Friday Links 453

  1. Deep dive into OpenAI Assistants orchestrated with Microsoft Semantic Kernel Agents – Or what happens when Jack Sparrow is messing up with Don Quixote | LinkedIn
  2. StephenCleary/AsyncEx: A helper library for async/await.
  3. Browse code samples | Microsoft Learn
  4. timonkrebs/MemoizR: Declarative Structured Concurrency for C#
  5. 5 Tools and Patterns for Typesafe APIs | Ashan Fernando | Bits and Pieces | Bits and Pieces
  6. jmorganca/ollama: Get up and running with Llama 2, Mistral, and other large language models locally.
  7. The Cult of Mac. You cannot reason a person out of a… | by Cory Doctorow | Jan, 2024 | Medium
  8. ardalis/GuardClauses: A simple package with guard clause extensions.
  9. SciSharp/LLamaSharp: Run local LLaMA/GPT model easily and fast in C#! It’s also easy to integrate LLamaSharp with semantic-kernel, unity, WPF and WebApp.
  10. Top 8 JavaScript Notification Libraries | Syncfusion Blogs