[ADCES] Building a Design System: First steps & Stable Diffusion in Azure
Presentation 1: Building a Design System: First steps
Description: Răzvan va detalia cum să începeți un Design System cu ajutorul căruia să construiți UI-uri omogene pe platforme multiple. Prezentarea este o continuare a articolului: https://uxdesign.cc/design-systems-4baa50172c5d
Speaker: Răzvan Roșu is a passionate Frontend Developer working in his field for over a decade. His mission is seeking the perfect user interface, while sharing his knowledge on the way.
Presentation 2: Stable Diffusion in Azure
Description: We’ll be talking about Stable Diffusion, a recently released open-source generative model able to generate high-fidelity images based on text descriptions, and how we can run and extend it with ease using Azure GPU Compute Instances
Speaker: Vlad Iliescu, https://vladiliescu.net/
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