Friday links 263

  1. is not available
  2. Taking Pictures from HTML – Simple Talk
  3. What’s New in Entity Framework Core 1.0? – Stormpath User Identity API
  4. Paid extensions in the Visual Studio marketplace | Brian Harry’s blog
  5. A Loud Sound Just Shut Down a Bank’s Data Center for 10 Hours | Motherboard
  6. A different view on creation – Ayende @ Rahien
  7. Suzanne Sadedin’s answer to What are the best examples of actions that are moral, even uplifting, but illegal? – Quora
  8. How to Pick the Fastest Line at the Supermarket – The New York Times
  9. ASP.NET Core Action Arguments Validation using an ActionFilter | Software Engineering
  10. Real-World CQRS/ES with ASP.NET and Redis Part 1 – Overview
  11. Real-World CQRS/ES with ASP.NET and Redis Part 2 – The Write Model
  12. Chart Controls using TagHelpers & morris.js – Hisham
  13. Application Configuration in .NET Core – Part 2 | The Blog of Colin Angus Mackay
  14. Using ASP.NET Core against .NET 4.6 –
  15. The SQL of Textonyms – Simple Talk