MVC planning poker-implementing security-part 4

I figured a way to see how to implement security.  When the Moderator creates a table, the factory does not return a Table – but a combination of Table and ModeratorKey. Now the Moderator must maintain his ModeratorKey .The function that boots a participant requires passing this ModeratorKey – and , if it is correct, it boots the participant. The codes are the following:

        public void UseCase3BootTemporary()
            var td = createdTable();
            td.Table.BootParticipant(td.ModeratorKey, newParticipantName);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, td.Table.Participants.Count);

        public void UseCase3BootPermanently()
            var td = createdTable();
            td.Table.BootParticipant(td.ModeratorKey, newParticipantName,true);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, td.Table.Participants.Count);
            catch (PPBannedUserException)
                return;//expecting this exception    
            Assert.IsTrue(false,"the add participant should be throwing an error");

Now, as you can see , anyone could boot a participant from the table – with the condition, of course, to know the Moderator key.
Next time we will implement cards.