Friday links 272

  1. Getting Literal With ES6 Template Strings  |  Web  |  Google Developers
  2. Scientist.NET 1.0 released! – You’ve Been Haacked
  3. alastairtree/LazyCache: An easy to use thread safe generics based in memory caching service with a simple developer friendly API for c#
  4. Introducing the ASP.Net Async SessionState Module | .NET Web Development and Tools Blog
  5. Nadeem Afana’s blog · ASP.NET MVC 5 Internationalization
  6. Quick-R: Time Series
  7. Forecasting: principles and practice | OTexts
  8. a-little-book-of-r-for-time-series.pdf
  9. ts_r_intro.pdf
  10. Google Cloud Platform Blog: Making ASP.NET apps first-class citizens on Google Cloud Platform
  11. ASP.NET Core Support for Elastic Beanstalk – AWS Developer Blog – Windows and .NET
  12. thepirat000/Audit.NET: A small framework to audit .NET object changes
  13. Software Architecture Review Guidelines – CodeProject
  14. Architecture Evaluation and Review Practices
  15. FancyGrid/awesome-grid: A curated list of grid(table) libraries and resources that developers may find useful.