RSCG–AMS – About My software –idea – part 1

Every product should have an About page . In the About page should be listed

  1. The product name
  2. The version  of the product
  3. Link to latest version ?
  4. Built date+ time
  5. The commit ID
  6. The authors
  7. Link to the License
  8. Other components version and link to about
  9. Third Party notices
  10. Repository  link ( github, gitlab, …)
  11. Documentation Link
  12. Release Notes link
  13.   Maybe log file ?
  14. Maybe latest errors ?
  15. Maybe ?


This should be available for

  1. any dll – as a class
  2. any console project – as Console.WriteLine
  3. for any ASP.NET Core app
    1.   as a class
    2. as a  WebAPI
    3. as an HTML UI

You can see an example at

Benchmarking RSCG vs Reflection

I make a microservices Buffet . In this I consider having email as a service . When the DevOps wants email, he can choose between various plugins ( simple smtp email, gmail, exchange, others). Those plugins can have various properties – that must be edited by the primary administrator of the microservice. The properties can be discovered at runtime ( via Reflection ) o r at build time ( via Roslyn Source Code Generators  – RSCG ).

But – we should see what is faster, right ?   And the feeling is that RSCG is always faster – but it is , really ? Let’s see…

So = let’s make a test with . You can have the source code by going to .

First , the class that is tested

public partial class EmailSmtpClientMS 

    public EmailSmtpClientMS()

        Port = 25;

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Type
            return this.GetType().Name;
    public string Host { get; set; }
    public int Port { get; set; }

    public string Description
            return $"{Type} {Host}:{Port}";


Second, with AOPMethods I generate the read properties values – properties that  you can read – via a dictionary and via a switch. This can be achieved simply :

[AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.CustomTemplateFile, CustomTemplateFileName = "ClassToDictionary.txt")]
    public partial class EmailSmtpClientMS 

And this will be generated by RSCG for the switch

protected object GetValueProperty(string propName)
    switch (propName)
        //true true
        case "Name":
            return this.Name;

        //true false
        case "Type":
            return this.Type;

        //true true
        case "Host":
            return this.Host;

        //true true
        case "Port":
            return this.Port;

        //true false
        case "Description":
            return this.Description;

            throw new ArgumentException("cannot find property " + propName);

and for the dictionary

private IDictionary<string, PropertyHelper> MyProperties()
    var data = new Dictionary<string, PropertyHelper>();
    PropertyHelper ph;
    ph = new PropertyHelper();
    ph.Name = "Name";
    ph.Type = "string";
    ph.CanRead = !false;
    ph.CanWrite = !false;

    ph.Value = this.Name;

    data.Add("Name", ph);
    //Name string     
    ph = new PropertyHelper();
    ph.Name = "Type";
    ph.Type = "string";
    ph.CanRead = !false;
    ph.CanWrite = !true;

    ph.Value = this.Type;

    data.Add("Type", ph);
    //Type string     
    ph = new PropertyHelper();
    ph.Name = "Host";
    ph.Type = "string";
    ph.CanRead = !false;
    ph.CanWrite = !false;

    ph.Value = this.Host;

    data.Add("Host", ph);
    //Host string     
    ph = new PropertyHelper();
    ph.Name = "Port";
    ph.Type = "int";
    ph.CanRead = !false;
    ph.CanWrite = !false;

    ph.Value = this.Port;

    data.Add("Port", ph);
    //Port int     
    ph = new PropertyHelper();
    ph.Name = "Description";
    ph.Type = "string";
    ph.CanRead = !false;
    ph.CanWrite = !true;

    ph.Value = this.Description;

    data.Add("Description", ph);
    //Description string     

    return data;



The spec for benchmark are :

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.0, OS=Windows 10.0.19043.1052 (21H1/May2021Update)
Intel Core i7-6600U CPU 2.60GHz (Skylake), 1 CPU, 4 logical and 2 physical cores
.NET SDK=5.0.301
  [Host]     : .NET 5.0.7 (5.0.721.25508), X64 RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET 5.0.7 (5.0.721.25508), X64 RyuJIT


