Friday links 44

  1. The Database Deluge… Who’s Who
  2. 10 free tools for admins on a tight budget | TechRepublic
  3. Programmer Interrupted
  4. Programmers: Before you turn 40, get a plan B « Improving Software
  5. Inspiration and Chai
  6. Marketing to Women :: Marketing to Affluent Women Online
  7. RealTime Data Compression: Selecting a Checksum algorithm
  8. Cargo Cult Coder: What Databases Fix
  9. Masterminds of Programming :: The Brush Blog
  10. Ten things I love && hate about C :: The Brush Blog
  11. Form Follows Function
  12. Google People Operations: The secrets of the world’s most scientific human resources department. – Slate Magazine
  13. Microsoft Designer Has Radical Vision – Business Insider
  14. The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy) | NCZOnline
  15. Being right doesn’t matter | NCZOnline
  16. Why software engineers fail | NCZOnline
  17. What do I.T. Specialists do? [Infographic] | Daily Infographic
  18. How to Write Code That Embraces Change | Nettuts+
  19. The End of the Web, Search, and Computer as We Know It | Wired Opinion |
  20. Raspberry Pi’s Secret: ‘Sell Out a Little to Sell a Lot’ | Wired Opinion |
  21. Select2 3.3
  22. Meet the Data Brains Behind the Rise of Facebook | Wired Enterprise |
  23. The Daily Checklist : zenhabits