Category: .NET 7

RSCG – dunet

RSCG – dunet

name dunet
author Domn Werner

Add union types to C# – similar with F#/TS discriminated unions

Check his examples- awesome


This is how you can use dunet .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


		<PackageReference Include="Dunet" Version="1.8.0">
			<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>


The code that you will use is

// See for more examples
using duneDemo;



Console.WriteLine("Enter something - 1, 1970-04-16 or Andrei !");
var readLine = Console.ReadLine();
var opt= WhatIsTheString.FromString(readLine);
//if if it long
    l => Console.WriteLine("is long " + l.value),
    () => Console.WriteLine("is not long")
    ) ;
//C# switch
var x=opt switch
    WhatIsTheString.IsLong l => "is long " +l.value,
    WhatIsTheString.IsDate d=> "is date "+ d.value,
    WhatIsTheString.IsString s=>"is string "+ s.value,
    WhatIsTheString.IsNullWhiteSpace w=>"no data",
    _ => throw new NotImplementedException()


using Dunet;
namespace duneDemo;

partial record WhatIsTheString
    partial record IsString(string value);
    partial record IsLong(long value);
    partial record IsDate(DateTime value);

    partial record IsNullWhiteSpace();

    public static WhatIsTheString FromString(string? value)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
            return new IsNullWhiteSpace();

        if(long.TryParse(value, out var longValue))
            return new IsLong(longValue);
        if(DateTime.TryParse(value, out var dateTimeValue))
            return new IsDate(dateTimeValue);
        return new IsString(value);



The code that is generated is

using System;

namespace Dunet;

/// <summary>
/// Enables dunet union source generation for the decorated partial record.
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
internal sealed class UnionAttribute : Attribute {}
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace duneDemo;
abstract partial record WhatIsTheString
    private WhatIsTheString() {}

    public abstract TMatchOutput Match<TMatchOutput>(
        System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
        System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
        System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
        System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
    public abstract void Match(
        System.Action<IsString> @isString,
        System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
        System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
        System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace

    public abstract TMatchOutput Match<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
        System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
        System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
        System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
        System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
    public abstract void Match<TState>(
        TState state,
        System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
        System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
        System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
        System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace

    public abstract TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TMatchOutput>(
        System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
    public abstract TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TMatchOutput>(
        System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
    public abstract TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TMatchOutput>(
        System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
    public abstract TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TMatchOutput>(
        System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else

    public abstract void MatchIsString(
        System.Action<IsString> @isString,
        System.Action @else
    public abstract void MatchIsLong(
        System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
        System.Action @else
    public abstract void MatchIsDate(
        System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
        System.Action @else
    public abstract void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace(
        System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
        System.Action @else

    public abstract TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
        System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
        System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
    public abstract TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
        System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
        System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
    public abstract TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
        System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
        System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
    public abstract TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
        System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
        System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else

    public abstract void MatchIsString<TState>(
        TState state,
        System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
        System.Action<TState> @else
    public abstract void MatchIsLong<TState>(
        TState state,
        System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
        System.Action<TState> @else
    public abstract void MatchIsDate<TState>(
        TState state,
        System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
        System.Action<TState> @else
    public abstract void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState>(
        TState state,
        System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
        System.Action<TState> @else

    public sealed partial record IsString : WhatIsTheString
        public override TMatchOutput Match<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isString(this);
        public override void Match(
            System.Action<IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isString(this);
        public override TMatchOutput Match<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isString(state, this);
        public override void Match<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isString(state, this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @isString(this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsString(
            System.Action<IsString> @isString,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @isString(this);
        public override void MatchIsLong(
            System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsDate(
            System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace(
            System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @isString(state, this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsString<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @isString(state, this);
        public override void MatchIsLong<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsDate<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);

    public sealed partial record IsLong : WhatIsTheString
        public override TMatchOutput Match<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isLong(this);
        public override void Match(
            System.Action<IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isLong(this);
        public override TMatchOutput Match<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isLong(state, this);
        public override void Match<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isLong(state, this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @isLong(this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsString(
            System.Action<IsString> @isString,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsLong(
            System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @isLong(this);
        public override void MatchIsDate(
            System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace(
            System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @isLong(state, this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsString<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsLong<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @isLong(state, this);
        public override void MatchIsDate<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);

