EF Record and play – conclusions


Part 1 : What is EF record and play : http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/2014/11/29/entity-framework-6-record-and-play-1-of-5/ 

Part 2: EF Record and play use: Testing : http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/2014/12/08/entity-framework-6-record-and-play-use-unit-testing-part-2-of-5/

Part 3: EF Record and play use: Make demo: http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/2014/12/14/entity-framework-6-record-and-play-use-making-demos-part-3-of-5/ 

Part 4: EF Record and play use: Record user Sql when a bug occurs: http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/2014/12/26/ef-record-and-play-use-recording-user-sql-when-a-bug-occurred-part-4-of-5/

Part 5: EF record and play: conclusions: http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/2015/01/05/ef-record-and-play-conclusions/



I have show to you how easy you can record and play again Entity Framework 6 actions. Also, some possible uses as testing, making demos and record user Sql.

One possible use that can be done is Profiling  – analyzing sql – for example, just like MiniProfiler or EFProfiler does. Read this article about profiling : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/gg490349.aspx

I hope you enjoy this piece of code.

Source code is available at https://github.com/ignatandrei/EFRecordAndPlay/wiki/
There is also a NuGet package at https://www.nuget.org/packages/EFRecordAndPlay/

Video at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4aSKgR4yk4Mi1eLKArsgoqQRluxXv2-Y