RecordVisitors- NuGet–part 5

Now it the moment to deploy to NuGet. First , we should have automatic build and deploy to NuGet with GitHub Actions.  This is pretty simple –  the yml becomes

    – name: Pack

run: |

        cd src/RecordVisitors/

        # dotnet pwsh setVersion.ps1

        cd RecordVisitors

        dotnet pack -o nugetPackages

    – name: ‘Upload Artifact’

uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2


name: RecordVisitorsNuget_${{github.run_number}}

path: src/RecordVisitors/RecordVisitors/nugetPackages

retention-days: 1

The modifications of the csproj project are the following

     <PackageReference Include=”Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub” Version=”1.0.0″ PrivateAssets=”All” />
     <None Include=”../../../” Pack=”true” PackagePath=”\” />
     <None Include=”../../../docs/rv.png” Pack=”true” PackagePath=”\” />

     <Authors>Andrei Ignat</Authors>
     <Description>This package help you record your visitors</Description>
     <Title>Record Visitors</Title>
     <PackageTags>C#;.NET;ASP.NET Core</PackageTags>

   <PropertyGroup Condition=”‘$(GITHUB_ACTIONS)’ == ‘true'”>

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