Category: RSCG

RSCG – Dapper.AOT

RSCG – Dapper.AOT

name Dapper.AOT
author Marc Gravell

Generating AOT code for Dapper -hydrating classes from SQL queries.


This is how you can use Dapper.AOT .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Dapper" Version="2.1.35" />
    <PackageReference Include="Dapper.AOT" Version="1.0.31" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.SqlClient" Version="5.2.2" />

The code that you will use is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Dapper" Version="2.1.35" />
    <PackageReference Include="Dapper.AOT" Version="1.0.31" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.SqlClient" Version="5.2.2" />

// See for more information

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
var p= Product.GetProduct(new SqlConnection("Server=localhost;Database=AdventureWorks2019;Trusted_Connection=True;"), 1);

namespace DapperDemo;
internal partial class Product
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; } = "";
    public string ProductId { get; set; } = ""; 
    public static Product GetProduct(SqlConnection connection, int productId) => connection.QueryFirst<Product>(
    "select ID, Name, ProductId from Production.Product where ProductId=@productId", new { productId });

global using Dapper;
global using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;
global using DapperDemo;

[module: DapperAot]


The code that is generated is

#nullable enable
namespace Dapper.AOT // interceptors must be in a known namespace
    file static class DapperGeneratedInterceptors
        [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InterceptsLocationAttribute("D:\\gth\\RSCG_Examples\\v2\\rscg_examples\\Dapper.AOT\\src\\DapperDemo\\DapperDemo\\Product.cs", 8, 93)]
        internal static global::DapperDemo.Product QueryFirst0(this global::System.Data.IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object? param, global::System.Data.IDbTransaction? transaction, int? commandTimeout, global::System.Data.CommandType? commandType)
            // Query, TypedResult, HasParameters, SingleRow, Text, AtLeastOne, BindResultsByName, KnownParameters
            // takes parameter: <anonymous type: int productId>
            // parameter map: productId
            // returns data: global::DapperDemo.Product
            global::System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((commandType ?? global::Dapper.DapperAotExtensions.GetCommandType(sql)) == global::System.Data.CommandType.Text);
            global::System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(param is not null);

            return global::Dapper.DapperAotExtensions.Command(cnn, transaction, sql, global::System.Data.CommandType.Text, commandTimeout.GetValueOrDefault(), CommandFactory0.Instance).QueryFirst(param, RowFactory0.Instance);


        private static global::Dapper.CommandFactory<object?> DefaultCommandFactory => global::Dapper.CommandFactory.Simple;

        private sealed class RowFactory0 : global::Dapper.RowFactory<global::DapperDemo.Product>
            internal static readonly RowFactory0 Instance = new();
            private RowFactory0() {}
            public override object? Tokenize(global::System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader, global::System.Span<int> tokens, int columnOffset)
                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                    int token = -1;
                    var name = reader.GetName(columnOffset);
                    var type = reader.GetFieldType(columnOffset);
                    switch (NormalizedHash(name))
                        case 926444256U when NormalizedEquals(name, "id"):
                            token = type == typeof(int) ? 0 : 3; // two tokens for right-typed and type-flexible
                        case 2369371622U when NormalizedEquals(name, "name"):
                            token = type == typeof(string) ? 1 : 4;
                        case 2521315361U when NormalizedEquals(name, "productid"):
                            token = type == typeof(string) ? 2 : 5;

                    tokens[i] = token;

                return null;
            public override global::DapperDemo.Product Read(global::System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader, global::System.ReadOnlySpan<int> tokens, int columnOffset, object? state)
                global::DapperDemo.Product result = new();
                foreach (var token in tokens)
                    switch (token)
                        case 0:
                            result.ID = reader.GetInt32(columnOffset);
                        case 3:
                            result.ID = GetValue<int>(reader, columnOffset);
                        case 1:
                            result.Name = reader.GetString(columnOffset);
                        case 4:
                            result.Name = GetValue<string>(reader, columnOffset);
                        case 2:
                            result.ProductId = reader.GetString(columnOffset);
                        case 5:
                            result.ProductId = GetValue<string>(reader, columnOffset);


                return result;



        private sealed class CommandFactory0 : global::Dapper.CommandFactory<object?> // <anonymous type: int productId>
            internal static readonly CommandFactory0 Instance = new();
            public override void AddParameters(in global::Dapper.UnifiedCommand cmd, object? args)
                var typed = Cast(args, static () => new { productId = default(int) }); // expected shape
                var ps = cmd.Parameters;
                global::System.Data.Common.DbParameter p;
                p = cmd.CreateParameter();
                p.ParameterName = "productId";
                p.DbType = global::System.Data.DbType.Int32;
                p.Direction = global::System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input;
                p.Value = AsValue(typed.productId);

            public override void UpdateParameters(in global::Dapper.UnifiedCommand cmd, object? args)
                var typed = Cast(args, static () => new { productId = default(int) }); // expected shape
                var ps = cmd.Parameters;
                ps[0].Value = AsValue(typed.productId);

            public override bool CanPrepare => true;


namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    // this type is needed by the compiler to implement interceptors - it doesn't need to
    // come from the runtime itself, though