    public sealed partial record IsDate : WhatIsTheString
        public override TMatchOutput Match<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isDate(this);
        public override void Match(
            System.Action<IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isDate(this);
        public override TMatchOutput Match<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isDate(state, this);
        public override void Match<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isDate(state, this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @isDate(this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsString(
            System.Action<IsString> @isString,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsLong(
            System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsDate(
            System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @isDate(this);
        public override void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace(
            System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @isDate(state, this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsString<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsLong<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsDate<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @isDate(state, this);
        public override void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);

    public sealed partial record IsNullWhiteSpace : WhatIsTheString
        public override TMatchOutput Match<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isNullWhiteSpace(this);
        public override void Match(
            System.Action<IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isNullWhiteSpace(this);
        public override TMatchOutput Match<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isNullWhiteSpace(state, this);
        public override void Match<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
        ) => @isNullWhiteSpace(state, this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else();
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TMatchOutput>(
            System.Func<IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @isNullWhiteSpace(this);
        public override void MatchIsString(
            System.Action<IsString> @isString,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsLong(
            System.Action<IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsDate(
            System.Action<IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @else();
        public override void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace(
            System.Action<IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Action @else
        ) => @isNullWhiteSpace(this);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsString<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsLong<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsDate<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override TMatchOutput MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState, TMatchOutput>(
        TState state,
            System.Func<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Func<TState, TMatchOutput> @else
        ) => @isNullWhiteSpace(state, this);
        public override void MatchIsString<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsString> @isString,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsLong<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsLong> @isLong,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsDate<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsDate> @isDate,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @else(state);
        public override void MatchIsNullWhiteSpace<TState>(
        TState state,
            System.Action<TState, IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
            System.Action<TState> @else
        ) => @isNullWhiteSpace(state, this);

#pragma warning restore 1591

#pragma warning disable 1591

namespace duneDemo;

internal static class WhatIsTheStringMatchExtensions
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TMatchOutput> MatchAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
    => (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false)).Match(
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<TMatchOutput> MatchAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace
    => (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false)).Match(
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task MatchAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsString> @isString,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsLong> @isLong,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsDate> @isDate,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
    => (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false)).Match(
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask MatchAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsString> @isString,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsLong> @isLong,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsDate> @isDate,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace
    => (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false)).Match(
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TMatchOutput> MatchIsStringAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TMatchOutput> MatchIsLongAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TMatchOutput> MatchIsDateAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TMatchOutput> MatchIsNullWhiteSpaceAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<TMatchOutput> MatchIsStringAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsString, TMatchOutput> @isString,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<TMatchOutput> MatchIsLongAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsLong, TMatchOutput> @isLong,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<TMatchOutput> MatchIsDateAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsDate, TMatchOutput> @isDate,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<TMatchOutput> MatchIsNullWhiteSpaceAsync<TMatchOutput>(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Func<WhatIsTheString.IsNullWhiteSpace, TMatchOutput> @isNullWhiteSpace,
        System.Func<TMatchOutput> @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task MatchIsStringAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsString> @isString,
        System.Action @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task MatchIsLongAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsLong> @isLong,
        System.Action @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task MatchIsDateAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsDate> @isDate,
        System.Action @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task MatchIsNullWhiteSpaceAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
        System.Action @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask MatchIsStringAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsString> @isString,
        System.Action @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask MatchIsLongAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsLong> @isLong,
        System.Action @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask MatchIsDateAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsDate> @isDate,
        System.Action @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask MatchIsNullWhiteSpaceAsync(
        this System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<WhatIsTheString> unionTask,
        System.Action<WhatIsTheString.IsNullWhiteSpace> @isNullWhiteSpace,
        System.Action @else
            (await unionTask.ConfigureAwait(false))
#pragma warning restore 1591

Code and pdf at

RSCG – AutoCtor

RSCG – AutoCtor

name AutoCtor
author Cameron MacFarland

Generate constructor from non-initialized fields


This is how you can use AutoCtor .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

