AOP with Roslyn–part 3–custom code at beginning of each method

Last time(  we have injected a new code into each method . However, this code was pretty much hardcoded into the MethodRewriter class – it was a simple



Now we want to can customize this code at the will of the programmer. For this, I have modified classes RewriteCode and MethodRewriter to accept a parameter named Formatter . To run the test that worked previously, I made a parameterless  constructor for RewriteCode in order to preserve compatiblity.



public RewriteCode(): this("Console.WriteLine(\"{nameClass}_{nameMethod}_{lineStartNumber}\");")

public RewriteCode(string formatter)
    Formatter = formatter;

The VisitMethod is now much simpler:

string nameVariable =Formatter.FormatWith(new { nameClass,nameMethod,lineStartNumber=lineStart.Line});
var cmd = SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement(nameVariable);

( The .FormatWith is an extension from )
Also, I have made a new test to test this one – and I have inserted into code an variable named s:
string s=\”this is method {nameMethod} from class {nameClass} at line {lineStartNumber}\”;”
The test is

public void TestMethodRewriterAddVariable()

var rc = new RewriteCode(
"string s=\"this is method {nameMethod} from class {nameClass} at line {lineStartNumber}\";"
rc.Code = @"
using System;
namespace Test1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
              var dt=DateTime.Now;
            var result = rc.RewriteCodeMethod();
            var newCode = @"
using System;

namespace Test1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string s = ""this is method Main from class Program at line 6"";
            var dt = DateTime.Now;
            Assert.AreEqual(result.Replace(Environment.NewLine, ""), newCode.Replace(Environment.NewLine, ""));