    [global::System.Diagnostics.Conditional("DEBUG")] // not needed post-build, so: evaporate
    [global::System.AttributeUsage(global::System.AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
    sealed file class InterceptsLocationAttribute : global::System.Attribute
        public InterceptsLocationAttribute(string path, int lineNumber, int columnNumber)
            _ = path;
            _ = lineNumber;
            _ = columnNumber;

Code and pdf at

RSCG – Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32

RSCG – Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32

name Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32
author Microsoft

Generating WinAPI code in C#


This is how you can use Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32 .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32" Version="0.3.106">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>


The code that you will use is

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!" + Windows.Win32.PInvoke.GetTickCount());



The code that is generated is

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#pragma warning disable CS1591,CS1573,CS0465,CS0649,CS8019,CS1570,CS1584,CS1658,CS0436,CS8981
[assembly: global::System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32","0.3.106+a37a0b4b70")]

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#pragma warning disable CS1591,CS1573,CS0465,CS0649,CS8019,CS1570,CS1584,CS1658,CS0436,CS8981
using global::System;
using global::System.Diagnostics;
using global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using global::System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using global::System.Runtime.Versioning;
using winmdroot = global::Windows.Win32;
namespace Windows.Win32

	/// <content>
	/// Contains extern methods from "KERNEL32.dll".
	/// </content>
	[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32", "0.3.106+a37a0b4b70")]
	internal static partial class PInvoke
		/// <summary>Retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started, up to 49.7 days.</summary>
		/// <returns>The return value is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started.</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>The resolution of the <b>GetTickCount</b> function is limited to the resolution of the system timer, which is typically in the range of  10 milliseconds to 16 milliseconds. The resolution of the <b>GetTickCount</b> function is not affected by adjustments made by the <a href="">GetSystemTimeAdjustment</a> function. The elapsed time is stored as a <b>DWORD</b> value. Therefore, the time will wrap around to zero if the system is run continuously for 49.7 days. To avoid this problem, use the <a href="">GetTickCount64</a> function. Otherwise, check for an overflow condition when comparing times. If you need a higher resolution timer, use a <a href="">multimedia timer</a> or a <a href="">high-resolution timer</a>. To obtain the time elapsed since the computer was started, retrieve the System Up Time counter in the performance data in the registry key <b>HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA</b>. The value returned is an 8-byte value. For more information, see <a href="">Performance Counters</a>. To obtain the time the system has spent in the working state since it was started, use the <a href="">QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime</a> function. <div class="alert"><b>Note</b>  The <a href="">QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime</a> function produces different results on debug ("checked") builds of Windows, because the interrupt-time count and tick count are advanced by approximately 49 days. This helps to identify bugs that might not occur until the system has been running for a long time. The checked build is available to MSDN subscribers through the <a href="">Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)</a> Web site.</div> <div> </div></para>
		/// <para><see href="">Read more on</see>.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		[DllImport("KERNEL32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
		internal static extern uint GetTickCount();

Code and pdf at

RSCG – GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop

RSCG – GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop

name GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop
author surgicalcoder

Generating interop from C# to javascript for Blazor


This is how you can use GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.BlazorWebAssembly">


    <PackageReference Include="GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop" Version="2.0.7">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly" Version="9.0.0-rc.2.24474.3" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.DevServer" Version="9.0.0-rc.2.24474.3" PrivateAssets="all" />
		<AdditionalFiles Include="BlazorInterop.json" />


The code that you will use is

  "Files": [
      "Output_DeleteThis_ToHave_InYourProject": "JSInterop.cs",
      "ClassName": "JSInterop",
      "Source": "wwwroot\\blazorinterop.js",
      "Namespace": "GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop.Playground.Client",
      "ObjectToInterop": "window.blazorInterop",
      "Init": ["window={}"]
  "InvokeVoidString": "await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync(\"{0}\", {1});",
  "InvokeString": "return await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<T>(\"{0}\",{1});"

window.blazorInterop = {
    showModal: function (dialogId) {
        window.alert('see after this the page title'+dialogId);
        return true;
    setPageTitle: function(title) {
        document.title = title;

@page "/"

@inject IJSRuntime JS


<h1>Hello, world!</h1>

Welcome to your new app.

<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="IncrementCount">Click me</button>

@code {
    private int currentCount = 0;

    private async Task IncrementCount()
        var res= await JS.showModalAsync<bool>(currentCount);
        await JS.setPageTitleVoidAsync($" after {currentCount}  the result is " + res);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <base href="/" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css" />
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png" />
    <link href="MyTestBlazoe.styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="blazorinterop.js" ></script>

    <div id="app">
        <svg class="loading-progress">
            <circle r="40%" cx="50%" cy="50%" />
            <circle r="40%" cx="50%" cy="50%" />
        <div class="loading-progress-text"></div>

    <div id="blazor-error-ui">
        An unhandled error has occurred.
        <a href="." class="reload">Reload</a>
        <span class="dismiss">🗙</span>
    <script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>



