Category: .NET Core

EventId in logging

Finally I have realized why it is necessary to have EventId logged and it is not the same life without him – especially in the microservices context.

So why it is not enough

public static void LogError (this Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger logger, Exception? exception, string? message, params object?[] args);

and I strongly recommend

public static void LogError (this Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger logger, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventId eventId, string? message, params object?[] args);


  Let’s assume that you have something like a log aggregator , such as ElasticSearch

You want to see from the error message , at a glace the details of the problem – like the root cause , some additional data – without going into details of the object. Something like “Drive C:  too full to write”  or “Drive D:  too full to write”  .

Also, you want to see how many error of this kind occurs – how many “ too full to write “ have occured ?

You ca put the message like “ Drive too full to write – look into details ” – and count those – but the investigators will have to click on more time to find what drive it is.

Welcome to EventID – .

You can have a

var evt = new EventId(7000,”DriveTooFull” );

logger.LogError(evt, “Drive C: too full to write” )

Now you have the message detaisl and you can count how many 7000 ( or DriveTooFull ) errors you have

[NuGet]: HealthCheck

This is a Nuget that I use in all projects when I am making any ASP.NET Core prohect



What it does:  Implements health checks for your site and/or dependencies


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


[NuGet]: Polly

This is a Nuget that I use in all projects when I am making HTTP calls..



What it does:  Implements all kind of policies for retrying – see

Usage: – copied from

static IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage> GetRetryPolicy()
     return HttpPolicyExtensions
         .OrResult(msg => msg.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
         .WaitAndRetryAsync(6, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2,

Dependent Framework Versioning

There are multiple ways to version a software . I have used SemanticVersioning ( ) and Calendar Versioning ( )

Of course , there are others  – please read   – interesting versioning based on e or PI .

However , I want to propose a new standard :

Dependent Framework Versioning

The major version of a  package is the same of the major version of the framework that is installed on . For the others , can be calver or semver or any other – depending on your choice.

For example , I have made a BlocklyAutomation  package for .NET Core 3 – and it is versioned like

For .NET Core 3  –

For .NET Core 5

Why is this ? To be easy identified by the users of the package. If I have one user that have an app  on .NET Core 3 and other on .NET Core 5, how can they identify easy what is the latest version for this package  ? With this approach , this can be done just looking on the major version corresponding with the framework version (and yes, I use calver versioning for the rest – yyyy.Md.Hm)


This is a Nuget that I use in almost every .NET Core project to get the error details ( 500)



What it does:  Like Razor –  a template intepreter


var template = Template.Parse(@"
<ul id='products'>
  {{ for product in products }}
      <h2>{{ }}</h2>
           Price: {{ product.price }}
           {{ product.description | string.truncate 15 }}
  {{ end }}
var result = template.Render(new { Products = this.ProductList });

Using files in a ASP.NET Core nuget package

To use static (html) files in a NUGET ASP.NET Core package to be displayed I have used the following solution

1. Put the files in a folder ( in my case , blocklyAutomation )

2. Put in the .csproj to embed the files

   <EmbeddedResource Include=”BlocklyAutomation\**\*”>

3.  Create an extension to use it


public static void UseBlocklyUI(this IApplicationBuilder appBuilder)
    var manifestEmbeddedProvider =
            new ManifestEmbeddedFileProvider(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
    var service = appBuilder.ApplicationServices;
    mapFile("blocklyAutomation", manifestEmbeddedProvider, appBuilder);


private static void mapFile(string dirName, IFileProvider provider, IApplicationBuilder appBuilder)
    var folder = provider.GetDirectoryContents(dirName);
    foreach (var item in folder)
        if (item.IsDirectory)
            mapFile(dirName + "/" + item.Name, provider, appBuilder);
        string map = (dirName + "/" + item.Name).Substring(dirName.Length);
        appBuilder.Map(map, app =>
            var f = item;

            app.Run(async cnt =>
                //TODO: find from extension
                //cnt.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
                using var stream = new MemoryStream();
                using var cs = f.CreateReadStream();
                byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; // read in chunks of 2KB
                int bytesRead;
                while ((bytesRead = cs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                    stream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                byte[] result = stream.ToArray();
                var m = new Memory<byte>(result);
                await cnt.Response.BodyWriter.WriteAsync(m);


4. That is all

Windows terminal + Powershell to run IDE, Angular, .NET Core

I work at – and every time I need to run Angular , Visual Studio Code IDE and .NET Core run ( and Visual Studio  sometimes  – it is more web based)

Also, sometimes I need to run in a container – to install globally something that I do not want to have in my PC.

So  I have 1 windows terminal command to run those :

First one

wt new-tab   –title RootSource –suppressApplicationTitle -p “Windows PowerShell” -d . cmd /k “cd src && code . && powershell” ;split-pane  –title Angular –suppressApplicationTitle -V -p “Windows PowerShell” -d . cmd /k “cd src &&  npm run start –watch && powershell” ;split-pane  –title LocalAPI_NetCore –suppressApplicationTitle -V -p “Windows PowerShell” -d . cmd /k “cd src/Local/LocalAPI/LocalAPI && dotnet watch run”

As you see , I have

code .

to run VSCode,

npm run start –watch

to run Angular and

dotnet watch run

to run dotnet.