	  <PackageReference Include="AutoCtor" Version="1.0.0" />

The code that you will use is

// See for more information
using AutoCtorDemo;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

var p = new Person("Andrei", "Ignat");

using AutoCtor;

namespace AutoCtorDemo;

internal partial class Person
    private readonly string FirstName;
    private readonly string? LastName;



The code that is generated is

// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

namespace AutoCtor
    [System.AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
    internal sealed class AutoConstructAttribute : System.Attribute
        public AutoConstructAttribute()
// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

namespace AutoCtorDemo
	partial class Person
		public Person(string FirstName, string LastName)
			this.FirstName = FirstName;
			this.LastName = LastName;

Code and pdf at

RSCG – QuickConstructor

RSCG – QuickConstructor

name QuickConstructor
author Flavien Charlon

Fast add constructors that are read only FIELDS

Has multiple other features


This is how you can use QuickConstructor .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="QuickConstructor" Version="1.0.5" />

The code that you will use is

using QuickConstructorDemo;

var p = new Person("Andrei", "Ignat");

using QuickConstructor.Attributes;

namespace QuickConstructorDemo;

internal partial class Person
    private readonly string FirstName;
    private readonly string? LastName;



The code that is generated is

/// <auto-generated>
/// This code was generated by the QuickConstructor source generator.
/// </auto-generated>

#nullable enable

namespace QuickConstructorDemo
    partial class Person
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Person" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Person(string @firstName, string? @lastName)
            if (@firstName == null)
                throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(@firstName));

            this.@FirstName = @firstName;
            this.@LastName = @lastName;

Code and pdf at

RSCG – System.Runtime.InteropServices

RSCG – System.Runtime.InteropServices

name System.Runtime.InteropServices
author Microsoft

Generate PInvoke calls


This is how you can use System.Runtime.InteropServices .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


The code that you will use is

WriteLine(MessageBoxW(IntPtr.Zero, "asd", "asd", 1));
WriteLine(MessageBoxW_LI(IntPtr.Zero, "asd", "asd", 1));

partial class DemoImport
    [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "MessageBoxW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]

    internal static extern int MessageBoxW(IntPtr hWnd, string lpText, string lpCaption, uint uType);

    [LibraryImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "MessageBoxW", SetLastError = true,
StringMarshalling = StringMarshalling.Utf16)]

    internal static partial int MessageBoxW_LI(IntPtr hWnd, string lpText, string lpCaption, uint uType);

global using static System.Console;
global using static DemoImport;
global using System.Runtime.InteropServices;


The code that is generated is

// <auto-generated/>
unsafe partial class DemoImport
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.Interop.LibraryImportGenerator", "")]
    internal static partial int MessageBoxW_LI(nint hWnd, string lpText, string lpCaption, uint uType)
        int __lastError;
        int __retVal;
        // Pin - Pin data in preparation for calling the P/Invoke.
        fixed (void* __lpText_native = &global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf16StringMarshaller.GetPinnableReference(lpText))
        fixed (void* __lpCaption_native = &global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf16StringMarshaller.GetPinnableReference(lpCaption))
            __retVal = __PInvoke(hWnd, (ushort*)__lpText_native, (ushort*)__lpCaption_native, uType);
            __lastError = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastSystemError();

        return __retVal;
        // Local P/Invoke
        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "MessageBoxW", ExactSpelling = true)]
        static extern unsafe int __PInvoke(nint hWnd, ushort* lpText, ushort* lpCaption, uint uType);

Code and pdf at

Db2Code–part 2- architecture

What we will build you can see here :

Each class will have it is own CodeTemplates\EFCore  templates from which will generate the code.

