Adding Angular to WebAPI site-part 41

First, I want to add an index.html file – to see the result.

For this, I add to the startup:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
         //more code

I also add an index.html into a wwwroot folder ( also created into the root)

You can see the modifications here:

Now I want to compile the Angular application and add the index html generated by Angular to the wwwroot site

I create a powershell ( easy for me , because you can install dotnet tool powershell )

echo “starting build angular”
cd InfovalutarWebAng
npm i
ng build  –prod –build-optimizer
cd ..

$source= “InfovalutarWebAng/dist/InfovalutarWebAng/”
$dest= “InfoValutarWebAPI/wwwroot/”
echo “delete files”
Get-ChildItem -Path $dest -Include *.* -File -Recurse | foreach { $_.Delete()}
echo “copy files”
Get-ChildItem -Path $source | Copy-Item -Destination $dest

and put in Azure Devops pipelines

– powershell: |
       cd InfoValutar
   displayName: copy angular site to web api

Now commit in GitHub ( )and waiting to see if it works

The error is : “The term ‘ng’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or

The term ‘ng’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the

spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.


npm i -g @angular/cli

It works!

Web site–Angular- part 40

Creating  Angular app

ng new InfovalutarWebAng

Then customizing to add angular material

ng add @angular/material


ng generate @angular/material:nav banks

Delete everyhing in app component ( without

<div class=”content” role=”main”>




See if it works. If yes, move the router outlet and footer to app-banks.

Now, I want to solve the CD and to run in a container for the people that do not have Angular installed  – or do not want to.

Remember how it was for .NET Core , that I need just an Internet Connection , Docker and VSCode  ? 

Now it does not work – cannot load application because some bug in .NET Core . Why ? I have been going to .NET Core 3.1 and not updated the docker file…


Now it loads – however, saying that the methid has not an implementation. Solving later.

Now going to

to find same for Angular…

After some attempts, I have this files into .devcontainer


// For format details, see or the definition README at
     “name”: “Angular”,
     “dockerFile”: “DockerfileAng”,   
     // Uncomment the next line to have VS Code connect as an existing non-root user in the container.
     // On Linux, by default, the container user’s UID/GID will be updated to match your local user. See
     // for details on adding a non-root user if none exist.
     // “remoteUser”: “vscode”,

    // Uncomment the next line if you will use a ptrace-based debugger like C++, Go, and Rust
     // “runArgs”: [ “–cap-add=SYS_PTRACE”, “–security-opt”, “seccomp=unconfined” ],
     // Use ‘settings’ to set *default* container specific settings.json values on container create.
     // You can edit these settings after create using File > Preferences > Settings > Remote.
     “settings”: {
         // This dev container does include /bin/bash if you prefer to use it instead of ash.
         “”: “/bin/ash”

    // Use ‘appPort’ to create a container with published ports. If the port isn’t working, be sure
     // your server accepts connections from all interfaces ( or ‘*’), not just localhost.
     // “appPort”: [],

    // Uncomment the next line to run commands after the container is created.
     // “postCreateCommand”: “uname -a”,

    // Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created in the array
     // below. Note that some extensions may not work in Alpine Linux due to glibc dependencies
     // in native code inside the extension. See for details.
     “extensions”: [],
     “postCreateCommand”: “cd InfovalutarWebAng && npm i”,
     “shutdownAction”: “stopContainer”

and DockerFileAng

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See for license information.
FROM alpine:3.10

# This Dockerfile adds a non-root user with sudo access. Use the “remoteUser”
# property in devcontainer.json to use it. On Linux, the container user’s GID/UIDs
# will be updated to match your local UID/GID (when using the dockerFile property).
# See for details.

# Install git, bash, dependencies, and add a non-root user
RUN apk add –no-cache git bash libgcc libstdc++ \
     # Create a non-root user to use if preferred – see
     && addgroup -g $USER_GID $USERNAME \
     && adduser -S -s /bin/bash -u $USER_UID -G $USERNAME $USERNAME \
     # [Optional] Add sudo support for the non-root user
     && apk add –no-cache sudo \
     && echo $USERNAME ALL=\(root\) NOPASSWD:ALL > /etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME\
     && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME

RUN apk add –update npm
RUN npm install -g @angular/cli

Now I can run in remote container and ng serve from remote container ( do not forget to be in Angular folder and forward port from VSCode !)

