RecordVisitors- BDD–part 9

It is recommended to have tests. And better is to  see the output of the tests in some readable format .

On other hand, I do not like full BDD   frameworks as SpecFlow – I think that are too overkill in order to achieve less.

So – something like seems to fit the bill.

After you read the documentation, it is not so difficult. You transform test from

public async void TestFakeUser()

    // Arrange
    var client = _factory.CreateClient();

    // Act
    var response = await client.GetStringAsync("/recordVisitors/AllVisitors5Min");

    // Assert
    var str = "JeanIrvine";
    Assert.True(response.Contains(str), $"{response} must contain {str}");



HttpClient client;
string response;
private void Given_The_Application_Starts()
  StepExecution.Current.Comment("!!!Start application!!!!");
  client = _factory.CreateClient();

private async Task When_The_User_Access_The_Url(string url)
    response = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
private void Then_The_Response_Should_Contain(string str)
    Assert.True(response.Contains(str), $"{response} must contain {str}");

public async void TestFakeUser()
    await Runner
            _ => When_The_User_Access_The_Url("/recordVisitors/AllVisitors5Min")
            _ => Then_The_Response_Should_Contain("JeanIrvine")


Yes, it seems some more code – but you can re-use the functions and , more, the documentation looks great!

The results can bee seen at