Friday Links 332

  • 11 Javascript Machine Learning Libraries To Use In Your App
  • Communication Charts Around The World – Business Insider
  • RobWHickman/kaRpov: A messy small R package for plotting chess games
  • ramnathv/htmlwidgets: HTML Widgets for R
  • oakmac/chessboardjs: JavaScript chessboard
  • jhlywa/chess.js: A Javascript chess library for chess move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and check/checkmate/draw detection
  • Unit Testing in JavaScript – Tania Rascia
  • What is tidy eval and why should I care? · Nic Crane’s Blog
  • Steps to Perform Survival Analysis in R –
  • Advanced Outlook add-in tutorial | Microsoft Docs
  • Build an Excel add-in using Angular | Microsoft Docs
  • Deploy and publish your Office Add-in | Microsoft Docs
  • SheetJS/js-xlsx: SheetJS Community Edition — Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
  • GoogleChrome/workbox: Workbox: JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps
  • Open Source / Observable