The code that is generated is

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.JSInterop;

namespace GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop.Playground.Client
    public static class JSInterop
        public static string _window_blazorInterop_showModal => "window.blazorInterop.showModal";

        public static async Task showModalVoidAsync(this IJSRuntime JSRuntime, object @dialogId)
            await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("window.blazorInterop.showModal", @dialogId);

        public static async Task<T> showModalAsync<T>(this IJSRuntime JSRuntime, object @dialogId)
            return await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<T>("window.blazorInterop.showModal", @dialogId);

        public static string _window_blazorInterop_setPageTitle => "window.blazorInterop.setPageTitle";

        public static async Task setPageTitleVoidAsync(this IJSRuntime JSRuntime, object @title)
            await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("window.blazorInterop.setPageTitle", @title);

        public static async Task<T> setPageTitleAsync<T>(this IJSRuntime JSRuntime, object @title)
            return await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<T>("window.blazorInterop.setPageTitle", @title);

Code and pdf at

RSCG – Hsu.Sg.FluentMember

RSCG – Hsu.Sg.FluentMember

name Hsu.Sg.FluentMember
author Net Hsu

Adding builder pattern to classes


This is how you can use Hsu.Sg.FluentMember .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



	    <PackageReference Include="Hsu.Sg.FluentMember" Version="2024.101.8-rc175707">
	      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>


The code that you will use is

using Builder;

var pOld = new Person();
pOld= pOld.WithFirstName("Andrei").WithLastName("Ignat").WithMiddleName("G");


namespace Builder;
public partial class Person
    public string FirstName { get; init; }
    public string? MiddleName { get; init; }
    public string LastName { get; init; }

    public string FullName()
        return FirstName + " " + MiddleName + " "+LastName;


The code that is generated is

// <auto-generated/>

using System;

namespace Hsu.Sg.FluentMember
    /// <summary>
    /// The flag to generate member set method.
    /// </summary>
        AttributeTargets.Struct |
        AllowMultiple = false,
        Inherited = false)]
    internal sealed class FluentMemberAttribute : Attribute
        /// <summary>
        ///     The public member are generated.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Public { get; set; } = true;

        /// <summary>
        ///     The internal member are generated.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Internal { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        ///     The private member are generated.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Private { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        ///     Only [FluentMemberGen] member are generated.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Only { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// The prefix of member name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>default is `With`</remarks>
        public string Prefix { get; set; } = string.Empty;

    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field |
        AttributeTargets.Property |
        AllowMultiple = false,
        Inherited = false)]
    internal sealed class FluentMemberGenAttribute : Attribute
        /// <summary>
        ///   Ignore member.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Ignore { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// The specific name of member.
        /// </summary>
        public string Identifier { get; set; } = string.Empty;

        /// <summary>
        /// The prefix of member name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>default is `With`</remarks>
        public string Prefix { get; set; } = string.Empty;

        /// <summary>
        /// The modifier of member
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>default is <see cref="Accessibility.Inherit"/></remarks>
        public Accessibility Modifier { get; set; } = Accessibility.Inherit;

    /// <summary>
    /// The accessibility for fluent member set method.
    /// </summary>
    internal enum Accessibility
        /// <summary>
        /// Inherit from the member.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Is public access.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Is internal access.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Is protected access.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Is private access.
        /// </summary>
    /// <summary>
    /// The event assignment
    /// </summary>
    public enum EventAssignable
        /// <summary>
        /// To add the event
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// To remove the event
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// To set the event
        /// </summary>

Code and pdf at

RSCG – QueryStringGenerator

RSCG – QueryStringGenerator

name QueryStringGenerator
author Tomi Parviainen

Generate from string properties of a class a query string for a URL.


This is how you can use QueryStringGenerator .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="QueryStringGenerator" Version="1.1.0">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

The code that you will use is

using DemoQuery;
Person p = new();
p.FirstName = "Andrei";
p.LastName = "Ignat";
p.Age = 55;

using QueryStringGenerator;
namespace DemoQuery;
internal class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }=string.Empty;
    public int Age {  get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; } = string.Empty;



The code that is generated is

// <auto-generated />

namespace DemoQuery
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("QueryStringGenerator", "1.0.0")]
    internal static class QueryStringExtensionForPerson
        public static string ToQueryString(this Person _this)
            if (_this == null)
                return string.Empty;

            var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            if (_this.FirstName != null)

            if (_this.LastName != null)

            return sb.ToString();

// <auto-generated />

namespace QueryStringGenerator
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("QueryStringGenerator", "1.0.0")]
    internal class QueryStringAttribute : System.Attribute
        public string MethodName { get; set; }

        public QueryStringAttribute(string methodName = "ToQueryString")
            MethodName = methodName;

Code and pdf at

RSCG – GenPack

RSCG – GenPack

name GenPack
author dimohy

Generating Binary Serialization and properties for class


This is how you can use GenPack .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

		<PackageReference Include="GenPack" Version=" 0.9.0-preview1" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="true" />

The code that you will use is

using SerializerDemo;

var p= new Person() { Name= "Andrei Ignat" };
var bytes= p.ToPacket();
var entity = Person.FromPacket(bytes);
Console.WriteLine("name is "+entity.Name);

using GenPack;

namespace SerializerDemo;

public partial record Person

    public readonly static PacketSchema Schema = PacketSchemaBuilder.Create()
           .@short("Id", "Age description")
           .@string("Name", "Name description")


