GitHub as a central Hub

I do not know how, but GitHub is now a hub for all things.

I , personnally, used GitHub as a

– source control ( see )

– documentation ( see )

– Angular application deployment (   – done with  gh-pages –  see build.bat from )

– read-only database ( Sqlite download from github in the project )

I have seen many other uses

–  like Docker files generator ( for example, for docker phone gap  see )

– blog

and may others (

I need just a server hosting service affordable….

Import large Excel file into SqlServer

I have to import the list of NGO from Romania to SqlServer.  Before seeing my solution , please do it yourself: the file could be found at and the name is Asociatii

I have tried with SSMS – no luck ( text will be truncated, even when I put nvarchar(max))

The I tried with flat file from CSV  – same

Finally, I have solved with a little bit of VBA : first I have tried to write the insert into file and execute with sqlcmd. The file was too large, so sqlcmd does not report any errors( and not insert anything)

So the solution was to generate a batch file that have this

sqlcmd  -S . -E -d InfoRo -Q “INSERT INTO [dbo].[Asociatii$]  ([Denumire]  ,[Numar inreg Reg National],[pozitie inchisa (da/nu)],[Starea actuala],[Judet],[Localitate],[Adresa],[Asociati/Fondatori],[Scop],[Consiliu director],[Apartenenta federatie],[HG utilitate publica],[Data HG utilitate publica],[F14])values( ////)”

generated by this VBA script

Option Explicit

Sub x()
Dim startInsert As String

startInsert = "sqlcmd  -S . -E -d InfoRo -Q ""INSERT INTO [dbo].[Asociatii$]"
         startInsert = startInsert & "  ([Denumire]"
         startInsert = startInsert & "  ,[Numar inreg Reg National]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[pozitie inchisa (da/nu)]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[Starea actuala]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[Judet]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[Localitate]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[Adresa]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[Asociati/Fondatori]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[Scop]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[Consiliu director]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[Apartenenta federatie]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[HG utilitate publica]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[Data HG utilitate publica]"
           startInsert = startInsert & ",[F14])values("
           Dim i As Long, j As Integer, text As String
           Dim insert As String
           For i = 2 To 86813
            insert = insert & startInsert
            For j = Asc("A") To Asc("M")
                text = Sheet1.Range(Chr(j) & i).text
                text = Replace(text, vbCr, " ")
                text = Replace(text, vbLf, " ")
                text = Trim(text)
                 text = Replace(text, "'", "''")
                text = Replace(text, "  ", " ")
                insert = insert & "'" & text & "',"
            Next j
            insert = insert & "null)" & """"
            insert = insert & vbCrLf
            If (i Mod 150 = 0) Then
                Open "C:\Users\Surface1\Desktop\2Percent\a.bat" For Append As #1
                Print #1, insert
                Close #1
                insert = ""
            End If
           Next i
           If (Len(insert) > 0) Then
                Open "C:\Users\Surface1\Desktop\2Percent\a.bat" For Append As #1
                Print #1, insert
                Close #1
                insert = ""
            End If
End Sub

Obtain data from ANAF(local IRS)

In ROmania ANAF is providing a WebAPI that allows access to some of the information that any enterprise should provide. The API is described at ,

I have made a C# console and a node,js script.

The differences: is easiear in node to make an http request.

2. For C# – I think in components. For node – I think in application.

Without further ado, here is the code

using RestSharp;
using System;

namespace InfoAnafWS
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if(args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("lipseste CUI ");
            var client = new RestClient("");
            var request = new RestRequest("PlatitorTvaRest/api/v3/ws/tva", Method.POST);
            request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
            string date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string req = "";
            foreach (var item in args)
                req += string.Format(@"{{'cui': {1}, 'data':'{0}'}}", date, item);
            req = req.Replace("'", "\"");
            req = "[" + req + "]";

            request.AddParameter("application/json", req, ParameterType.RequestBody);
            var data = client.Execute(request);

const start = async () => {
let request = require('request');

const d = require('delay');
await d(1000);
var fs = require('fs');
var array = fs.readFileSync('CUI.txt').toString().split("\r\n");
var start=0;

