Crash Course on .NET Core 3.0

Who is addressed to

This tutorial is aimed to C# programmers with at least 6 months experience. Also , they should  have at least 6 months experience with HTML / CSS / Javascript .. This will help them to understand  .NET Core 3 and how to build applications with the .NET Core framework

The class will be taken by Andrei Ignat, former C# MVP for 6 years, moderator and OpenSource contributor( you can find his AspNetCoreImageTagHelper mentioned on ). More details at his blog at .

What it contains

Day 1

  1. .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET Framework
  2. Some C# advanced
  3. C# 8-9 what’s new
  4. .NET Core 3 what’s new
  5. .NET Core backend – BL, DAL, Security, tests
  6. EF – console, ASP.NET Scaffolding
  7. ASP.NET Core – Heads up


Day 2

  1. Demo Why DI
  2. Anatomy of ASP.NET Core
  3. Plugin Architecture
  4. Winform / windows service / webapi
  5. Arhitectura html+webapi demo


Caching data backend–.NET Core–part 49

We have 2 options to cache data: One in webAPI, one when returns from database.

For WebAPI, I have read


It is also important to read the conditions for caching : ( e.g. only GET or HEAD is cached)

It is just very easy – see github commit

Also, can be tested by setting a breakpoint in VisualStudio  – see that is activated just 1 time.

Now, the interesting part – I need the cache for the remaining of the day, in case the exchange rate is in the same day .

Because I need this functionality for both ECB and BNR banks( and may for others), I either create a C# extension, either a base class (instead of an interface ) , either I use a feature of C# 8,  interface that have implementations.

The first try is here:

Where I have do the code wrong: the key to cache and the items to cache are different. See

I am using Memory Cache

namespace InfoValutarShared
#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles
public interface BankGetExchange
#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles
public string Bank { get; }
Task<IEnumerable<ExchangeRates>> GetActualRates();
DateTime Key()
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
now = now.AddDays(-1);
if (now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
now = now.AddDays(-1);
return now;

IEnumerable<ExchangeRates> TodayFromCache

var keyDate = Key();
string key = $”{this.Bank}_{keyDate.ToString(“yyyyMMdd”)}”;
var mc = MemoryCache.Default;
if (mc.Contains(key))
return mc[key] as ExchangeRates[];

return null;

var keyDate = Key();
string key = $”{this.Bank}_{keyDate.ToString(“yyyyMMdd”)}”;
var mc = MemoryCache.Default;
value = value
.Where(it => Math.Abs(it.Date.Subtract(keyDate).TotalDays) < 1)
if (value.Any())
mc.Set(key, value, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7));



and using this like this

public async Task<IEnumerable<ExchangeRates>> GetActualRates()
var b = this as BankGetExchange;
if (b.TodayFromCache != null)
return b.TodayFromCache;

//code omitted

b.TodayFromCache = ret;

return ret;


And this is it…

Caching data frontend- Angular interceptors for Observable–part 48

Now I want to cache data for fast loading site- if it comes next time with the same browser, should have some data returned fast – and then load from HTTP. So first return from cache, then make the request

So I need to create an HTTP interceptor to cache things-  fortunately, Angular already provide tutorial about this:  – see CachingInterceptor. And the question is how to return 2 results ( of the same type ) from the same function  ?  Fortunately, the answer is: Observable ! ( It took me a while to figure that intercept returns Observable …). Also, when making the http request, the code should also store the result for the next time.

So I need to combine the 2 observables, one from cache and one from HTTP result  – or I can use startWith ( to start with the value).

First, I wanted to put into a static dictionary ( key: url, value: value of the request) the data. It did not work. Why ? Because of this


static cache: Map<string, any> = new Map<string, any>();

//code for finding if we have something in the case

if (CachingInterceptor.cache.has(req.url)) {

//code to put into the cache

this.cache[req.url] = event.body; // Update the cache.


Can you spot the error ? ( Yes, I know: Dictionary in C# has tricked my mind)

Last line should be this:

CachingInterceptor.cache.set(url,event.body); // Update the cache.

Now the caching works – but only for local .  And only in memory .