Third, I benchmark obtaining one single property – the Host – via the 3 methods:

public partial class EmailSmtpClientMSOneProperty: EmailSmtpClientMS
    public string GetHostReflection()
        return this.GetType().GetProperty("Host").GetValue(this).ToString();
    public string GetHostViaDictionary()
        return this.ReadMyProperties()["Host"].ToString();
    public string GetHostViaSwitch()
        return this.GetValueProperty("Host").ToString();

And in Program.cs

        .WithOption(ConfigOptions.DisableOptimizationsValidator, true)

( of course, I have added on the class
[Orderer(SummaryOrderPolicy.FastestToSlowest, MethodOrderPolicy.Declared)]
The results are in ns –so, the less/smaller , that means  better results.

The results are here in HTML form :



Method Mean Error StdDev Median Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
GetHostViaSwitch 18.07 ns 0.434 ns 0.549 ns 18.02 ns
GetHostReflection 144.13 ns 2.582 ns 5.501 ns 142.13 ns
GetHostViaDictionary 451.59 ns 12.363 ns 33.635 ns 441.72 ns 0.3057 640 B

The graphic may be more interesting:


Surprised ? The RSCG Switch Property is indeed the fastest one – but the Reflection is faster than RSCG Property Dictionary ( or , at least , for my implementation).

However, I realized that in real life , I will retrieve all properties in a Dictionary to be edited . So all implementations should occur the penalty of creating a Dictionary . Time for next benchmark . This time , the code is

public IDictionary<string,object> GetHostReflection()
    var props = this.GetType()
        .Where(it=> it.CanWrite)
        .ToDictionary(it => it.Name, it=>it.GetValue(this));
    return props;
public IDictionary<string, object> GetHostViaDictionary()
    var props = this.ReadMyProperties();
    return props;
public IDictionary<string, object> GetHostViaSwitch()
    var props = ReadProperties
        .ToDictionary(it => it, it => GetValueProperty(it));
    return props;


and the results are:

Method Mean Error StdDev Median Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
GetHostViaDictionary 462.1 ns 14.70 ns 40.97 ns 453.6 ns 0.3052 640 B
GetHostViaSwitch 479.5 ns 7.34 ns 7.54 ns 479.9 ns 0.2708 568 B
GetHostReflection 973.0 ns 78.35 ns 231.01 ns 911.5 ns 0.1984 416 B


Now the graphic will help:


Interesting , right ?

Reflection = as normal –  is the slowest one. But the difference between RSCG switch and RSCG Dictionary is not too much…

Conclusion 1:  the feeling  was right at the end. But – the first result was deceiving

Conclusion 2: Creating a dictionary is more time consuming than a simple reflection for one property retrieved

Conclusion 3: I do prefer RSCG Dictionary vs RSCG switch – less work for me as a programmer and similar time results.

Conclusion 4: do not over engineer if you do not feel the need . For just one property, Reflection is better….

Conclusion 5: This is not final. I should also write the values of the properties . Maybe next time a new benchmark….

RecordVisitors–packages and thanks–part 12

Now it is time to see the outdated packages and say thanks to the people that help me created all this project.

For this I install . The result is

Also, I have installed dotnet outdated tool ( new version!) to see what I should improve

Also , I have installed dotnet-project-licenses to let the user see the license for the project . You can see all the licences at 

Also, a tool that worth is  dotnet-depends – make a try ( allow to run several seconds). You will be impressed by Norton Commander interface…

The CI in github yml it is

– name: helper – see Outdated, thanks , licences and depends

run: |

    cd src/RecordVisitors/       

    dotnet dotnet-outdated

    dotnet dotnet-thx

    dotnet dotnet-project-licenses -i .\RecordVisitors.sln

    # dotnet dotnet-depends

RecordVisitors–Static Analysis with SonarCloud–part 11

Now I should see if the code that I have written is enough good. One way to determine is static analysis – and is open for open source.

