Caching data backend–.NET Core–part 49

We have 2 options to cache data: One in webAPI, one when returns from database.

For WebAPI, I have read


It is also important to read the conditions for caching : ( e.g. only GET or HEAD is cached)

It is just very easy – see github commit

Also, can be tested by setting a breakpoint in VisualStudio  – see that is activated just 1 time.

Now, the interesting part – I need the cache for the remaining of the day, in case the exchange rate is in the same day .

Because I need this functionality for both ECB and BNR banks( and may for others), I either create a C# extension, either a base class (instead of an interface ) , either I use a feature of C# 8,  interface that have implementations.

The first try is here:

Where I have do the code wrong: the key to cache and the items to cache are different. See

I am using Memory Cache

namespace InfoValutarShared
#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles
public interface BankGetExchange
#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles
public string Bank { get; }
Task<IEnumerable<ExchangeRates>> GetActualRates();
DateTime Key()
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
now = now.AddDays(-1);
if (now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
now = now.AddDays(-1);
return now;

IEnumerable<ExchangeRates> TodayFromCache

var keyDate = Key();
string key = $”{this.Bank}_{keyDate.ToString(“yyyyMMdd”)}”;
var mc = MemoryCache.Default;
if (mc.Contains(key))
return mc[key] as ExchangeRates[];

return null;

var keyDate = Key();
string key = $”{this.Bank}_{keyDate.ToString(“yyyyMMdd”)}”;
var mc = MemoryCache.Default;
value = value
.Where(it => Math.Abs(it.Date.Subtract(keyDate).TotalDays) < 1)
if (value.Any())
mc.Set(key, value, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7));



and using this like this

public async Task<IEnumerable<ExchangeRates>> GetActualRates()
var b = this as BankGetExchange;
if (b.TodayFromCache != null)
return b.TodayFromCache;

//code omitted

b.TodayFromCache = ret;

return ret;


And this is it…