RecordVisitors- Readme for Nuget–part 10

Nuget now allow for a package to see a Markdown document. I choose to embed the file

I just embed into csproj file:

     <None Include=”../../../” Pack=”true” PackagePath=”\” />




I needed also to make a small modif , to remove HTML comments that were seeing into nuget

$path = “../../”

$path =Resolve-Path $path

Write-Host $path

$fileContent = gc $path

Write-Host $fileContent.Length

For($i=0;$i -lt $fileContent.Length ; $i++){

$line = $fileContent[$i];

If ($line -match ‘^<!–‘) {


$fileContent[$i] =$null # because `continue` doesn’t work in a foreach-object


If ($line -match ‘–>$’) {


$fileContent[$i] =$null


If ($state -eq ‘comment’) {

$fileContent[$i] =$null



$fileContent |Set-Content $path

You can see the end result at