Interpreter–part 4 of n – Deploy


  1. – Idea
  2. – Coding
  3. – Testing
  4.  – Deploy
  5. – Documentation
  6. – Ecosystem / usage



After done the testing part, we can deploy the Interpreter . That means uploading to some package sources, as or I choose .

For this, first we should package the applicatiuon. We right click the project, select properties, and then package tab.

Enter the details ,. save , then right click the project again and click “Publish” and fisnish.

In the folder “bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\publish” you will find the InterpreterDll.1.0.0.nupkg file. This file you will upload to For this, you have to login to nuget.rog and go to

After submitting , you will find the package at .

From this, you can testit by downloading directly  from nuget feed .

First deploy was simple  – but we want to do this with a button click.


But we want more – every time a new code is pushed to github  -the tests should run automatically and a new interpreter package will be created. For this we can choose site , integrate with our github repository and create a build release.

I am going to and create a new project.  For this , I will integrate with GitHub and push a new build. Also,  in this definition of build have a publish task that allows to publish as an artifacty the .nupkg that next we will put on github / nuget

Interpreter–part 3 of n -Testing


  1. – Idea
  2. – Coding
  3. – Testing
  4.  – Deploy
  5. – Documentation
  6. – Ecosystem / usage



Now that we do not have just the interpreter part 1 idea, but also interpreter part 2 coding , we can test the application.

For this we should write test for everything that we wrote in the interpreter part 1  idea  .

That gives us a bunch of tests functions:

void InterpretDateTime();
void InterpretDateTimeUtcNow();
void InterpretEnv();
void InterpretGuid();
void InterpretSettingsFile();
void InterpretStaticOneParameter();
void InterpretStaticParameterString();
void InterpretStaticTwoParameterString();


We run those test with VS or

dotnet test

and we think that is ok.

Nope. We should , to be sure,to have the code coverage – means that we verify what we have tested . You can start from here :

The first iteration for my project gives to me

Assemblies: 1
Classes: 2
Files: 2
Covered lines: 196
Uncovered lines: 17
Coverable lines: 213
Total lines: 313
Line coverage: 92%
Branch coverage: 84.60%

That it is pretty solid.

Interpreter–part 2 of n – Coding


  1. – Idea
  2. – Coding
  3. – Testing
  4.  – Deploy
  5. – Documentation
  6. – Ecosystem / usage



Now that we have the idea from interpreter part 1 of what we want to do, start coding thinking about what the code will look like.

We want simple use, like

string textToInterpret = "Export#now:yyyyMMddHHmmss#.csv";
var i = new Interpret();
var nameFile = i.InterpretText(textToInterpret);

So we will have just a function, InterpretText , that will have as a parameter a string and returns the interpreted string.

Now we can start the coding part   .This  is somewhat harder – we make separate functions to interpret environment variables, interpret datetime, guid, interpret file json, and interpret with static functions

For this we will create separate functions , that know how to deal with those cases ( The edge case is loading assemblies – you do not want this time consuming to be done every time you interpret – or to load if it is not necessary)

After this  , in order to have a source control, you upload the code on GitHub :


Friday links 276

  1. Ending the Nested Tree of Doom with Chained Promises
  2. Multithreading in C# .NET 4.5 (Part 2) – CodeProject
  3. Useful Reference Books – CodeProject
  4. 16 Useful Mental Life Hacks | Idealist Revolution
  5. Edmond Lau’s answer to What are the questions that can be asked when the interviewer asks ‘Any questions?’ – Quora
  6. Gayle Laakmann McDowell’s answer to What are some interesting coding projects that I can complete in 7-14 days to build my resume for a summer internship? – Quora
  7. McCann Created an Escort Service That Had a Macabre Surprise for Anyone Who Tried It | Adweek
  8. Building and deploying an Outlook 2010 Add-in (part 2 of 2) – MCS UK Solution Development Team
  9. Outlook: Deploying an Outlook 2013 add-in (using InstallShield LE) – EMEA Developer Messaging Team Blog
  10. Humanizr/Humanizer: Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities
  11. rudyhuyn/PluralNet: Improve the localization of your application with support of plural forms. Support all existing languages and decimal numbers. Available for UWP, WinRT, Windows Phone, Xamarin Android and iOS, ASP.Net, .Net apps
  12. Outlook: Deploying an Outlook 2013 add-in (using InstallShield LE) – EMEA Developer Messaging Team Blog
  13. Create your first QnA bot using botframework’s QnA Maker | Robin Osborne
  14. Becoming a better JavaScript developer
  15. 8 Browser Extensions You’ll Love If You Use Trello

Interpreter–part 1 of n – Idea


  1. – Idea
  2. – Coding
  3. – Testing
  4.  – Deploy
  5. – Documentation
  6. – Ecosystem / usage



For Stankins I need a custom interpreter of serialized data. What this means, exactly ?