Let’s start with ExampleModels : Here will be the class definitions . From the table defintion , the DB2Code will generate

1. A definition of a interface with table columns as properties

public interface I_Department_Table 
 long IDDepartment { get; set; }
 string Name { get; set; }

2. A class with relationships

public partial class Department
    public long IDDepartment { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; } = null!;

    public virtual ICollection&lt;Employee&gt; Employee { get; } = new List&lt;Employee&gt;();

3. class without relationship

public class Department_Table : I_Department_Table
 public long IDDepartment { get; set; }
 public string Name { get; set; }

4. Explicit operator to convert 2 to 3

public static explicit operator Department_Table?(Department obj) { 
if(obj == null)
return null;
var ret= new Department_Table();
ret.CopyFrom(obj as I_Department_Table );
return ret;
public static explicit operator Department?(Department_Table obj) { 
if(obj == null)
return null;
var ret= new Department();
ret.CopyFrom(obj as I_Department_Table) ;
return ret;

5. Public method CopyFrom( interface)

public void CopyFrom(I_Department_Table other)  {
 this.IDDepartment = other.IDDepartment;
 this.Name = other.Name;

5. Enum with name of the columns

public enum eDepartmentColumns {
None = 0

6. Metadata with name of the tables and the columns

public static MetaTable metaData = new("Department");
static Department_Table (){
 MetaColumn mc=null;
 mc=new ("IDDepartment","long",false);
 mc=new ("Name","string",false);


Now it comes ExampleContext . Here will the database context and various search definitions that you need (e.g. for a column of type int, search will generate  = , > , < , between , in array  ) . More , it will generate metadata for the tables that are part of the context.

public  IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department&gt; DepartmentSimpleSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria sc, eDepartmentColumns colToSearch, string value){}
public  IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department&gt; DepartmentGetAll(){}
public async Task&lt;Department[]&gt; DepartmentFind_Array( SearchDepartment? search){}
public Task&lt;long&gt; DepartmentCount( SearchDepartment search)


Now it comes ExampleControllers  . This will generate controllers for REST API for the table and also Search Controllers for any kind of search that you may want.

//this is the REST controller
public partial class RESTDepartmentController : Controller
    private ApplicationDBContext _context;
    public RESTDepartmentController(ApplicationDBContext context)
    public async Task&lt;Department_Table[]&gt; Get(){
        var data= await _context.Department.ToArrayAsync();
        var ret = data.Select(it =&gt; (Department_Table)it!).ToArray();
        return ret;

    public async Task&lt;ActionResult&lt;Department_Table&gt;&gt; GetDepartment(long id)
        if (_context.Department == null)
            return NotFound();
        var item = await _context.Department.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e =&gt; e.IDDepartment==id);

        if (item == null)
            return NotFound();

        return (Department_Table)item!;

        public async Task&lt;IActionResult&gt; PutDepartment(long id, Department value)
            if (id != value.IDDepartment)
                return BadRequest();

            _context.Entry(value).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!DepartmentExists(id))
                    return NotFound();

            return NoContent();

        public async Task&lt;ActionResult&lt;Department&gt;&gt; PostDepartment(Department_Table value)
            var val = new Department();
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return CreatedAtAction("GetDepartment", new { id = val.IDDepartment }, val);
        public async Task&lt;IActionResult&gt; DeleteDepartment(long id)
            if (_context.Department == null)
                return NotFound();
            var item = await _context.Department.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e =&gt; e.IDDepartment==id);
            if (item == null)
                return NotFound();

            _context.Department .Remove(item);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return NoContent();

        private bool DepartmentExists(long id)
            return (_context.Department.Any(e =&gt; e.IDDepartment  == id));


And also a SEARCH controller

public partial class AdvancedSearchDepartmentController : Controller
    private ISearchDataDepartment _search;
    public AdvancedSearchDepartmentController(ISearchDataDepartment search)

    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; GetAll()
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(null))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; GetWithSearch(SearchDepartment s)
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(s))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;

//has one key
    public async Task&lt;Department_Table?&gt; GetSingle(long id){
        var data=await _search.DepartmentGetSingle(id);
       if(data == null)
        return null;
       return (Department_Table)data;