The code that is generated is

#pragma warning disable CS0219
namespace SerializerDemo
    public partial record Person : GenPack.IGenPackable
        /// <summary>
        /// Age description
        /// </summary>
        public short Id { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Name description
        /// </summary>
        public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public byte[] ToPacket()
            using var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            return ms.ToArray();
        public void ToPacket(System.IO.Stream stream)
            System.IO.BinaryWriter writer = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(stream);
        public static SerializerDemo.Person FromPacket(byte[] data)
            using var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(data);
            return FromPacket(ms);
        public static SerializerDemo.Person FromPacket(System.IO.Stream stream)
            SerializerDemo.Person result = new SerializerDemo.Person();
            System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(stream);
            int size = 0;
            byte[] buffer = null;
            result.Id = reader.ReadInt16();
            result.Name = reader.ReadString();
            return result;

Code and pdf at

RSCG – Credfeto.Version.Information.Generator

RSCG – Credfeto.Version.Information.Generator

name Credfeto.Version.Information.Generator
author Mark Ridgwell

Embedding build information as compile time constants in C# projects.


This is how you can use Credfeto.Version.Information.Generator .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

		<!-- this is the code to start RSCG -->

		<Product>Info Test</Product>

		<PackageReference Include="Credfeto.Version.Information.Generator" Version="" PrivateAssets="All"


The code that you will use is



The code that is generated is

// <auto-generated>
// This code was generated by a tool.
// Runtime Version: Current
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;

namespace Info;

[GeneratedCode(tool: "Credfeto.Version.Information.Generator", version: "")]
internal static class VersionInformation
    public const string Version = "2024.11.15.450";
    public const string Product = "Info";
    public const string Company = "AOM";
    public const string Copyright = "MIT";

Code and pdf at

RSCG – polytype

RSCG – polytype

name polytype
author Eirik Tsarpalis

Generating shape like reflection from classes. See PolyType.Examples for more details


This is how you can use polytype .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="PolyType" Version="0.16.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="PolyType.Examples" Version="0.16.1" />

The code that you will use is

using PolyType.Examples.JsonSerializer;
using PolyType.Examples.CborSerializer;
using PolyType.Examples.XmlSerializer;
using ConsoleApp1;
using PolyType.Examples.Cloner;

Person person = new("Pete", 70);
Console.WriteLine(JsonSerializerTS.Serialize(person)); // {"Name":"Pete","Age":70}
Console.WriteLine(XmlSerializer.Serialize(person));    // <value><Name>Pete</Name><Age>70</Age></value>
Console.WriteLine(CborSerializer.EncodeToHex(person)); // A2644E616D656450657465634167651846
person.Childs = [new Person("Andrei", 55)];

person.Childs[0].ID = 1;
var q = Cloner.Clone(person);
person.Childs[0].ID = 10;

using PolyType;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp1;
public partial record Person(string name, int age)
    public Person[] Childs { get; set; } = [];

    public int ID;


The code that is generated is

// <auto-generated/>

#nullable enable annotations
#nullable disable warnings

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public partial record Person : global::PolyType.IShapeable<global::ConsoleApp1.Person>
        static global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person> global::PolyType.IShapeable<global::ConsoleApp1.Person>.GetShape() 
            => global::PolyType.SourceGenerator.GenerateShapeProvider.Default.Person;

// <auto-generated/>

#nullable enable annotations
#nullable disable warnings

namespace PolyType.SourceGenerator
    internal partial class GenerateShapeProvider
        private const global::System.Reflection.BindingFlags InstanceBindingFlags = 
            global::System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | 
            global::System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | 
        /// <summary>Gets the default instance of the <see cref="GenerateShapeProvider"/> class.</summary>
        public static GenerateShapeProvider Default { get; } = new();
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GenerateShapeProvider"/> class.</summary>
        public GenerateShapeProvider() { }

// <auto-generated/>

#nullable enable annotations
#nullable disable warnings

namespace PolyType.SourceGenerator
    internal partial class GenerateShapeProvider
        /// <summary>Gets the generated shape for specified type.</summary>
#nullable disable annotations // Use nullable-oblivious property type
        public global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<int> Int32 => _Int32 ??= Create_Int32();
#nullable enable annotations // Use nullable-oblivious property type
        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<int>? _Int32;

        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<int> Create_Int32()
            return new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenObjectTypeShape<int>
                Provider = this,
                IsRecordType = false,
                IsTupleType = false,
                CreatePropertiesFunc = null,
                CreateConstructorFunc = null,

// <auto-generated/>

#nullable enable annotations
#nullable disable warnings

namespace PolyType.SourceGenerator
    internal partial class GenerateShapeProvider : global::PolyType.ITypeShapeProvider
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the generated <see cref="global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape{T}" /> for the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type for which a shape is requested.</typeparam>
        /// <returns>
        /// The generated <see cref="global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape{T}" /> for the specified type.
        /// </returns>
        public global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<T>? GetShape<T>()
            => (global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<T>?)GetShape(typeof(T));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the generated <see cref="global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape" /> for the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type for which a shape is requested.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The generated <see cref="global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape" /> for the specified type.
        /// </returns>
        public global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape? GetShape(global::System.Type type)
            if (type == typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person[]))
                return Person_Array;
            if (type == typeof(string))
                return String;
            if (type == typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person))
                return Person;
            if (type == typeof(int))
                return Int32;
            return null;

