Friday links 65

  1. JSbooks – free javascript books
  2. The Ideal Praise-to-Criticism Ratio – Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman – Harvard Business Review
  3. A Tweet Falls in the Woods: How People See (or Don’t) Your Best Posts | Social Media Today
  4. Another America – Thomas JORION Photographer
  5. Best Best Practices Ever | Javalobby
  6. The No UI debate is rubbish
  7. Dynamic LINQ Queries with Expression Trees
  8. Demo: Pure CSS speech bubbles – Nicolas Gallagher
  9. Book Of Hook
  10. How do I become a successful programmer?—programming is terrible
  11. Thinking Like a Web Designer | Android Developers Blog
  12. Visualizing the customer experience using customer experience journey maps | Designing Change
  13. Learn Modules | Unity
  14. Brian’s Stupid Feed Tricks
  15. Time for some perspective in the free-to-play games debate | Technology |
  16. Breaking down Amazon’s mega dropdown – Ben Kamens
  17. Apply session state behavior per action in Asp.Net MVC – Thoughts Compiler
  18. Using the SQLite database engine with Windows Phone 8 apps
  19. Twitter / ryan: This is by far the best bit …
  20. Poor Man’s Agile: Scrum in 5 Simple Steps at Scott Porad
  21. Algorithm predicts your location in 24 hours with 20-metre accuracy (Wired UK)