Last Commit info–GitHub and AzureDevOps–part 39

I was thinking that I need to see the date of last CD – who done what. For this, I need 2 things: to have a controller/gui to show the info and the CD process, via GitHub/AzureDevOps  ,to take care of that.

For the part with code, the problem was pretty simple:


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace InfoValutarWebAPI.Controllers
    /// <summary>
    /// info about commit
    /// </summary>
    public class LastCommitInfo
        /// <summary>
        /// comment latest commit
        /// </summary>
        public string LatestCommit { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// last date of commit
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime DateCommit { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// last author of commit
        /// </summary>
        public string LastAuthor { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// controller about info the application
    /// </summary>
    public class InfoController
        /// <summary>
        /// info about latest commit
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public LastCommitInfo GetLatestCommit()
                new LastCommitInfo()
                    LatestCommit = "{LatestCommit}",
                    DateCommit = DateTime.ParseExact("{DateCommit}", "yyyyMMdd:HHmmss", null),
                    LastAuthor = "{LastAuthor}"


What about the CD process ?

Well, this was cumbersome. To see ALL the environment  variables, I used cmd /K set ( in command ) or Get-ChildItem Env: ( in powershell).

And I come with this:

A bash script to take the version

– bash: |

git log –format=’%s’ -1

git log –pretty=oneline | head -1

gitMessage=$(git log –format=’%s’ -1)

echo “##vso[task.setvariable variable=commitMessage;isOutput=true]$gitMessage”

displayName: Store commit message in variable

– powershell: .\modifyinfo.ps1

displayName: modify info


And a  .ps1 powershell

$file = “.\InfoValutar\InfoValutarWebAPI\Controllers\InfoController.cs”

$date = Get-Date -Format “yyyyMMdd:HHmmss”

Get-ChildItem Env:


$commitText = $env:BASH_COMMITMESSAGE

((Get-Content -path $file -Raw) -replace ‘{LatestCommit}’,$commitText -replace ‘{LastAuthor}’,$author -replace ‘{DateCommit}’ , $date ) | Set-Content -Path $file

(Get-Content -path $file -Raw)

The result can be seen at


And one hour passes...
(This is the result of 1 hour per day auto-challenge as a full cycle developer for an exchange rates application)
( You can see the sources at )
2Reading NBR from internet
3Source control and build
4Badge and test
5CI and action
6Artifacts and dotnet try
7Docker with .NET Try
9Intermezzo - Various implementations for programmers
10Intermezzo - similar code - options
11Plugin implementation
12GUI for console
14Plugin in .NET Core 3
15Build and Versioning
16Add swagger
17Docker - first part
18Docker - second part
19Docker - build Azure
20Pipeline send to Docker Hub
21Play with Docker - online
22Run VSCode and Docker
23Deploy Azure
24VSCode see tests and powershell
25Code Coverage
26Database in Azure
27Sql In Memory or Azure
28Azure ConString, RSS
29Middleware for backward compatibility
30Identical Tables in EFCore
31Multiple Data in EFCore
32Dot net try again
33Start Azure Function
34Azure function - deploy
35Solving my problems
36IAsyncEnumerable transformed to IEnumerable and making Azure Functions works
37Azure functions - final
38Review of 37 hours
39Last Commit in AzureDevOps
40Create Angular WebSite
41Add static Angular to WebAPI .NET Core
42Docker for Angular
43Angular and CORS
44SSL , VSCode, Docker
45Routing in Angular
46RxJS for Routing
47RxJs Unsubscribe

Exchange rates–what I have done in 37 hours–part 38

What I have create for now in 37 hours :

  1. A source control –
  2. A plugin based software – you can use to load any kind of exchange rates, for anywhere , provided that you implement the interface – see implementation
  3. Tests for some of the code
  4. Deployment:
  5. A SqlServer database – to store datas
  6. An Azure Function  – –  to load data at time based cron intervals
  7. A GitHub action to compile ,run tests , –
  8. An AzureDevops CI + CD  to do all 1-6 things +code coverage + deploy


I did say it is a nice work for 37 hours of work, right ?


