MVC planning poker–part 6

The complete case 4 is:

Use Case 4: Estimation saved
Moderator enters a round name (?) .
Participants choose a value.
When all participants have choosen the value, the cards are shown
The cards with  high estimates and low estimates are highlighted
Host press "create new estimation" and create new estimation
The old estimation is saved in history

For now it is the moment to do estimation and save in the memory.

The code is

            public void EstimationSaved()
                var td = createdTable();
                var rd = td.Table.StartRound("first");
                rd.AddCardChoice(1, newParticipantName1);
                rd.AddCardChoice(Card.NotSure, newParticipantName2);
                rd.AddCardChoice(3, newParticipantName3);

                var est=rd.ParticipantChoices(newParticipantName1).ToArray();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, est.Last());

                est = rd.ParticipantChoices(newParticipantName2).ToArray();
                Assert.AreEqual(Card.NotSure, est.First());
                Assert.AreEqual(3, est.Last());

                est = rd.ParticipantChoices(newParticipantName3).ToArray();
                Assert.AreEqual(3, est.First());
                Assert.AreEqual(Card.WithoutChoice, est.Last());