Let’ suppose I have an appsetting file with a connection string

“SqlServerConnectionString”: “Server=(local)\\SQL2016;Database=tempdb;Trusted_Connection=True;”

If I use directly this connection from code, fine( Please be sure that you read carefully ).

The idea is to have some settings that is generating all time from data. Let’s suppose you have to write a .csv file with some data.You want to be unique every time . The common idea is to hardcode the file with the date time :

string file = “SendTo”+ DateTime.Now.ToString(“yyyyMMdd”) + “.csv”

What if the the name of the file should be serialized  ?  You retrieve from config the first part ( “SendTo”) , append the datetime format and the .csv. Later, you figure a better idea – to have a GUID. You will modify the code again and wrote

string file = “SendTo”+ Guid.NewGuid().ToString(“N”) + “.csv”

What if you will have something like storing the fle name in a appSettings.json like




retrieve with configuration

var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
var config = builder.Build();

var fileName = config[“fileName”]

and then interpret:

var i = new Interpret();
var str = i.InterpretText(fileName );


This will give you in the str the string SendTo20180710.csv.

Next time, when you want Guid, you just modify the appSettings.json




The code remains the same for interpret:

var i = new Interpret();
var str = i.InterpretText(fileName );


but the result will be different ,with the guid into the filename

What I intend to support:

-file: appSettings.json

-env: environment

-static: static functions with one variable

-guid: Guid.NewGuid

-now : datetime

But the idea is that I have a class that serializes itself as follow:



“FileName”: “SendTo#now:yyyyMMdd#.csv”,





The first item will be interpreted as ConnectionString : “Server=(local)\\SQL2016;Database=tempdb;Trusted_Connection=True;”

The second item will be interpreted as FileName: “SendTo20180710.csv”

The third item will call the static functions( Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() , Path.GetPathRoot)   from C# and return the result

The fourth item will call Environment variable solutionPath  and give back as an argument to the static function System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension

The fifth will call Guid.NewGuid().ToString(“N”)

All in all, it is another redirection and interpreting of data.


Angular , CORS and .NET Core SignalR

I have written a .NET Core  SignalR + Agular Observable of continously delivering the data. ( )

The setup is that .NET WebAPI resides in Visual Studio Project ( .sln. .csproj) and Angular Project is separate in another folder.

There are some settings in the development to be done in order to work

  1. Setting CORS in .NET Core  ( not really necessary- see below)
  2. Usually you will not need to set CORS in .NET Core if you plan to deliver Angular and .NET Core in the same site.

    But anyway, to allow anyoneto call you API , you will do something like this :

     app.UseCors(it =>it.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyMethod().AllowAnyHeader());
    //if (env.IsDevelopment())
    //    app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();

    Of course, you can set for a domain, a header , and so on

    Also , do not forget to handle CORS errors – either by commenting the developer exception page, either by using a custom middleware, like

  3. Setting  CORS like it does not exists for Angular
  4. For this:

    In the Angular environment.ts put those:

    export const environment = {

    production: false, //put also in the prod



    • In production: deliver AOT Angular compiled in the same folder with the .NET
    • This will ensure that , when you send the Angular AOT build with .NET Core WebAPI in the same site, it will work. NO CORS involved 😉

    • In development: This mean Angular ng server intercepting  calls

    Then create a file named proxy.conf.js and put this to redirect:

    const PROXY_CONFIG = [
          context: [
          target: "http://<url to the .NET Core API>/",
          secure: false,
          "changeOrigin": true,
          "logLevel": "debug",
          ws: true
    module.exports = PROXY_CONFIG;

    Then run:

    ng serve –proxy-config proxy.conf.js –open

  • Setting SignalR for Angular in development
  • See ws: true in previous proxy.conf.js ? That is all, if you run

    ng serve –proxy-config proxy.conf.js –open

    Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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