Second one:

wt new-tab -p “Windows PowerShell” -d . ;split-pane -p “Windows PowerShell” -d . cmd /k “cd src && devcontainer open .”

The second it just works with devcontainer  – if you are interested in sources, see 

With those, I can start my developer environment fast ( how fast, that depends on my PC)

Python vs C#

I have read the article

I think that deserves an answer –  so I take all points to answer to them. You can replicate the code in C# 10 / .NET 6 with a globalusings.cs with the following content:

global using static System.Console;
global using static System.Linq.Enumerable;
global using static System.IO.Directory;
global using static System.String;
global using static System.Math;

So let’s start:

Point 1 - Indented code blocks

//Point 1 - Indented code blocks
//With curly braces I can indent whatever way I want - I am not constrained

using System.Collections.Generic;

foreach (var i in Range(1, 11))
if (i % 3 == 0)
else if (i % 5 == 0)


Also , when I want to comment something , with C# I know when the else if is
terminating without counting tabs. Just see where the { is closing with }

Point 2 -  Self-declaring Variables

Seriously? What is the difference between Python
//meaning_of_life = 42
and C# ? Just a var ?

//Point 2 - Self-declaring Variables
var meaning_of_life = 42;
Point 3 -– Those modules

It is the same code as Python

foreach (var file in EnumerateFiles(@"C:\")){
Point 4 – Simplicity of Data Structures

Quoting : Purists will say that you need all the different data types that C# provides, but trust me, you don’t.
I want to think about how to modelate a CallCenter waiting for phones – Stack or Queue ?
I want to think about how to  modelate a CallCenter waiting for phones with business consumer that has priority ?

Point 5 - Slicing

Same code in C#

var sins = new[]{ "pride", "envy", "gluttony", "greed", "lust", "sloth", "wrath" };
//var selected_sins = sins[1..(sins.Length-1)];
var selected_sins = sins[1..^1];
WriteLine(Join(" ", selected_sins));
Point 6 – For loops

Same syntax in C#

foreach (var i in Range(0,5))
// words in a string
string[] words = { "Simple", "Talk" };
foreach (string word in words)

Quoting : “(unlike in C#, where sometimes you use for and sometimes foreach)”
Please enumerate an array backwards in python without reversing

7 – List comprehensions

This is similar code in C#

var nr = Range(1, 11).Where(it => it % 2 == 0).Select(it => Pow(it, 3));
WriteLine(Join(" ", nr));
8 – Sets

Same example

//this contains some duplicates
var languages = new[] { "C#", "Python", "VB", "Java", "C#", "Java", "C#" };
//more dense than Python
languages = new HashSet<string>(languages).ToArray();
//this will give: ['C#', 'Java', 'Python', 'VB']
WriteLine(Join(" ", languages));

Second example

//create two sets: Friends characters and large Antarctic ice shelves
var friends = new[] { "Rachel", "Phoebe", "Chandler", "Joey", "Monica", "Ross" };
var ice_shelves = new[] { "Ronnie-Filchner", "Ross", "McMurdo" };
// show the intersection (elements in both lists)
WriteLine(Join(" ", friends.Intersect(ice_shelves)));
//show the union (elements in either list)
WriteLine(Join(" ", friends.Union(ice_shelves)));
// show the friends who aren't ice shelves
WriteLine(Join(" ", friends.Except(ice_shelves)));
// elements in either set but not both -- more difficult
WriteLine(Join(" ", friends.Union(ice_shelves).Except(friends.Intersect(ice_shelves))));
9 – Working with files and folders
//# list of 3 people
var people = new[] { "Shadrach", "Meshach", "Abednego" };
//# write them to a file
File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\all\a.txt", people);
10 – The quality of online help

See – good tutorials

FileExtension–part 6 – CI/CD

So now how to make visible all those coding ?

For tests –CodeCov, hosts for free to see the coverage

For documentation – ReadTheDocs, hosts for free.

For packaging  – NuGEt

For more detailed analysis Sonar can show code smells and bugs and more

GitHub actions allows me to run all those automatically and gather results

For showing a website – Azure  – can show the usage.

I was thinking that it is enough for the people to understand the application

FileExtension–Tests–part 5

The tests are the easy part. I have put some files on a folder( ) and test if the extension matches the recognizer.

As NuGet packages I used




FluentAssertion allows me to write more readable tests , like 


LightBDD allows me to write tests in a more “business “ way :

await Runner
     .AddAsyncSteps(_ => When_Read_The_File(fileName))
         _ => Then_Should_Recognize_File(fileName),
         _ => Then_The_Extension_Matches(fileName)

You can see the result at = go down to see the Given / When /

Also, for enumerating files from the folder to test, I use ClassData

public async void TestMultipleFiles(string nameFile)

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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