Differences MVC versus WebForms

Rule of thumb for differences between ASP.NET MVC versus ASP.NET WebForms 1 :

  1. If it is a Web Form Control ( asp:textbox, asp:gridview) it does not work in MVC. Period. 2. Use DisplayTemplates/EditorTemplates/PartialView/HtmlHelpers and some jquery (or your favorite javascript framework) magic. See http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/2010/05/30/mvc-helper-templates .3
  2. Security is NOT on web.config ( location ). Security is on Actions. ( Authorize or derive from ). However, enforce your Repository /Business Layer for security. Do not rely unique on Web security.
  3. Anything else it works in MVC like in WebForms . ( it means Session, Cache, Application, Cookies , IIS and so on)1. However, please note that MVC have TempData, ViewData, Filters, Models4 , ModelBinders4 and more features . Please learn those as they are important to MVC.

1 : I am not using anymore WebForms. Too troublesome getting all those events. And which order it is when Ajax comes in action?! And I can tell you another 1000 reasons. But please follow tutorials from http://www.asp.net/mvc

2 : Ok, ok, it might work on display on HttpGet. But on HttpPost in 99,99% cases no.And no events. And will be more troublesome than advantages! So basic instinct: NO WEB FORMS CONTROLS ON ASP.NET MVC!

3No, the login controls are not available in MVC. Did you take a chance to see the default source code for a new MVC template ? There are controller and partial views implemented. Even remote validations! (Please follow tutorials from http://www.asp.net/mvc)

4 Ok, ok,so ASP.NET vNext will have strongly typed Models on controls.  And a ModelBinding over ValueProviders ( see [QueryString] on this post ) . But see note 1