// <auto-generated/>

#nullable enable annotations
#nullable disable warnings

namespace PolyType.SourceGenerator
    internal partial class GenerateShapeProvider
        /// <summary>Gets the generated shape for specified type.</summary>
#nullable disable annotations // Use nullable-oblivious property type
        public global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person> Person => _Person ??= Create_Person();
#nullable enable annotations // Use nullable-oblivious property type
        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person>? _Person;

        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person> Create_Person()
            return new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenObjectTypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person>
                Provider = this,
                IsRecordType = true,
                IsTupleType = false,
                CreatePropertiesFunc = CreateProperties_Person,
                CreateConstructorFunc = CreateConstructor_Person,

        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.IPropertyShape[] CreateProperties_Person() => new global::PolyType.Abstractions.IPropertyShape[]
            new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenPropertyShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person, string>
                Name = "name",
                DeclaringType = (global::PolyType.Abstractions.IObjectTypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person>)Person,
                PropertyType = String,
                Getter = static (ref global::ConsoleApp1.Person obj) =>,
                Setter = null,
                AttributeProviderFunc = static () => typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person).GetProperty("name", InstanceBindingFlags, null, typeof(string), [], null),
                IsField = false,
                IsGetterPublic = true,
                IsSetterPublic = false,
                IsGetterNonNullable = true,
                IsSetterNonNullable = false,

            new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenPropertyShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person, int>
                Name = "age",
                DeclaringType = (global::PolyType.Abstractions.IObjectTypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person>)Person,
                PropertyType = Int32,
                Getter = static (ref global::ConsoleApp1.Person obj) => obj.age,
                Setter = null,
                AttributeProviderFunc = static () => typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person).GetProperty("age", InstanceBindingFlags, null, typeof(int), [], null),
                IsField = false,
                IsGetterPublic = true,
                IsSetterPublic = false,
                IsGetterNonNullable = true,
                IsSetterNonNullable = false,

            new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenPropertyShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[]>
                Name = "Childs",
                DeclaringType = (global::PolyType.Abstractions.IObjectTypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person>)Person,
                PropertyType = Person_Array,
                Getter = static (ref global::ConsoleApp1.Person obj) => obj.Childs,
                Setter = static (ref global::ConsoleApp1.Person obj, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[] value) => obj.Childs = value,
                AttributeProviderFunc = static () => typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person).GetProperty("Childs", InstanceBindingFlags, null, typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person[]), [], null),
                IsField = false,
                IsGetterPublic = true,
                IsSetterPublic = true,
                IsGetterNonNullable = true,
                IsSetterNonNullable = true,

            new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenPropertyShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person, int>
                Name = "ID",
                DeclaringType = (global::PolyType.Abstractions.IObjectTypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person>)Person,
                PropertyType = Int32,
                Getter = static (ref global::ConsoleApp1.Person obj) => obj.ID,
                Setter = static (ref global::ConsoleApp1.Person obj, int value) => obj.ID = value,
                AttributeProviderFunc = static () => typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person).GetField("ID", InstanceBindingFlags),
                IsField = true,
                IsGetterPublic = true,
                IsSetterPublic = true,
                IsGetterNonNullable = true,
                IsSetterNonNullable = true,

        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.IConstructorShape CreateConstructor_Person()
            return new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenConstructorShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person, (string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags)>
                DeclaringType = (global::PolyType.Abstractions.IObjectTypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person>)Person,
                ParameterCount = 4,
                GetParametersFunc = CreateConstructorParameters_Person,
                DefaultConstructorFunc = null,
                ArgumentStateConstructorFunc = static () => default((string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags)),
                ParameterizedConstructorFunc = static (ref (string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags) state) => { var obj = new global::ConsoleApp1.Person(state.Item1, state.Item2);  if ((state.Flags & 1) != 0) obj.Childs = state.Item3; if ((state.Flags & 2) != 0) obj.ID = state.Item4; return obj; },
                AttributeProviderFunc = static () => typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person).GetConstructor(InstanceBindingFlags, new[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) }),
                IsPublic = true,

        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.IConstructorParameterShape[] CreateConstructorParameters_Person() => new global::PolyType.Abstractions.IConstructorParameterShape[]
            new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenConstructorParameterShape<(string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags), string>
                Position = 0,
                Name = "name",
                ParameterType = String,
                Kind = global::PolyType.Abstractions.ConstructorParameterKind.ConstructorParameter,
                IsRequired = true,
                IsNonNullable = true,
                IsPublic = true,
                HasDefaultValue = false,
                DefaultValue = default!,
                Setter = static (ref (string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags) state, string value) => state.Item1 = value,
                AttributeProviderFunc = static () => typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person).GetConstructor(InstanceBindingFlags, new[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) })?.GetParameters()[0],

