Category: adces

[ADCES] .NET Core 8 What’s new


Daniel Costea ,
What’s new in C# 12 and some AI / ML / news
Dan Patrascu Baba,
What’s new in Blazor and the new ASPIRE app for distributed applications
Alexandru Badita,
What’s new in .NET Core 8 Auth

Andrei Ignat ,
What’s new in .NET 8 , ASP.NET Core , EF Core

I wait at

[ADCES] Redis & Microsoft Semantic Kernel

Azi , 14 noiembrie 2023, ora 19:30 ,  va fi un nou meetup ADCES despre

Redis & Microsoft Semantic Kernel

Presentation 1: Introduction to Redis
Description: Nice and gently introduction in Redis practice
Presenter: Marius Sorin Stratulat,

Presentation 2: Beyond Clicks: Unleashing the Power of Microsoft Semantic Kernel for a Semantic Interface in API Communication – A Deep Dive into the GPT-4 Powered Robot Car Demo
Description: Microsoft Semantic Kernel (SK) is a new technology that enables the integration of AI Large Language Models (LLMs) with conventional programming languages like C#, Python and Java. SK brings together several key components to provide planning and execution capabilities. These components include a robust kernel that provides the foundation for all other components, plugins (formerly known as skills) for performing specific tasks, connectors for interfacing with external systems, memories for storing information about past events, steps for defining individual actions, and pipelines for organizing complex multi-stage plans. We will explore how to build a semantic interface for an existing API (controlling a Car Robot) using plugins and execution plans containing semantic and native functions.
Presenter: Daniel Costea ,

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[ADCES]Polly & Infrastructure as Code in Azure

Presentation 1 : Introduction in Polly
Description: Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, Rate-limiting and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.
Presented by : Andrei Ignat,

Presentation 2: Infrastructure as Code in Azure: ARM vs Terraform vs bicep
Description : Când vine vorba de a crea infrastructura în cloud într-un mod automat, limbajele de Infra-as-Code devin normalitatea. Iar in Azure, cele mai folosite metode sunt ARM templates, Terraform sau Bicep. Dar care sunt diferentele între aceste metode? Cum decidem pe care și când le folosim? În această sesiune vom analiza plusurile și minusurile fiecărei metode, demonstrându-le caracteristicile live, prin crearea unor resurse în Azure.
Presented by : Catalin Popa ,

Va astept aici:

[ADCES] WebAPI Caching & Future Proof Development


Presentation 1: Caching in WebAPI

Description: We will show examples with MemoryCache / DistributedCache for answering fast to the requests.

We will not show how to invalidate cache because

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

— Phil Karlton

Presenter : Andrei Ignat,

Presentation 2: Future-Proof Development with GitHub Codespaces, Copilot, and GPT-4 (Oh My!)

Description : In this talk, we will delve into the world of cutting-edge software development tools and explore how GitHub Codespaces, GitHub Copilot, and GPT-4 (via Azure OpenAI) can work together to reshape the way developers create, test, and maintain code, optimizing their efficiency and streamlining collaboration.

We’ll start by exploring GitHub Codespaces, which lets developers quickly create tailored, cloud-based development environments, eliminating the need for extensive local setup, and ensuring a consistent workspace across teams. We’ll then take a closer look at GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered programming assistant that uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 to suggest contextually relevant code suggestions, significantly reducing the time spent on writing boilerplate code and debugging.

Finally, we’ll dive into the possibilities and potential impact of GPT-4, the latest iteration of OpenAI’s language model. Here, we will discuss advancements such as the ability to use twice as much contextual information, but also its improved reasoning and code generation capabilities.

Throughout the talk, we will explore real-world examples and provide insight into the integration of these tools, ensuring that you leave equipped with valuable knowledge on how to future-proof your development practices and stay ahead of the curve.

[ADCES]Database To Rest & TSQL SQLServer 2022, Curs

Presentation 1: Cum obtii un REST API de la o BD
Prezentator: Andrei Ignat,
Voi arata doua modalitati prin care puteti obtine rapid de la o BD un REST API
Mai intii, scriem cod
Apoi folosim OData.
Apoi folosim
Si , in cele din urma, generam cod:

A doua este de la Microsoft,

Presentation 2: TSQL SQLServer 2022, Curs
Prezentator : Bogdan Sahlean ,
Descriere :
Descriere a functionalitatilor noi aduse de limbajul de programare

GENERATE_SERIES: Generam serii de date cu data start si data stop

SELECT WINDOW: Gruparea uneia sau a mai multor clauze SUM/MAX/COUNT/etc. OVER
LEAST, GREATEST: Cea mai mica si cea mai mare valoare
IS NOT DISTINCT FROM Verificare existentei duplicatelor si NULL
STATISTICS , UPDATE STATISTICS ca sa fie sterse statisticile care blocheaza schimbarile structurale
FIRST_VALUE si tratamentul NULL

Cerinte :
Instalati SSMS 18.3.1 minim

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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