And one hour passes...
(This is the result of 1 hour per day auto-challenge as a full cycle developer for an exchange rates application)
( You can see the sources at )
2Reading NBR from internet
3Source control and build
4Badge and test
5CI and action
6Artifacts and dotnet try
7Docker with .NET Try
9Intermezzo - Various implementations for programmers
10Intermezzo - similar code - options
11Plugin implementation
12GUI for console
14Plugin in .NET Core 3
15Build and Versioning
16Add swagger
17Docker - first part
18Docker - second part
19Docker - build Azure
20Pipeline send to Docker Hub
21Play with Docker - online
22Run VSCode and Docker
23Deploy Azure
24VSCode see tests and powershell
25Code Coverage
26Database in Azure
27Sql In Memory or Azure
28Azure ConString, RSS
29Middleware for backward compatibility
30Identical Tables in EFCore
31Multiple Data in EFCore
32Dot net try again
33Start Azure Function
34Azure function - deploy
35Solving my problems
36IAsyncEnumerable transformed to IEnumerable and making Azure Functions works
37Azure functions - final
38Review of 37 hours
39Last Commit in AzureDevOps
40Create Angular WebSite
41Add static Angular to WebAPI .NET Core
42Docker for Angular
43Angular and CORS
44SSL , VSCode, Docker
45Routing in Angular
46RxJS for Routing
47RxJs Unsubscribe

Software Year 2019 in review

This is what impressed me in 2019

  1. On 8 January
  2. On 21 January : Public updates for Oracle Java SE 8 released after January 2019 will not be available for business, commercial or production use without a commercial license.
  3. On 8 February Ie default browser
  4. On 12 February
  5. On 7 March Microsoft Calculator implementation
  6. On 13 March
  7. On 29 March
  8. On 3 April
  9. On 18 May
  10. On 23 May
  11. On 24 May Photo to OCR to Excel
  12. On 2 June
  13. On 2 June
  14. On 7 June
  15. On 11 June UIPath – with CoreWF
  16. On 11 June CoreWCF – community :
  17. On 12 June Salesforce is buying data visualization company Tableau for $15.7B in all-stock deal
  18. On 24 June
  19. On 25 July Oracle EF Core
  20. On 5 August
  21. On 2 September
  22. On 11 September
  23. On 14 October
  24. On 9 November TypeScript 3.7
  25. On 11 December
  26. On 11 December .NET Core 3.1

What I have done in 2019–and goals for 2020

In 2019

  1. I have learned
    • .NET Core  – up to the version 3.1
    • Angular-  up to the version 8.0
    • Docker –  up to the 19.3
    • TypeScript –up to 3.7
    • JavaScript frameworks for backend and mono-repo
  2. I have started
  3. Coordinating automation work at the office ( I am TD at EA )
  4. Written this blog and series about
  5. Become an MVP again
  6. Organizing 12 ADCES meetings – Bucharest meetup about .NET and programming technologies :
  7. Speaking at various conferences about .NET Core and Angular – see my previous MVP track

For 2020 I want

  1. Keep learning new versions of .NET Core / Angular / TypeScript / Docker
  2. Start learn AI / ML so I can be proficient ( starting point my InfoValutar)
  3. Finish migrating InfoValutar to Azure
  4. Continuing ADCES
  5. Continuing blogging ( this blog!)
  6. Speak at conferences
  7. Doing good work at the office
  8. Starting again the video series about tools in 5 minutes – maybe separating in C# and general programming tools ?
  9. Become MVP again

Basically, the same thing as for this year.

Azure functions – final–part 37

So , I said, now just retrieve data – and put on database:

                 log.Info(“trying to save”);
                 ISave save = new SaveSqlServer(null);
                 await save.Save(data.ToArray());
             catch(Exception ex)
                 log.Error($”ERROR !! {ex.Message}”);

This gives me a new whole error:

ERROR !! Could not load type ‘System.IAsyncDisposable’ from assembly ‘netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’.

Ok. Coming from start: What I want ? To save recent data into the database and checking at regular times. How to do that ? Simple . Just call

Good. So this should be the code:

log.Info($”LOAD from website: {DateTime.Now}”);
             var url = “”;
             var http = new HttpClient();
             var data = await http.GetStringAsync(url);
             log.Info($”obtaining data {data}”);

And … it works flawless! – For BNR – for ECB it shows just a record. That is somehow strange – the coding was almost the same

Now it is time to wrote some more tests  -and to find if ECB is loading more than 1 record. Yes, it is.

Then the problem is when saving? Or when loading ?