You can find the commit at


And one hour passes...
(This is the result of 1 hour per day auto-challenge as a full cycle developer for an exchange rates application)
( You can see the sources at )
2Reading NBR from internet
3Source control and build
4Badge and test
5CI and action
6Artifacts and dotnet try
7Docker with .NET Try
9Intermezzo - Various implementations for programmers
10Intermezzo - similar code - options
11Plugin implementation
12GUI for console
14Plugin in .NET Core 3
15Build and Versioning
16Add swagger
17Docker - first part
18Docker - second part
19Docker - build Azure
20Pipeline send to Docker Hub
21Play with Docker - online
22Run VSCode and Docker
23Deploy Azure
24VSCode see tests and powershell
25Code Coverage
26Database in Azure
27Sql In Memory or Azure
28Azure ConString, RSS
29Middleware for backward compatibility
30Identical Tables in EFCore
31Multiple Data in EFCore
32Dot net try again
33Start Azure Function
34Azure function - deploy
35Solving my problems
36IAsyncEnumerable transformed to IEnumerable and making Azure Functions works
37Azure functions - final
38Review of 37 hours
39Last Commit in AzureDevOps
40Create Angular WebSite
41Add static Angular to WebAPI .NET Core
42Docker for Angular
43Angular and CORS
44SSL , VSCode, Docker
45Routing in Angular
46RxJS for Routing
47RxJs Unsubscribe

RxJS–Unsubscribe automatically –part 47

I am searching for a simple method to unsubscribe from Observables. Some of methods are detailed here :

I do not want

  1. remember to unsubscribe
  2. being forced to use html ( the async pipe)
  3. take operator – I want later to cache first data and then make the http call
  4. first operator – same with 3
  5. decorator – seems ok.
  6. tsLint – no, can be easy to disable


So Decorator it is. More reading

Added code the autoUnsub

export function AutoUnsub( constructor ) {

const original = constructor.prototype.ngOnDestroy;

console.log(‘from unsubscribe’);

constructor.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function() {

// tslint:disable-next-line: forin

for ( const prop in this ) {

const property = this[ prop ];

if ( property && (typeof property.unsubscribe === ‘function’) ) {

console.log(‘unsubscribe !’);




console.log(‘finish unsub’);

// tslint:disable-next-line: no-unused-expression

original && typeof original === ‘function’ && original.apply(this, arguments);



Modified code to make property of unsubscribe, e.g. from






err=> window.alert(“error:”+ JSON.stringify(err))




banksObs: Observable<string[]>;

//ommitted code

this.banksObs = this.banksService.GetBanksIds();


it => {


this.banks = it;


err => window.alert(‘error:’ + JSON.stringify(err))


Created also a new component, for programmers, in order to observe the unsubscribe moving from component to component,

See commit


And one hour passes...
(This is the result of 1 hour per day auto-challenge as a full cycle developer for an exchange rates application)
( You can see the sources at )
2Reading NBR from internet
3Source control and build
4Badge and test
5CI and action
6Artifacts and dotnet try
7Docker with .NET Try
9Intermezzo - Various implementations for programmers
10Intermezzo - similar code - options
11Plugin implementation
12GUI for console
14Plugin in .NET Core 3
15Build and Versioning
16Add swagger
17Docker - first part
18Docker - second part
19Docker - build Azure
20Pipeline send to Docker Hub
21Play with Docker - online
22Run VSCode and Docker
23Deploy Azure
24VSCode see tests and powershell
25Code Coverage
26Database in Azure
27Sql In Memory or Azure
28Azure ConString, RSS
29Middleware for backward compatibility
30Identical Tables in EFCore
31Multiple Data in EFCore
32Dot net try again
33Start Azure Function
34Azure function - deploy
35Solving my problems
36IAsyncEnumerable transformed to IEnumerable and making Azure Functions works
37Azure functions - final
38Review of 37 hours
39Last Commit in AzureDevOps
40Create Angular WebSite
41Add static Angular to WebAPI .NET Core
42Docker for Angular
43Angular and CORS
44SSL , VSCode, Docker
45Routing in Angular
46RxJS for Routing
47RxJs Unsubscribe

Routing angular with .net core and RxJs switchmap- part 46

Now the problem is that the route


works if I access first the index.html file, but it does not route when entered directly

Trying to get from SPATemplate

However, this will redirect ALL routes to index.html – including swagger and API.  Trying to learn more – looking at the code.