	var nr = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(495))+1;
	var jsonData=[];
	console.log('start at ' + start+  ' for nr ' + nr);
	var i=0;
	while(i<nr && i+start<array.length){
		jsonData.push({"cui": array[i+start], "data":"2018-03-26"});
	var finish=false;
	console.log('array :'+ jsonData[0].cui + '-'  + jsonData[nr-1].cui);
    { json: jsonData },
    function (error, response, body) {
        if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
			fs.writeFile(`text${start}_${nr}.json`, JSON.stringify( body ), function (err) {
            if (err) {
                return console.log(err);

            console.log("The file was saved!" + `text${start}_${nr}.json`);

	start = start+nr;
		await d(13000);



Tiny Types–documentation–part 4

This is a series



tiny types in C#

Build Status

Tiny types is a NuGET dll ,

Also , you can find the construction here:

The documentation is copied shameless from


To install the module from nuget : … Install-Package TinyTypesObjects …

Defining Tiny Types

An int on its own is just a scalar with no meaning. With an object, even a small one, you are giving both the compiler and the programmer additional information about what the value is and why it is being used.

Jeff Bay, Object Calisthenics

Single-value types

To define a single-value TinyType – extend from TinyType<T>() :

If you want operator ==, please use TinyTypeOf or TinyTypeOfString

using TinyTypesObjects;

public class Age : TinyTypeOf<int>
        public Age(int nr) : base(nr)

public class FirstName : TinyTypeOfString
        public FirstName(string str) : base(str)


Every tiny type defined this way has a get property value of type T, which you can use to access the wrapped primitive value. For example:

var firstName = new FirstName("Jan");

Assert.AreEqual(firstName.value , "Jan");
Converting from / to original values

There are defined conversions between type T and the class

public void TestConvert()
            string s = "";
            TinyTypeOfString tt = s;
            Assert.AreEqual(s, (string)tt);

            int nr = 7;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt1 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(nr, (int)tt1);

so the following code should work for the class with constructor string

class TestConstructor
        public TestConstructor(string firstName)
            FirstName = firstName;

        public string FirstName { get; }
        public void TestConstructor()
            var firstName = new FirstName("Jan");
            TestConstructor tc = new TestConstructor(firstName);
            Assert.AreEqual(tc.FirstName, "Jan");
Equals or ==

Each tiny type object has an equals method, which you can use to compare it by value:

int nr = 7;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == tt2);


Blog About:


TinyTypes–adding equality operator–part 3

This is a series



Now we have come to the interesting part – the equality operator.

We have already operator equals, but not ==

        public void TestSimpleIntOperatorEqual()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyType<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyType<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringOperatorEqual()
            string s = "";
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);

Because we primary want this TinyTypes for structs( int, double, bool, and so on) we can define a new class

For this we could implement operator  ==  by using the Equals operator ( because we KNOW that a struct cannot be null)

public class TinyTypeOf<T> : TinyType<T>
        where T:struct
        public TinyTypeOf(T tDef) : base(tDef)

        public static bool operator ==(TinyTypeOf<T> lhs, TinyTypeOf<T> rhs)
            if(lhs is null)
                return rhs is null;
            return lhs.t.Equals(rhs.t);

        public static bool operator !=(TinyTypeOf<T> lhs, TinyTypeOf<T> rhs)
            return !(lhs==rhs);


Also, because the string is not a struct, but a class, we need for String also:

public class TinyTypeOfString : TinyType<string>

And the tests are

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using TinyTypesObjects;

namespace TinyTypesTest
    public class TestTinyTypeOperatorEqual
        public void TestSimpleIntOperatorEqual()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyType<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyType<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringOperatorEqual()
            string s = "";
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringOperatorEqualWorks()
            string s = "";

            TinyTypeOfString tt1 = s;
            TinyTypeOfString tt2 = s;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == tt2);

        public void TestSimpleIntOperatorEqualWorks()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleIntNrOperatorEqualWorks()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyType<int> tt1 = nr;
            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, nr);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == nr);

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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