Non (Coding Standards)
What do you say when you see this code?
Console.WriteLine(((ThirdEnum)(new Task<string>(() => { return ((FirstEnum)((Func<string>)(() => { return "Hello World"; })).Invoke().Invoke()).Invoke(); })).Await().ContinueWith((@string) => { return ((SecondEnum)(@string.ContinueWith((@return) => { return ((FirstEnum)(@return.Result.Invoke() + 3)).Invoke(); }).Result.Invoke())).Invoke(); }).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Invoke())); Console.ReadKey();
namespace ConfusingCode { public static class Things { public static int Invoke(this string invokedItem) { lock (Program.key) { Console.Write(invokedItem.Length == 1 ? invokedItem + (invokedItem == ((SecondEnum)invokedItem.Length - 1).Invoke() ? invokedItem : "") : ""); } return invokedItem.Length > 0 ? 0 : 0; } public static Task<string> Await(this Task<string> taskToAwait) { taskToAwait.Start(); return taskToAwait; } public static string Invoke(this FirstEnum val) { return ((Enum)val).Invoke(); } public static string Invoke(this SecondEnum val) { return ((Enum)val).Invoke(); } public static string Invoke(this ThirdEnum val) { return ((Enum)val).Invoke(); } public static string Invoke(this Enum @enum) { return @enum.ToString(); } } public enum FirstEnum { P = 0, I = 3, } public enum SecondEnum { Z = 0, } public enum ThirdEnum { A = 0 } }
And what should be added to the coding standards in order to not permit this … code ?
( Credits to Stefan Petrini for the code )
One question: the names for the various enums, classes and methods are the real ones, or they were ‘anonymized’?
Other than that, what can you add to coding standards?
‘don’t go drunk to the office’
or ‘the code should be understandable by humans too’
This was an example from the most twisted programmer that I know: Stefan Petrini .
Never heard of him.. And if the code really was the one above, I wouldn’t call this “twisted”, but just plain bad/obfuscated on purpose programming.