            new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenConstructorParameterShape<(string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags), int>
                Position = 1,
                Name = "age",
                ParameterType = Int32,
                Kind = global::PolyType.Abstractions.ConstructorParameterKind.ConstructorParameter,
                IsRequired = true,
                IsNonNullable = true,
                IsPublic = true,
                HasDefaultValue = false,
                DefaultValue = default,
                Setter = static (ref (string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags) state, int value) => state.Item2 = value,
                AttributeProviderFunc = static () => typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person).GetConstructor(InstanceBindingFlags, new[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) })?.GetParameters()[1],

            new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenConstructorParameterShape<(string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags), global::ConsoleApp1.Person[]>
                Position = 2,
                Name = "Childs",
                ParameterType = Person_Array,
                Kind = global::PolyType.Abstractions.ConstructorParameterKind.PropertyInitializer,
                IsRequired = false,
                IsNonNullable = true,
                IsPublic = true,
                HasDefaultValue = false,
                DefaultValue = default!,
                Setter = static (ref (string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags) state, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[] value) => { state.Item3 = value; state.Flags |= 1; },
                AttributeProviderFunc = static () => typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person).GetProperty("Childs", InstanceBindingFlags, null, typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person[]), [], null),

            new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenConstructorParameterShape<(string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags), int>
                Position = 3,
                Name = "ID",
                ParameterType = Int32,
                Kind = global::PolyType.Abstractions.ConstructorParameterKind.FieldInitializer,
                IsRequired = false,
                IsNonNullable = true,
                IsPublic = true,
                HasDefaultValue = false,
                DefaultValue = default,
                Setter = static (ref (string, int, global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], int, byte Flags) state, int value) => { state.Item4 = value; state.Flags |= 2; },
                AttributeProviderFunc = static () => typeof(global::ConsoleApp1.Person).GetField("ID", InstanceBindingFlags),

        [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeAccessor(global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeAccessorKind.Method, Name = "set_name")]
        private static extern void Person_name_SetAccessor(global::ConsoleApp1.Person obj, string value);

        [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeAccessor(global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeAccessorKind.Method, Name = "set_age")]
        private static extern void Person_age_SetAccessor(global::ConsoleApp1.Person obj, int value);

        [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeAccessor(global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeAccessorKind.Field, Name = "ID")]
        private static extern ref int Person_ID_Accessor(global::ConsoleApp1.Person obj);

// <auto-generated/>

#nullable enable annotations
#nullable disable warnings

namespace PolyType.SourceGenerator
    internal partial class GenerateShapeProvider
        /// <summary>Gets the generated shape for specified type.</summary>
#nullable disable annotations // Use nullable-oblivious property type
        public global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person[]> Person_Array => _Person_Array ??= Create_Person_Array();
#nullable enable annotations // Use nullable-oblivious property type
        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person[]>? _Person_Array;

        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person[]> Create_Person_Array()
            return new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenEnumerableTypeShape<global::ConsoleApp1.Person[], global::ConsoleApp1.Person>
                ElementType = Person,
                ConstructionStrategy = global::PolyType.Abstractions.CollectionConstructionStrategy.Span,
                DefaultConstructorFunc = null,
                EnumerableConstructorFunc = null,
                SpanConstructorFunc = static values => values.ToArray(),
                GetEnumerableFunc = static obj => obj,
                AddElementFunc = null,
                Rank = 1,
                Provider = this,

// <auto-generated/>

#nullable enable annotations
#nullable disable warnings

namespace PolyType.SourceGenerator
    internal partial class GenerateShapeProvider
        /// <summary>Gets the generated shape for specified type.</summary>
#nullable disable annotations // Use nullable-oblivious property type
        public global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<string> String => _String ??= Create_String();
#nullable enable annotations // Use nullable-oblivious property type
        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<string>? _String;

        private global::PolyType.Abstractions.ITypeShape<string> Create_String()
            return new global::PolyType.SourceGenModel.SourceGenObjectTypeShape<string>
                Provider = this,
                IsRecordType = false,
                IsTupleType = false,
                CreatePropertiesFunc = null,
                CreateConstructorFunc = null,

Code and pdf at

RSCG – Datacute.EmbeddedResourcePropertyGenerator

RSCG – Datacute.EmbeddedResourcePropertyGenerator

name Datacute.EmbeddedResourcePropertyGenerator
author Stephen Denne

Generating class to access easy the embedded resource


This is how you can use Datacute.EmbeddedResourcePropertyGenerator .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <EmbeddedResource Include="TestData\Countries.txt" />

    <PackageReference Include="Datacute.EmbeddedResourcePropertyGenerator" Version="1.0.0" >

The code that you will use is

// See for more information
using EmbedDemo;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

var data= TestData.Countries;


using Datacute.EmbeddedResourcePropertyGenerator;
namespace EmbedDemo;
[EmbeddedResourceProperties(".txt", "TestData")]
public static partial class TestData;



The code that is generated is

// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by the Datacute.EmbeddedResourcePropertyGenerator.
// </auto-generated>

