            var random = new Random();
            var awaitTime = random.Next(min, max);
            sf = new StrategyAwaitFixed(awaitTime);
        public Task<IStrategyAwait> AwaitDelayAfter()
            return sf.AwaitDelayAfter();

        public Task<IStrategyAwait> AwaitDelayBefore()
            return sf.AwaitDelayBefore();


Also, I want to make some tests to verify the awaits. So I choose and my tests looks like this:

using LightBDD.Framework;
using LightBDD.Framework.Scenarios;
using LightBDD.XUnit2;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
[assembly: LightBddScope]

namespace NetCoreRetarderTest


   @"This will test just how 

will await a determined number of time
    public partial class TestStrategyAwait

        [Label("wait times fixed")]

        [Trait("Category", "Wait")]

        public async Task WaitTime(int nrSeconds)

            await Runner.RunScenarioAsync(

                    _ => When_Choosing_Fixed_Await_For_NRSECONDS_Seconds(nrSeconds),

                    _=> And_Await(),

                    _=> Then_Time_Ellapsed_Will_Be_NRSECONDS_Seconds(Math.Max(nrSeconds, 0))



        [Label("wait times random")]


        public async Task WaitTimeRandom(int min,int max)


            await Runner.RunScenarioAsync(

                    _ => When_Choosing_Random_Await_Between_MIN_And_MAX_Seconds(min,max),

                    _ => And_Await(),

                    _ => Then_Time_Ellapsed_Will_Be_Between_MIN_And_MAX_Seconds(Math.Max(min, 0),Math.Max(max,0))



You can find the code at