String interpolation for EFCore and Like

I have had a problem with EF Core and String Interpolation – until I realized that was a problem with sp_executesql

But let’s see the whole problem. ta

EFCore supports string interpolation –  that means , if you give this code

<context>.<table>.FromSql($”select blabla from table where id={id}”)

it will transform into

exec sp_executesql N’select blabla from table where id= @p0 ”
‘,N’@p0 int’,@p0=N’200′

And it is very good , because it avoids sql injection . ( Just a note, do not put

$”select blabla from table where id={id}”

into a variable  – you WILL have SqlInjection )

Ok. Now I want to do a like –  plain simple, right ?

<context>.<table>.FromSql($”select blabla from table where CountryName like ‘%{name}%’ ”)

And I try  –  and NO RESULT comes. I will into the generated Sql ( by using SqlProfiler from SSMS ) and it gives

exec sp_executesql N’select blabla from table where CountryName like ”%p0%”’,N’@p0 nvarchar(4000)’,@p0=N’france’

Pretty harmless , right ?

And seems ok – until I have executed directly and see that no results come.

So StackOverflow to the rescue :

And so my query in C# have been modified to

<context>.<table>.FromSql($”select blabla from table where where CountryName like ‘%’ + {name} + ‘%'” )

And now it works!

Moral of the  story : always investigate the sql generated .