    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; EqualValues_IDDepartment( long[]  values)
        string? value=null;
            value=string.Join( ",",values);
        var sc=SearchDepartment.FromSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.InArray,eDepartmentColumns.IDDepartment,value);
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; DifferentValues_IDDepartment( long[]  values)
        string? value=null;
            value=string.Join( ",",values);
        var sc=SearchDepartment.FromSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.NotInArray,eDepartmentColumns.IDDepartment,value);
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; EqualValue_IDDepartment( long  value)
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Equal;
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_IDDepartment(sc, value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; DifferentValue_IDDepartment( long  value)
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Different;
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_IDDepartment(sc, value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public  async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; SimpleSearch_IDDepartment(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria sc,  long value){
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_IDDepartment(sc,value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; FindNull_IDDepartment(){
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Equal;
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearchNull_IDDepartment(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; FindNotNull_IDDepartment(){
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Different;
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearchNull_IDDepartment(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; EqualValues_Name( string[]  values)
        string? value=null;
            value=string.Join( ",",values);
        var sc=SearchDepartment.FromSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.InArray,eDepartmentColumns.Name,value);
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; DifferentValues_Name( string[]  values)
        string? value=null;
            value=string.Join( ",",values);
        var sc=SearchDepartment.FromSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.NotInArray,eDepartmentColumns.Name,value);
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; EqualValue_Name( string  value)
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Equal;
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_Name(sc, value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; DifferentValue_Name( string  value)
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Different;
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_Name(sc, value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public  async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; SimpleSearch_Name(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria sc,  string value){
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_Name(sc,value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; FindNull_Name(){
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Equal;
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearchNull_Name(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; FindNotNull_Name(){
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Different;
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearchNull_Name(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;


}//end class


Finally , ExampleWebAPI . This will add the controllers from the ExampleControllers   to show the use .

var assControllers = typeof(UtilsControllers).Assembly;
              .PartManager.ApplicationParts.Add(new AssemblyPart(assControllers)); ;


Of course , the name Example will be replaced , from the template, with the name of your project

.NET 7 Latest features

.NET 7 is a version of the .NET platform that was released on November 10, 2021. It is a major release that includes many new features and improvements. Some of the notable features of .NET 7 include:

Improved performance: .NET 7 includes many improvements that result in faster startup time and better overall performance.

Enhanced support for web development: .NET 7 includes several new features that make it easier to build web applications, including support for WebAssembly and a new HTTP client library.

Improved support for ARM64: .NET 7 includes better support for ARM64, allowing you to build applications that can run on devices with ARM processors.

New native interop API: .NET 7 includes a new native interop API that makes it easier to call native code from .NET applications.

Improved support for .NET MAUI: .NET MAUI is a cross-platform UI framework for building mobile, desktop, and cloud-based applications. .NET 7 includes several improvements to .NET MAUI, including a new Hot Reload feature and improved support for .NET 5.

For more information about .NET 7, you can visit the following links:

.NET 7 documentation:
.NET 7 release notes:

The previous lines were generated with ChatGPT ,  My presentation is at with

  1. What’s new VS2022 ?

  2. What’s new C# 11
  3. What’s new Blazor
  4. What’s new ASP.NET Core 7
  5. What’s new EFCore 7
  6. Links

Rate Limiter–CORS limited

The problem is that , for the site ( Angular , React, plain HTML ) deployed into wwwroot of .NET Core, I want to have unlimited requests. Also, if I made requests to localhost ( when I try from local), I want also unlimited requests. However, if other site make requests to my AP( CORS enabled ) I, should have limited requests .

There is the Stefan Prodan package –  . And in .NET Core 7 has appeared  with 4 limiters  -please be sure that you read the article .

Back to the problem:

So we have 2 limits; NoLimit if same site and a simple limiter( 3 request per minute )_ if coming via other site.

var noLimit = RateLimitPartition.GetNoLimiter(“”);

Func<string, RateLimitPartition<string>> simpleLimiter =
     (string address) =>
RateLimitPartition.GetFixedWindowLimiter(address, _ =>
     return new FixedWindowRateLimiterOptions()
         PermitLimit = 3,
         Window = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
         QueueProcessingOrder = QueueProcessingOrder.OldestFirst,
         QueueLimit = 1


Now, let’s see how we apply :

  1. verify if the host is unknown or  localhost – then no limit.
  2. verify if header has Origin key
    1. if has not – could be same site or desktop – then no limit ( if the xhr request to same site, Edge sends “Origin” header – Chrome does not! – same as desktop )
    2. if has – verify if it is the same with host
      1. if it is, then no limit
      2. if it is not, then simple limit
  3. return default simple limit