I have the result of saving :

public class ResultsLoadBankData
         public string Bank { get; internal set; }
         public int NrRecords { get; internal set; }
         public bool HasSuccess { get; internal set; }
         public string ErrorMessage { get; internal set; }

And I modified to this

public class ResultsLoadBankData
         public string Bank { get; internal set; }
         public int NrRecordsLoaded { get; internal set; }
         public int NrRecordsSaved { get; internal set; }

        public bool HasSuccess { get; internal set; }
         public string ErrorMessage { get; internal set; }

Also , there were many other small modifications when loading data.


And one hour passes...
(This is the result of 1 hour per day auto-challenge as a full cycle developer for an exchange rates application)
( You can see the sources at )
2Reading NBR from internet
3Source control and build
4Badge and test
5CI and action
6Artifacts and dotnet try
7Docker with .NET Try
9Intermezzo - Various implementations for programmers
10Intermezzo - similar code - options
11Plugin implementation
12GUI for console
14Plugin in .NET Core 3
15Build and Versioning
16Add swagger
17Docker - first part
18Docker - second part
19Docker - build Azure
20Pipeline send to Docker Hub
21Play with Docker - online
22Run VSCode and Docker
23Deploy Azure
24VSCode see tests and powershell
25Code Coverage
26Database in Azure
27Sql In Memory or Azure
28Azure ConString, RSS
29Middleware for backward compatibility
30Identical Tables in EFCore
31Multiple Data in EFCore
32Dot net try again
33Start Azure Function
34Azure function - deploy
35Solving my problems
36IAsyncEnumerable transformed to IEnumerable and making Azure Functions works
37Azure functions - final
38Review of 37 hours
39Last Commit in AzureDevOps
40Create Angular WebSite
41Add static Angular to WebAPI .NET Core
42Docker for Angular
43Angular and CORS
44SSL , VSCode, Docker
45Routing in Angular
46RxJS for Routing
47RxJs Unsubscribe

IAsyncEnumerable transformed to IEnumerable and making Azure Functions works- part 36

Last time I have had problems because of IAsyncEnumerable not be loaded from SystemRuntime. Decided to modify code to use instead Task<Ienumerable>

The code modifications were interesting

await foreach (var e in nbr.GetActualRates())

  foreach (var e in await nbr.GetActualRates())

yield return exch;

//versus adding to a list and return the list

var data = await nbr.GetActualRates().ToArrayAsync();


var data = (await nbr.GetActualRates()).ToArray();

All in all, not so difficult.Code changes at

To test in production, it does not help that AzureDevops is taking 7 minutes. Trying in the meantime to setup AzureDevOps on my PC.

In Azure Function – the same error occurred.

Ok . Now trying to see if something smaller can be possible. Rather to load every plugin to give information, maybe I can load just the plugins directly.

Cannot bind parameter ‘log’ to type ILogger

Apparently, a known issue for package hell . Reading

Commuting to TtraceWriter

Now deployng from Visual Studio =>error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’

Re-doing via CI – AzureDevOps : WORKS!


And one hour passes...
(This is the result of 1 hour per day auto-challenge as a full cycle developer for an exchange rates application)
( You can see the sources at )
2Reading NBR from internet
3Source control and build
4Badge and test
5CI and action
6Artifacts and dotnet try
7Docker with .NET Try
9Intermezzo - Various implementations for programmers
10Intermezzo - similar code - options
11Plugin implementation
12GUI for console
14Plugin in .NET Core 3
15Build and Versioning
16Add swagger
17Docker - first part
18Docker - second part
19Docker - build Azure
20Pipeline send to Docker Hub
21Play with Docker - online
22Run VSCode and Docker
23Deploy Azure
24VSCode see tests and powershell
25Code Coverage
26Database in Azure
27Sql In Memory or Azure
28Azure ConString, RSS
29Middleware for backward compatibility
30Identical Tables in EFCore
31Multiple Data in EFCore
32Dot net try again
33Start Azure Function
34Azure function - deploy
35Solving my problems
36IAsyncEnumerable transformed to IEnumerable and making Azure Functions works
37Azure functions - final
38Review of 37 hours
39Last Commit in AzureDevOps
40Create Angular WebSite
41Add static Angular to WebAPI .NET Core
42Docker for Angular
43Angular and CORS
44SSL , VSCode, Docker
45Routing in Angular
46RxJS for Routing
47RxJs Unsubscribe

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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