Friday links 235

  1. How to Version Assemblies Destined for Nuget | Coding for Smarties
  2. Getting Started With Rx.js: A Gentle Introduction – Barbarian Meets Coding
  3. Man 'deletes his entire company' with a single line of code
  4. Microsoft Delivers Visual Studio Code 1.0 –
  5. The compiled query feature in Marten and why it rocks. | The Shade Tree Developer
  6. Marten
  7. Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition is now free | SQL Server Blog
  8. Versioning Software Builds Based on Git Tags and Semantic Versioning (SemVer) – Tugberk Ugurlu's Blog
  9. The Top JavaScript Frameworks for this Year DebugMe Blog
  10. Validating Commands with the Decorator Pattern
  11. Home – Helios Framework
  12. Sustainable Test-Driven Development: TDD and the "6 Do's and 8 Skills" of Software Development: Pt. 1
  13. SQL Server performance monitoring: dealing with deadlocks