It was pretty simple to setup

1.  I have install the tool  dotnet-sonarscanner

2. Add the secrets from sonnarcloud to Github

3. Add JAVA to the CI Github Action

    – name: Set up JDK 11

uses: actions/setup-java@v1


java-version: 1.11

4. run the build with

cd src/RecordVisitors

dotnet dotnet-sonarscanner begin /k:”ignatandrei_RecordVisitors” /o:”ignatandrei-github” /d:sonar.login=”${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}” /””

dotnet build

dotnet dotnet-sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login=”${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}”

And now I have quality gate A –  see

RecordVisitors- Readme for Nuget–part 10

Nuget now allow for a package to see a Markdown document. I choose to embed the file

I just embed into csproj file:

     <None Include=”../../../” Pack=”true” PackagePath=”\” />




I needed also to make a small modif , to remove HTML comments that were seeing into nuget

$path = “../../”

$path =Resolve-Path $path

Write-Host $path

$fileContent = gc $path

Write-Host $fileContent.Length

For($i=0;$i -lt $fileContent.Length ; $i++){

$line = $fileContent[$i];

If ($line -match ‘^<!–‘) {


$fileContent[$i] =$null # because `continue` doesn’t work in a foreach-object


If ($line -match ‘–>$’) {


$fileContent[$i] =$null


If ($state -eq ‘comment’) {

$fileContent[$i] =$null



$fileContent |Set-Content $path

You can see the end result at

RecordVisitors- BDD–part 9

It is recommended to have tests. And better is to  see the output of the tests in some readable format .

On other hand, I do not like full BDD   frameworks as SpecFlow – I think that are too overkill in order to achieve less.

So – something like seems to fit the bill.

After you read the documentation, it is not so difficult. You transform test from

public async void TestFakeUser()

    // Arrange
    var client = _factory.CreateClient();

    // Act
    var response = await client.GetStringAsync("/recordVisitors/AllVisitors5Min");

    // Assert
    var str = "JeanIrvine";
    Assert.True(response.Contains(str), $"{response} must contain {str}");



HttpClient client;
string response;
private void Given_The_Application_Starts()
  StepExecution.Current.Comment("!!!Start application!!!!");
  client = _factory.CreateClient();

private async Task When_The_User_Access_The_Url(string url)
    response = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
private void Then_The_Response_Should_Contain(string str)
    Assert.True(response.Contains(str), $"{response} must contain {str}");

public async void TestFakeUser()
    await Runner
            _ => When_The_User_Access_The_Url("/recordVisitors/AllVisitors5Min")
            _ => Then_The_Response_Should_Contain("JeanIrvine")


Yes, it seems some more code – but you can re-use the functions and , more, the documentation looks great!

The results can bee seen at

Friday Links 428

  • 4 Experts List Favorite New EF Core 5.0 Features — Visual Studio Magazine
  • Const Visualizer – Visual Studio Marketplace
  • Stack Trace Explorer – Visual Studio Marketplace
  • Chaos Engineering tools comparison
  • New C# Source Generator Samples | .NET Blog
  • roslyn-sdk/samples/CSharp/SourceGenerators at master � dotnet/roslyn-sdk
  • NuGet Multiplatform Library Projects (aka Nugetizer 3000) – Xamarin | Microsoft Docs
  • New C# Source Generator Samples | .NET Blog
  • kzu/ThisAssembly: Exposes project and assembly level information as constants in the ThisAssembly class using source generators powered by Roslyn.
  • lunet-io/scriban: A fast, powerful, safe and lightweight scripting language and engine for .NET
  • roslyn/ at master � dotnet/roslyn
  • How to generate code using Roslyn source generators in real world scenarios
  • Fit URLs
  • AntiPatterns | Blog
  • Alex Lakatos – 10 Things I Wish I d Learned Sooner After Being a Developer for 10 Years
  • NPM 7: This Is What I Call An Update | by Fernando Doglio | Nov, 2020 | Bits and Pieces
  • New RxJS Primitives release, new operators + Typescript 4 – Ideas and stuff
  • fiyazbinhasan/CoreFormatters: Some .NET Core Custom Formatters. Includes Yaml Input/Output Formatter, Pdf Output Formatter, Xlsx Output Formatter
  • scriban/ at master � lunet-io/scriban
  • The Book of the Runtime – The internals of the .NET Runtime that you won’t find in the documentation – Scott Hanselman’s Blog
  • Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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