Category: adces

[ADCES]PowerAutomate & Filbo with Azure

This Tuesday there is a new Meetup about PowerAutomate and Filbo : .

Prezentare 1 : PowerAutomate Desktop – RPA in Windows
Descriere: Introducere in Power Automate Desktop si citeva exemple de folosire
Speaker: Ignat Andrei,
Prezentare 2: Filbo si Azure Cloud.
Descriere: Cum utilizam serviciile Azure Cloud pentru platforma de tehnologie Filbo
Speaker: Adrian Nasui,

Doi MVP si doua prezentari despre Xamarin , Machine Learning si Azure

Prezentare 1:

Titlu : Cross-platform mobile application with Xamarin and Integration with Azure DevOps`

Descriere: Just a few clicks and you will have your app up and running inside out favorite DevOps Tool. You can create your dedicated Xamarin pipeline from the portal. Join me to find out more!

Speaker: Codrina Merigo ,


Prezentare 2:

Deploying a Machine Learning Model with Azure ML Pipelines

Azure Machine Learning pipelines are independently executable workflows of complete machine learning tasks. They are extremely flexible, and can be used for a large variety of scenarios, from simple offline scoring scenarios, to complex deep learning architectures.

During this talk Vlad will discuss the difference between online and offline scoring, the need for applying solid development principles such as SOLID in machine learning, and how pipelines help in that regard.

He will also show how to create a pipeline for deploying and running a simple model, and discuss possibilities for improvement.

Speaker: Vlad Iliescu,


Va fi miine, 9 martie, ora 19:30:


[ADCES]Programmer2Head & DataPreparation with JupyterNotebooks

Prezentare 1:
Titlu: De la “just a programmer” la “head of his software company”
Descriere : Despre o calatorie care a inceput, nu intr-un garaj american, ci la Automatica, si care a continuat pe 3 continente
Prezentator: Radu Iovescu ,
Prezentare 2:
Titlu: Data Preparation with Jupyter Notebook and DataFrame
Prezentator: Daniel Costea, MVP,

Va astept miine, 9 februarie , la

[ADCES] Presentation about .NET 5

My presentation were about EFCore, RoslynGenerators, Breaking Changes and ClickOnce.

Code and presentation at .

Next presentation will be

De la Multinationala la Startup & Filbo – Technical Stack

Tuesday, Jan 12, 2021, 7:30 PM

Online event

19 Members Attending

Prezentare 1 : De la multinationala la startup si freelancer – sau cum sa iti parasesti cariera bine platita pentru alta Speaker: Daniel Tila, Descriere: Aventurile unui programator in cautarea businessului Prezentare 2: Filbo – Technical Stack Speaker: Adrian Nasui,…

Check out this Meetup →

[ADCES].NET 5 What’s new and awesome

Daniel Costea , Andrei Ignat si Dan Patrascu-Baba si o sa faca demo practice despre

1. C# – What’s new

2. ASP.NET Core – What’s new

3. EF Core – What’s new

4. Auto-Update de aplicatii Asp.NET Core si WPF prin ClickOnce

5. Roslyn Generators pentru code

6. Breaking changes

7 What’s new in Blazor on .NET 5?

Speaker: Dan Patrascu-Baba,

Description: .NET 5 is probably one of the most important milestones in the history of .NET. Everybody is excited about the new release and we have plenty of reasons to be as a bunch o new features and improvements have been announced. In this talk we’ll dive deeper in the new Blazor features released with .NET 5, both for Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly. We’ll tackle concepts like CSS and JS isolation, lazy loading, secure local storage interactions and much more.

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( Acest eveniment este in colaborare cu .NET Romania )

[ADCES]SqlInjection si Migrare BD in Azure

1. Teorie si Demo practic de Sql Injection si spargerea parolelor prin hashing
Prezentator: Andrei Rinea,
Descriere: Abordare teoretică și practică asupra SQL Injection și Hashing. Include live hacking!
2. Migrarea bazelor de date SQL Server in cloud
Prezentator: Dragos Barbu,
Incheiem seria in care am prezentat cum mutam o solutie veche in cloud cu etapa de migrare a bazei de date. Voi prezenta de ce sa alegem varianta migrarii in cloud si cum sa facem acest lucru. Variante de gazduire a bazei de date in cloud-ul Microsoft Azure si pentru ce este potrivita fiecare. Discutam si de trend-ul denumit Database Modernization.

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Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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