Category: adces

[ADCES]- ASP.NET Endpoints & Dapr, Microservices and Azure all-up


Presentation 1: ASP.NET Core usefull endpoints
Descriere : O sa prezint citeva endpoint-uri utile pentru fiecare aplicatie ASP.NET Core – health check, swagger, date time . error si cum le puteti obtine usor.
Prezentator: Andrei Ignat ,

Presentation 2 : Chit-chat about Dapr, Azure Container Instances, Microservices and Azure all-up
Urmarind traseul Sfantului Graal al dezvoltarii software bazate pe sablonul architectural al microserviciilor ajungem inevitabil la probabil cel mai promitator proiect din ultimul deceniu care are potentialul de a simplifica dezvoltarea si mentenanta microserviciilor in productie. In aceasta sesiune vom avea ocazia sa interactionam cu Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime), sa-i aflam beneficiile si sa-l vedem la lucru in aplicatii pregatite pentru productie.
Prezentator: Alex Mang ,

Link meetup:

[ADCES] Building a Design System: First steps & Stable Diffusion in Azure

Presentation 1: Building a Design System: First steps
Description: Răzvan va detalia cum să începeți un Design System cu ajutorul căruia să construiți UI-uri omogene pe platforme multiple. Prezentarea este o continuare a articolului:
Speaker: Răzvan Roșu is a passionate Frontend Developer working in his field for over a decade. His mission is seeking the perfect user interface, while sharing his knowledge on the way.

Presentation 2: Stable Diffusion in Azure
Description: We’ll be talking about Stable Diffusion, a recently released open-source generative model able to generate high-fidelity images based on text descriptions, and how we can run and extend it with ease using Azure GPU Compute Instances
Speaker: Vlad Iliescu,

Va astept la la 19:30 !

[ADCES]React – first steps(again) and SRE and .NET

Presentation 1: React( first steps) – again
Presenter: Andrei Ignat,
Descriere : O sa fie atinse urmatoarele concepte prin exemple practice:

1. React ca librarie, nu ca framework
2. Create-react-app – cu typescript si modificarile care trebuie aduse
3. Componente si Utilizarea de Hooks
4. Comunicarea intre componente de React – de la parinte la copil si intre copii diferiti cu RxJS
4. Utilizarea de librarii: React Router, MUI

Presentation 2: What a SRE wants and how .NET provides
Descriere: We will answer to with examples and tests 😉

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[ADCES]How to prepare for a leadership position interview & Microsoft ML.NET Quality


Presentation 1:
“How to prepare for a leadership position interview?”
Are you ready to make a switch toward a leadership position and have you spotted an interesting opening you want to apply to? In this case, the ADCES meetup, powered by Ubisoft, might be the right one for you! Join me in an open discussion on November 15 and learn a few guidelines on how to prepare your resume and showcase your skills during the interview process.
Ana has spent the last 9 years working as an HR professional in different positions, covering topics such as recruitment, employer branding, performance evaluation, and talent management. Currently, she is an HR Manager & Talent Acquisition Lead for Ubisoft’s IT department. She is passionate about working with people, offering
her support for their development, and finding the best place for them inside an organization. In the past 4 years, her focus was the tech industry and how to partner with tech professionals to help them strive in a fast-paced domain.

Presentation 2: Microsoft ML.NET: Improve machine learning model quality in three easy step
Machine Learning is not known for being easy, but for its steep learning curve. As a software developer, you have to accumulate a lot of data science knowledge just to build a training model, not to mention improve the quality of the model.
This material will show you how you can build and improve a training model without dedicated knowledge of data science, in three essential steps, using AutoML, Correlation Matrix, and Permutation Feature Importance.
Daniel is a senior software developer with over 15 years of experience and he’s been a fan of C # since its inception in 2001. Daniel is an active international speaker in the field of .NET technologies at over 40 conferences in Europe, the USA, and India in the last 4 years. Organizer and co-owner of the ApexVox conference. The organizer of community meetings and workshops. Trainer with over 1200 hours of training in .NET web technologies for more than 700 students. Recently Daniel is the author of a series of articles about .NET technologies he was awarded Microsoft MVP on developer technologies starting in 2019.

The link is here:

[ADCES]GIS & Windows 10 Features

Prezentare 1 : Lumea din spatele hartilor – sau ce este GIS-ul?
Descriere: GIS este ceea ce folosim atunci cand vrem sa raspundem la intrebarea “Unde?”. Mai exact, sa raspundem la acele inrebari unde spatiul este o componenta si “Unde?” joaca un rol important. Simplu spus, GIS este procesarea datelor spatiale, sau datelor referitoare la “Unde?”
O sa vedem

  1. Ce este GIS-ul si la ce ne foloseste

  2. Cum ne impacteaza viata
  3. Ce tehnologie foloseste
  4. Cum putem face dezvoltari IT folosind GIS si unde ne este util

Prezentator : Claudia Blagu,

Prezentare 2 : Windows 10 Features – for programmers and not only
Descriere : O sa vedem cu ce programe vine Windows 10 care ne pot folosi ca utilizare. O sa fie prezentate urmatoarele si unde te ajuta:

Built into Windows:
Second Start Menu ( Win+X)
Windows Snipping ( Win+Shift+S)
Shell ( sendto, AppsFolder)
GodMode – GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
SpeechToText ( Win+H)
XBoxGameBar(Win+G) -
Video Editor
Virtual Desktops ( Win+Tab)
Cloud /Multiple / Clipboard ( Win+V)
Problem Steps Recorder ( psr)
Window Sandbox
Windows Subsystem for Linux – WSL,

From Windows Store:
Windows Terminal
Phone Link

Ne vedem aici: sau direct aici

Vintage Development part 2 si RX

Pe   13 septembrie 2022, ora 19:30 ,  va fi un nou meetup ADCES despre

“Vintage Development part 2 si RX”


Prezentare 1:
Vintage development part 2 – VB6.0, Classic ASP, Windows NT Server, Visual SourceSafe
Prezentator: Julian Atanasoae,

Prezentare 2:
Reactive Extensions in .NET si JavaScript cu multe exemple in Angular
Prezentator: Andrei Ignat,
Descriere: In cadrul prezentarii o sa fie

  1. o introducere in Reactive Extensions

  2. citeva exemple despre ce inseamna Observables si cum se combina ele
  3. Va arata citeva exemple practice despre cum va ajuta Reactive Extensions sa programati mai usor call-urile de API
  4. Site-uri utile ( unul in Azure ) unde puteti incerca marbles

Va astept aici:  , 13 septembrie 2022, ora 19:30

[ADCES]Introducere in React si Analiza DeadLock in SqlServer

Prezentare 1:
Titlu: Introducere in REACT
Prezentator: Alexandru Badita,
Cum pot crea o pagina rapid (ce unelte am la
Cum pot crea un formular (validari pe formular) si
alte unelte ce pot fi integrate cu react.
Mfe (Micro front ends) cum se pot crea cu React
arhitectura de proiect

Prezentare 2:
Titlu: Analiza blocajelor de tip deadlock in SqlServer
Prezentator: Bogdan Sahlean ,
Descriere: Reading and analyzing deadlocks xml graph events.

Reading all deadlocks graph events from following sources:
Extended events files (including system health)
Extended events ring buffer
Trace file
Trace table
Event Notifications

Direct link:

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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