And this is the code

builder.Services.AddRateLimiter(opt =>
     opt.RejectionStatusCode = StatusCodes.Status429TooManyRequests;
     opt.OnRejected = (ctx, ct) =>
         ctx.HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add(“tiltLimit”, “please try later”);
         return ValueTask.CompletedTask;
     opt.AddPolicy(“UnlimitMeAndLocalHost”, context =>
         var host = context.Request.Host;
         var hostName = host.HasValue ? host.Host : “”;
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hostName))
             Console.WriteLine(“no host???”);
             return simpleLimiter(“”);
         if (string.Equals(hostName,”localhost”,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
             Console.WriteLine(“localhost have no limit”);
             return noLimit;
         //chrome does not send origin, if same site
         var hasOrigin = context.Request.Headers.TryGetValue(“Origin”, out var origin);
         //maybe also verify referer?
         if (!hasOrigin)
             Console.WriteLine(“no origin -same site?”);
             return noLimit;

         //edge sends origin
         var originHost = origin.ToString();
         //removing scheme
         if (originHost.StartsWith(“http://”))
             originHost = originHost.Substring(7);
         if (originHost.StartsWith(“https://”))
             originHost = originHost.Substring(8);
         var fullHost = context.Request.Host.Host;
         Console.WriteLine($”has origin {originHost} , full host {fullHost}”);
         if (string.Equals(fullHost,originHost, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
             Console.WriteLine($”same site – no cors”);
             return noLimit;
         //return noLimit;
         return simpleLimiter(origin.ToString());

Pretty complicated – read again the algorithm above.

As a proof of concept , browse to  and to with developer tools open –  you will see 429 errors for the first, but not for the second.

And for seeing in action , execute 4 times fast this powershell

$hostName = “”
#$hostName = “http://localhost:9900″

$fullUrl = $hostName + “/api/PublicTILTs/LatestTILTs/ignatandrei/1”

$session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
$session.UserAgent = “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/107.0.1418.62”
$x = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $fullUrl `
-WebSession $session `
-Headers @{
  “Origin” = “”
“Accept-Encoding”=”gzip, deflate, br”
   “sec-ch-ua”=”`”Microsoft Edge`”;v=`”107`”, `”Chromium`”;v=`”107`”, `”Not=A?Brand`”;v=`”24`””

Write-Host ” ————————–“

NetCoreUsefullEndpoints–part 6–passing to .NET 7

So  .NET 7 has appeared and I decided to pass NetCoreUsefullEndpoints to .NET 7 .

Also, for RateLimiter , I have considered that is good to know if the request is local or remote … so I decided to add connection ( remote IP, local IP, and more details) to the nuget package.

So I have created for .NET 6 this :

So , first things first : modify the version from  6.2022.1203.1551 to  7.2022.1203.1551 ( my versioning scheme is .NETCore version compliant of the package.year.MMdd.HHmm  – pretty stable and easy to decide what package you should add)

Then I want to profit to show in swagger the return type with TypedResults – so , as an example , I have modified from

route.MapGet(“api/usefull/httpContext/Connection”, (HttpContext httpContext) =>
var con = httpContext.Connection;
if (con == null)
     return Results.NoContent();
var conSerialize = new
     LocalIpAddress = con.LocalIpAddress?.ToString(),
     RemoteIpAddress = con.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString(),
return Results.Ok(conSerialize);




Results<NoContent, Ok<object>>
(HttpContext httpContext) =>
var con = httpContext.Connection;
if (con == null)
     return TypedResults.NoContent();
var conSerialize = new
     LocalIpAddress = con.LocalIpAddress?.ToString(),
     RemoteIpAddress = con.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString(),
return TypedResults.Ok((object)conSerialize);

As you see , a pretty easy modification – indicating the INesteHttpResult Results<NoContent, Ok<object>>  ( so the swagger understand the 2 different return types )  and returning TypedResults instead of Results

Also the github ci must add the .NET Core and Azure App Service should be going to .NET 7 STS

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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