RSCG – Matryoshki
RSCG – Matryoshki
name | Matryoshki |
nuget | |
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author | Georgy Krasin |
Adding decorators to an implementation of interface
This is how you can use Matryoshki .
The code that you start with is
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <OutputType>Exe</OutputType> <TargetFramework>net7.0</TargetFramework> <ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings> <Nullable>enable</Nullable> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup> <EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles>true</EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles> <CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath>$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX</CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="Matryoshki" Version="1.1.4" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection" Version="7.0.0" /> </ItemGroup> </Project>
The code that you will use is
using Matryoshki.Abstractions; Decorate<IPerson> // you can use Decorate<> alias if you prefer .With<AddLog>() .Name<PersonMatryoshka>(); var services = new ServiceCollection(); services.AddTransient<IPerson, Person>(); services.AddTransient<PersonMatryoshka, PersonMatryoshka>(); var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); var sp=serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<PersonMatryoshka>(); sp.FirstName = "Andrei"; sp.LastName = "Ignat"; Console.WriteLine(sp.FullName());
namespace MatryoshkiDemo; internal class AddLog : IAdornment { public TResult MethodTemplate<TResult>(Call<TResult> call) { Console.WriteLine($"start Calling {call.MemberName} !"); var data =call.Forward(); Console.WriteLine($"end calling {call.MemberName} !"); return data; } }
namespace MatryoshkiDemo; public interface IPerson { string? FirstName { get; set; } int ID { get; set; } string? LastName { get; set; } string FullName(); }
namespace MatryoshkiDemo; public class Person : IPerson { public int ID { get; set; } public string? FirstName { get; set; } public string? LastName { get; set; } public string FullName() { return $"{FirstName} {LastName}"; } }
The code that is generated is
[assembly: Matryoshki.Abstractions.CompiledAdornmentAttribute("MatryoshkiDemo.AddLog", "AddLog", "DQpuYW1lc3BhY2UgTWF0cnlvc2hraURlbW87DQoNCmludGVybmFsIGNsYXNzIEFkZExvZyA6IElBZG9ybm1lbnQNCnsNCiAgICBwdWJsaWMgVFJlc3VsdCBNZXRob2RUZW1wbGF0ZTxUUmVzdWx0PihDYWxsPFRSZXN1bHQ+IGNhbGwpDQogICAgeyAgICAgICAgDQogICAgICAgIENvbnNvbGUuV3JpdGVMaW5lKCQic3RhcnQgQ2FsbGluZyB7Y2FsbC5NZW1iZXJOYW1lfSAgISIpOw0KICAgICAgICB2YXIgZGF0YSAgICA9Y2FsbC5Gb3J3YXJkKCk7DQogICAgICAgIENvbnNvbGUuV3JpdGVMaW5lKCQiZW5kIGNhbGxpbmcge2NhbGwuTWVtYmVyTmFtZX0gISIpOw0KICAgICAgICByZXR1cm4gZGF0YTsNCg0KICAgIH0NCn0=")]
using System; #nullable enable public interface IPerson { int ID { get; set; } string? FirstName { get; set; } string? LastName { get; set; } string FullName(); public class Adapter : IPerson { private readonly MatryoshkiDemo.Person _inner; public Adapter(MatryoshkiDemo.Person inner) { _inner = inner; } public int ID { get => _inner.ID; set => _inner.ID = value; } public string? FirstName { get => _inner.FirstName; set => _inner.FirstName = value; } public string? LastName { get => _inner.LastName; set => _inner.LastName = value; } public string FullName() => _inner.FullName(); } }
using System; using MatryoshkiDemo; #nullable enable public class IPersonWithAddLog : MatryoshkiDemo.IPerson { private readonly MatryoshkiDemo.IPerson _inner; public IPersonWithAddLog(MatryoshkiDemo.IPerson inner) { _inner = inner; } private static readonly string[] MethodParameterNamesForPropertyFirstName = new string[] { }; public string? FirstName { get { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {"FirstName"}!"); return _inner.FirstName; } set { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {"FirstName"}!"); { Matryoshki.Abstractions.Nothing.FromPropertyAction(_inner, value, static (@innerΔΔΔ, @valueΔΔΔ) => @innerΔΔΔ.FirstName = @valueΔΔΔ); return; } } } private static readonly string[] MethodParameterNamesForPropertyID = new string[] { }; public int ID { get { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {"ID"}!"); return _inner.ID; } set { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {"ID"}!"); { Matryoshki.Abstractions.Nothing.FromPropertyAction(_inner, value, static (@innerΔΔΔ, @valueΔΔΔ) => @innerΔΔΔ.ID = @valueΔΔΔ); return; } } } private static readonly string[] MethodParameterNamesForPropertyLastName = new string[] { }; public string? LastName { get { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {"LastName"}!"); return _inner.LastName; } set { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {"LastName"}!"); { Matryoshki.Abstractions.Nothing.FromPropertyAction(_inner, value, static (@innerΔΔΔ, @valueΔΔΔ) => @innerΔΔΔ.LastName = @valueΔΔΔ); return; } } } private static readonly string[] MethodParameterNamesForMethodFullName = new string[] { }; public string FullName() { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {"FullName"}!"); return _inner.FullName(); } }
using System; using MatryoshkiDemo; #nullable enable public class PersonMatryoshka : MatryoshkiDemo.IPerson { private readonly MatryoshkiDemo.IPerson _inner; public PersonMatryoshka(MatryoshkiDemo.IPerson inner) { _inner = inner; } private static readonly string[] MethodParameterNamesForPropertyFirstName = new string[] { }; public string? FirstName { get { Console.WriteLine($"start Calling {"FirstName"} !"); var data = _inner.FirstName; Console.WriteLine($"end calling {"FirstName"} !"); return data; } set { Console.WriteLine($"start Calling {"FirstName"} !"); var data = Matryoshki.Abstractions.Nothing.FromPropertyAction(_inner, value, static (@innerΔΔΔ, @valueΔΔΔ) => @innerΔΔΔ.FirstName = @valueΔΔΔ); Console.WriteLine($"end calling {"FirstName"} !"); return; } } private static readonly string[] MethodParameterNamesForPropertyID = new string[] { }; public int ID { get { Console.WriteLine($"start Calling {"ID"} !"); var data = _inner.ID; Console.WriteLine($"end calling {"ID"} !"); return data; } set { Console.WriteLine($"start Calling {"ID"} !"); var data = Matryoshki.Abstractions.Nothing.FromPropertyAction(_inner, value, static (@innerΔΔΔ, @valueΔΔΔ) => @innerΔΔΔ.ID = @valueΔΔΔ); Console.WriteLine($"end calling {"ID"} !"); return; } } private static readonly string[] MethodParameterNamesForPropertyLastName = new string[] { }; public string? LastName { get { Console.WriteLine($"start Calling {"LastName"} !"); var data = _inner.LastName; Console.WriteLine($"end calling {"LastName"} !"); return data; } set { Console.WriteLine($"start Calling {"LastName"} !"); var data = Matryoshki.Abstractions.Nothing.FromPropertyAction(_inner, value, static (@innerΔΔΔ, @valueΔΔΔ) => @innerΔΔΔ.LastName = @valueΔΔΔ); Console.WriteLine($"end calling {"LastName"} !"); return; } } private static readonly string[] MethodParameterNamesForMethodFullName = new string[] { }; public string FullName() { Console.WriteLine($"start Calling {"FullName"} !"); var data = _inner.FullName(); Console.WriteLine($"end calling {"FullName"} !"); return data; } }
Code and pdf at
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