#nullable enable

namespace EmbedDemo;
/// <summary>
/// This class's properties are generated from project files meeting the criteria:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>
/// <description>they are both an <c>EmbeddedResource</c> and an <c>AdditionalFile</c></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description>they are in the project folder <c>TestData</c></description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description>they have the extension <c>.txt</c></description>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// </summary>
public static partial class TestData
    private static class EmbeddedResource
        public static string Read(string resourceName)
            var assembly = typeof(TestData).Assembly;
            using var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)!;
            using var streamReader = new global::System.IO.StreamReader(stream, global::System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
            var resourceText = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            return resourceText;
        public static class BackingField
            public static string? Countries;
        public static class ResourceName
            public const string Countries = "EmbedDemo.TestData.Countries.txt";
    static partial void ReadEmbeddedResourceValue(ref string? backingField, string resourceName, string propertyName);
    static partial void AlterEmbeddedResourceReturnValue(ref string value, string resourceName, string propertyName);

    /// <summary>Text value of the Embedded Resource: Countries.txt</summary>
    /// <value>
    /// <code>
    /// USA
    /// Germany
    /// France
    /// Romania
    /// Italy
    /// </code>
    /// </value>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The value is read from the embedded resource on first access.
    /// </remarks>
    public static string Countries
            ReadEmbeddedResourceValue(ref EmbeddedResource.BackingField.Countries, EmbeddedResource.ResourceName.Countries, "Countries");
            var value = EmbeddedResource.BackingField.Countries ??= EmbeddedResource.Read(EmbeddedResource.ResourceName.Countries);
            AlterEmbeddedResourceReturnValue(ref value, EmbeddedResource.ResourceName.Countries, "Countries");
            return value;

Code and pdf at

RSCG – rscg_queryables

RSCG – rscg_queryables

name rscg_queryables
author Andrei Ignat

Generating code for .Where and .OrderBy by string, not by lambda


This is how you can use rscg_queryables .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

		<PackageReference  Include="rscg_queryablesCommon" Version="2024.1110.1815" />
		<PackageReference Include="rscg_queryables" Version="2024.1110.1815"  OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />

The code that you will use is

using SortAndWhere;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

var students = new Student[]
    new Student { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", StartYear = 1935},
    new Student { FirstName = "Ignat", LastName = "Andrei", StartYear = 1989 },

var orderedExplicitly = students.OrderBy(p => p.FirstName).ToArray();
var orderedImplicitly = students.OrderBy("firStnaMe").ToArray();
var orderedImplicitly2 = students.AsQueryable().OrderBy("fIrsTnAme").ToArray();

//Search by property name

var search = students.AsQueryable().Where("firstName", rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.Equal, "John").ToArray();

Console.WriteLine("found : " + search.Length);

search = students.AsQueryable().Where(Student_.Where_Expr("firstName", rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.Equal, "John")).ToArray();
Console.WriteLine("found : " + search.Length);

using rscg_queryablesCommon;

namespace SortAndWhere;
public class Student
    public string FirstName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public string LastName { get; set; } = string.Empty;

    public int StartYear { get; set; }



The code that is generated is

public static partial class ExtensionsSortable_SortAndWhere_Student {
    #region Enumerable
    public static System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> OrderBy
    this IEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
        source, string propertyName

        return OrderByAscDesc(source,propertyName,true);
        public static System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
            this IEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
                source, string propertyName

                return OrderByAscDesc(source,propertyName,false);
    public static System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> OrderByAscDesc
     this IEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> source, string propertyName, bool Ascending

                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "FirstName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.OrderBy(x => x.FirstName);
                                return source.OrderByDescending(x => x.FirstName);                            
                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "LastName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.OrderBy(x => x.LastName);
                                return source.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastName);                            
                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "StartYear", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.OrderBy(x => x.StartYear);
                                return source.OrderByDescending(x => x.StartYear);                            
                                    throw new ArgumentException($"Property {propertyName} not found", propertyName);

    public static System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> ThenByAscDesc
     this IOrderedEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> source, string propertyName, bool Ascending

                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "FirstName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.ThenBy(x => x.FirstName);
                                return source.ThenByDescending(x => x.FirstName);                            
                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "LastName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.ThenBy(x => x.LastName);
                                return source.ThenByDescending(x => x.LastName);                            
                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "StartYear", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.ThenBy(x => x.StartYear);
                                return source.ThenByDescending(x => x.StartYear);                            
                                    throw new ArgumentException($"Property {propertyName} not found", propertyName);
    public static System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> ThenBy
    this IOrderedEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
        source, string propertyName

        return ThenByAscDesc(source,propertyName,true);
    public static System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> ThenByDescending
    this IOrderedEnumerable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
        source, string propertyName

        return ThenByAscDesc(source,propertyName,false);


#region Queryable
    public static System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> OrderBy
    this IQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
        source, string propertyName

        return OrderByAscDesc(source,propertyName,true);
        public static System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
            this IQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
                source, string propertyName

                return OrderByAscDesc(source,propertyName,false);
    public static System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> OrderByAscDesc
     this IQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> source, string propertyName, bool Ascending

                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "FirstName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.OrderBy(x => x.FirstName);
                                return source.OrderByDescending(x => x.FirstName);                            
                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "LastName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.OrderBy(x => x.LastName);
                                return source.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastName);                            
                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "StartYear", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.OrderBy(x => x.StartYear);
                                return source.OrderByDescending(x => x.StartYear);                            
                                    throw new ArgumentException($"Property {propertyName} not found", propertyName);
    public static System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> ThenByAscDesc
     this IOrderedQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> source, string propertyName, bool Ascending