I have observed that I have put




tap(rp => {

this.idBank =;


, switchMap((it) =>

, tap(v => this.rates = v)


What If I put first?


app.UseSpa(spa =>


And it works!

What I need more, is to retrieve the exchange rates for today for the selected bank.

The code to retrieve the bank id was:

this.route.params.subscribe(rp => {

this.idBank =;



I can put into subscribe the next call, but it will be not so nice ( subscribe into subscribe into subscribe)

this.route.params.subscribe(rp => {

this.idBank =; ….)




Instead of this, I use switchMap , pipe and tap


tap(rp => {

this.idBank =;


, switchMap((it) =>

, tap(v => this.rates = v)


To fast show data, I use the Json pipe from Angular


<li *ngFor=”let rate of rates”>

{{rate | json}}



Modifications at


And one hour passes...
(This is the result of 1 hour per day auto-challenge as a full cycle developer for an exchange rates application)
( You can see the sources at )
2Reading NBR from internet
3Source control and build
4Badge and test
5CI and action
6Artifacts and dotnet try
7Docker with .NET Try
9Intermezzo - Various implementations for programmers
10Intermezzo - similar code - options
11Plugin implementation
12GUI for console
14Plugin in .NET Core 3
15Build and Versioning
16Add swagger
17Docker - first part
18Docker - second part
19Docker - build Azure
20Pipeline send to Docker Hub
21Play with Docker - online
22Run VSCode and Docker
23Deploy Azure
24VSCode see tests and powershell
25Code Coverage
26Database in Azure
27Sql In Memory or Azure
28Azure ConString, RSS
29Middleware for backward compatibility
30Identical Tables in EFCore
31Multiple Data in EFCore
32Dot net try again
33Start Azure Function
34Azure function - deploy
35Solving my problems
36IAsyncEnumerable transformed to IEnumerable and making Azure Functions works
37Azure functions - final
38Review of 37 hours
39Last Commit in AzureDevOps
40Create Angular WebSite
41Add static Angular to WebAPI .NET Core
42Docker for Angular
43Angular and CORS
44SSL , VSCode, Docker
45Routing in Angular
46RxJS for Routing
47RxJs Unsubscribe

Displaying banks with Angular routing-part 45

Now I want to have a separate URL for each bank, like

For this I read routing in Angular, .

However , a small problem : when we change URL , from


we should re-load component – or the component be aware of changing.


makes me change from

this.idBank = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get(‘id’);


this.route.params.subscribe(rp=> {

this.idBank =;



Seems little to do, but I have had problems with changing the router-outlet – figuring where to put it. The creation of dashboard component and the routes

const routes: Routes = [

{ path: ”, redirectTo: ‘/dashboard’, pathMatch: ‘full’ },

{ path: ‘dashboard’, component: DashboardComponent },



were enough trouble.


And one hour passes...
(This is the result of 1 hour per day auto-challenge as a full cycle developer for an exchange rates application)
( You can see the sources at )
2Reading NBR from internet
3Source control and build
4Badge and test
5CI and action
6Artifacts and dotnet try
7Docker with .NET Try
9Intermezzo - Various implementations for programmers
10Intermezzo - similar code - options
11Plugin implementation
12GUI for console
14Plugin in .NET Core 3
15Build and Versioning
16Add swagger
17Docker - first part
18Docker - second part
19Docker - build Azure
20Pipeline send to Docker Hub
21Play with Docker - online
22Run VSCode and Docker
23Deploy Azure
24VSCode see tests and powershell
25Code Coverage
26Database in Azure
27Sql In Memory or Azure
28Azure ConString, RSS
29Middleware for backward compatibility
30Identical Tables in EFCore
31Multiple Data in EFCore
32Dot net try again
33Start Azure Function
34Azure function - deploy
35Solving my problems
36IAsyncEnumerable transformed to IEnumerable and making Azure Functions works
37Azure functions - final
38Review of 37 hours
39Last Commit in AzureDevOps
40Create Angular WebSite
41Add static Angular to WebAPI .NET Core
42Docker for Angular
43Angular and CORS
44SSL , VSCode, Docker
45Routing in Angular
46RxJS for Routing
47RxJs Unsubscribe

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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