NetCoreUsefullEndpoints–part 6–passing to .NET 7

So  .NET 7 has appeared and I decided to pass NetCoreUsefullEndpoints to .NET 7 .

Also, for RateLimiter , I have considered that is good to know if the request is local or remote … so I decided to add connection ( remote IP, local IP, and more details) to the nuget package.

So I have created for .NET 6 this :

So , first things first : modify the version from  6.2022.1203.1551 to  7.2022.1203.1551 ( my versioning scheme is .NETCore version compliant of the package.year.MMdd.HHmm  – pretty stable and easy to decide what package you should add)

Then I want to profit to show in swagger the return type with TypedResults – so , as an example , I have modified from

route.MapGet(“api/usefull/httpContext/Connection”, (HttpContext httpContext) =>
var con = httpContext.Connection;
if (con == null)
     return Results.NoContent();
var conSerialize = new
     LocalIpAddress = con.LocalIpAddress?.ToString(),
     RemoteIpAddress = con.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString(),
return Results.Ok(conSerialize);




Results<NoContent, Ok<object>>
(HttpContext httpContext) =>
var con = httpContext.Connection;
if (con == null)
     return TypedResults.NoContent();
var conSerialize = new
     LocalIpAddress = con.LocalIpAddress?.ToString(),
     RemoteIpAddress = con.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString(),
return TypedResults.Ok((object)conSerialize);

As you see , a pretty easy modification – indicating the INesteHttpResult Results<NoContent, Ok<object>>  ( so the swagger understand the 2 different return types )  and returning TypedResults instead of Results

Also the github ci must add the .NET Core and Azure App Service should be going to .NET 7 STS