                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "FirstName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.ThenBy(x => x.FirstName);
                                return source.ThenByDescending(x => x.FirstName);                            
                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "LastName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.ThenBy(x => x.LastName);
                                return source.ThenByDescending(x => x.LastName);                            
                        if(string.Equals(propertyName, "StartYear", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                                return source.ThenBy(x => x.StartYear);
                                return source.ThenByDescending(x => x.StartYear);                            
                                    throw new ArgumentException($"Property {propertyName} not found", propertyName);
    public static System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> ThenBy
    this IOrderedQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
        source, string propertyName

        return ThenByAscDesc(source,propertyName,true);
    public static System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> ThenByDescending
    this IOrderedQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
        source, string propertyName

        return ThenByAscDesc(source,propertyName,false);



public static class ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student{

        internal static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression < Func < global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>>
        FirstName_Expr_Equal(string argument) => (a => a.FirstName== argument);

        internal static Func<global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>
            FirstName_Equal(string argument) => (a => a.FirstName== argument);

        internal static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression < Func < global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>>
        FirstName_Expr_NotEqual(string argument) => (a => a.FirstName != argument);

        internal static Func<global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>
                FirstName_NotEqual(string argument) => (a => a.FirstName != argument);

        internal static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression < Func < global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>>
        LastName_Expr_Equal(string argument) => (a => a.LastName== argument);

        internal static Func<global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>
            LastName_Equal(string argument) => (a => a.LastName== argument);

        internal static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression < Func < global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>>
        LastName_Expr_NotEqual(string argument) => (a => a.LastName != argument);

        internal static Func<global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>
                LastName_NotEqual(string argument) => (a => a.LastName != argument);

        internal static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression < Func < global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>>
        StartYear_Expr_Equal(int argument) => (a => a.StartYear== argument);

        internal static Func<global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>
            StartYear_Equal(int argument) => (a => a.StartYear== argument);

        internal static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression < Func < global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>>
        StartYear_Expr_NotEqual(int argument) => (a => a.StartYear != argument);

        internal static Func<global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>
                StartYear_NotEqual(int argument) => (a => a.StartYear != argument);


public static class Student_{

        public static System.Linq.IQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
            Where(this System.Linq.IQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> original,
                string propertyName,rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator operatorWhere, string argument)
            return original.Where(Where_Expr(propertyName, operatorWhere, argument));
        public static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression < Func < global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>>
        Where_Expr(string propertyName,rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator operatorWhere, string argument)

                    if(string.Equals(propertyName,  "FirstName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.Equal:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.FirstName_Expr_Equal( argument);
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.NotEqual:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.FirstName_Expr_NotEqual( argument);
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Operator {operatorWhere} not found");
                    }//end switch
                    }//end if FirstName

                    if(string.Equals(propertyName,  "LastName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.Equal:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.LastName_Expr_Equal( argument);
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.NotEqual:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.LastName_Expr_NotEqual( argument);
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Operator {operatorWhere} not found");
                    }//end switch
                    }//end if LastName

            throw new ArgumentException("Property "+ propertyName +" not found for string type");

        public static Func<global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>
            Where(string propertyName,rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator operatorWhere, string argument)

                    if(string.Equals(propertyName,  "FirstName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.Equal:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.FirstName_Equal( argument);
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.NotEqual:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.FirstName_NotEqual( argument);
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Operator {operatorWhere} not found");
                    }//end switch
                    }//end if FirstName

                    if(string.Equals(propertyName,  "LastName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.Equal:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.LastName_Equal( argument);
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.NotEqual:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.LastName_NotEqual( argument);
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Operator {operatorWhere} not found");
                    }//end switch
                    }//end if LastName

            throw new ArgumentException("Property "+ propertyName +" not found for string type");

        public static System.Linq.IQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student>
            Where(this System.Linq.IQueryable<global::SortAndWhere.Student> original,
                string propertyName,rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator operatorWhere, int argument)
            return original.Where(Where_Expr(propertyName, operatorWhere, argument));
        public static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression < Func < global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>>
        Where_Expr(string propertyName,rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator operatorWhere, int argument)

                    if(string.Equals(propertyName,  "StartYear", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.Equal:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.StartYear_Expr_Equal( argument);
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.NotEqual:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.StartYear_Expr_NotEqual( argument);
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Operator {operatorWhere} not found");
                    }//end switch
                    }//end if StartYear

            throw new ArgumentException("Property "+ propertyName +" not found for int type");

        public static Func<global::SortAndWhere.Student,bool>
            Where(string propertyName,rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator operatorWhere, int argument)

                    if(string.Equals(propertyName,  "StartYear", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.Equal:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.StartYear_Equal( argument);
                    case rscg_queryablesCommon.WhereOperator.NotEqual:
                    return ExtensionsWhere_SortAndWhere_Student.StartYear_NotEqual( argument);
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Operator {operatorWhere} not found");
                    }//end switch
                    }//end if StartYear

            throw new ArgumentException("Property "+ propertyName +" not found for int type");



Code and pdf at

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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