Dynamic loading controllers in .NET Core

I needed to load dynamically some controllers to the Stankins application .Dynamic like in – written in some text file, then loading them, The best reference was https://www.strathweb.com/2018/04/generic-and-dynamically-generated-controllers-in-asp-net-core-mvc/ . But it was not enough : what I wanted is to write the controller in some text file and compile and load them.

First problem ; What about the dll’s to be loaded  ?

I ended up with this code :

var refs=new List<MetadataReference>();
var ourRefs=Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies();

foreach(var item in ourRefs)
	var ass=Assembly.Load(item);
//MetadataReference NetStandard = MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Assembly.Load("netstandard, Version=").Location);
MetadataReference NetStandard = MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Assembly.Load("netstandard").Location);
refs.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(object).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location) );             

Second problem: where to put the errors ? The simplest option ( not the best one) is to put as comments to the end of the file – at reloading I will find them and correct

using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
	var res = compilation.Emit(ms);

	if (!res.Success)
		string diag=string.Join(Environment.NewLine, res.Diagnostics.Select(it=>it.ToString()));
		return null;

( Better – to display the error inline…)

Third problem: The controlers are loaded at initial step of configuring .NET MVC Core 2.x , not later. The assembly loader /unloader will come as a feature at .NET Core 3 – so not yet. I figure up that the best solution is to re-load the application

static CancellationTokenSource cancel ;
        static bool InternalRequestRestart;
        public async static Task Main(string[] args)
                cancel= new CancellationTokenSource();
                await CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build().RunAsync(cancel.Token);
                await Task.Delay(10);//just waiting some time

        public static void Shutdown()


You can find the code source for loading the controllers at https://github.com/ignatandrei/stankins/blob/master/stankinsv2/solution/StankinsV2/StankinsData/GenericControllerFeatureProvider.cs

You can find the code source for restarting the application at https://github.com/ignatandrei/stankins/blob/master/stankinsv2/solution/StankinsV2/StankinsData/Program.cs

You can test the code at https://azurestankins.azurewebsites.net/receiveData ( add a new controller , hit save and then access the route – or swagger at https://azurestankins.azurewebsites.net/swagger/index.html

– or you can try with Docker with

( for linux containers)

docker run -p 5000:5000 ignatandrei/stankins_linux

( for windows containers)

docker run -p 5000:5000 ignatandrei/stankins_linux

( restart docker if any problems)

and access http://localhost:5000/receiveData

That’s all 😉

[Presentation]Angular + .NET Core => Applications for Mobile, Web and Desktop – Andrei Ignat

I was invited at http://apexvox.net/#schedule to present ] Angular + .NET Core => Applications for Mobile, Web and Desktop

It was very exciting to find so many people interested in .NET . And it was good to re-see old friends, like http://vunvulearadu.blogspot.com/2019/03/post-event-apexvox-cluj-napoca-2019.html , Daniel Costea, Ciprian Jichici and to make new ones

You can find the code and the presentation at https://github.com/ignatandrei/angNetCoreDemo/ .
If you need help, please contact me directly

Identify version for application and components for Backend(.NET Core) and FrontEnd(Angular)–part 3- FrontEnd

Part1 : Introduction and Concepts

Part 2: Obtaining BackEnd Components Version

Part 3: Obtaining FrontEnd Component Version and Final Library

Live Demo 

NPM component
Copy paste NET code

Identifying the version of Angular components that we are using is a bit tricky. The package.json is having, by default, components using version “greater than”. More than that , after AOT compiling it remains no evidence of the original software used. However, there is a helper  npm-shrinkwrap : this will generate a npm-shrinkwrap.json file that fixes the versioning.

So the second part is to request the .NET version and the npm-shrinkwrap.json  file content with Angular front-end

For this we have a class that takes , by Dependency Injection, the HTTP Client and request versions from .NET Core and Angular:


export class VersionsNetcoreAngularService {

constructor(private http: HttpClient) {

const self = this;


public FVS(): Observable<FileVersionInfo[]> {

console.log('get fvs');

return this.http.get<FileVersionInfo[]>('api/Utils/GetVersions');


public FVSAngular(): Observable<FVSAng[]> {

console.log('get fvs angular');

return this.http.get('npm-shrinkwrap.json').pipe


switchMap(data => {

const ret = data as PackageJSONVersion ;

const d = ret.dependencies;

const arr = new Array<FVSAng>();

let f = new FVSAng();

f.name = ret.name;

f.fileVersion = ret.version;


for (const key of Array.from( Object.keys(d)) ) {

const dep = d[key] as Dependency;

if (dep.dev) {



f = new FVSAng();

f.fileVersion = dep.version;

f.name = key;



return of(arr);




The rest is history – just display the version in a HTML GUI.

Identify version for application and components for Backend(.NET Core) and FrontEnd(Angular)–part 2- backend

Part1 : Introduction and Concepts

Part 2: Obtaining BackEnd Components Version

Part 3: Obtaining FrontEnd Component Version and Final Library

Live Demo 

NPM component
Copy paste NET code

Identifying the version of the dll’s  used on the backend is fairly simple. All we need is to iterate into the current directory and find the version of the dlls.  It is just a simple controller that receives via Dependency Injection the path to the current directory. It is no harder than that code:



public FileVersionInfo[] GetVersions([FromServices] IHostingEnvironment hosting)


var dirPath = hosting.ContentRootPath;

var ret = new List&lt;FileVersionInfo&gt;();

var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(dirPath, "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Union(Directory.EnumerateFiles(dirPath, "*.exe", SearchOption.AllDirectories));

foreach (string item in files)




var info = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(item);




catch (Exception)


//TODO: log



return ret.ToArray();



Identify version for application and components for Backend(.NET Core) and FrontEnd(Angular)–part 1- introduction

Part1 : Introduction and Concepts

Part 2: Obtaining BackEnd Components Version

Part 3: Obtaining FrontEnd Component Version and Final Library

Live Demo 

NPM component
Copy paste NET code

In our days recognizing fast the version of the software you deploy it is important ( very important , if you do not have a continuum upgrade strategy – like Chrome does or in my days , using Click Once ). More, you should be able to recognize what components you are using in the software.

This was very interesting for me ( see http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/2014/10/13/tt-add-more-informations-net-version-build/  and http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/2019/01/14/opensource-library-versioning/ ). However, this is not about how to version the application – but how to display the version for BackEnd and FrontEnd components.

So – we need a front-end HTML page ( or WPF, or WinForm or other front-end ) and 2 informations  : 1 for the components for the backend and one for the components for the front end .

I have made such a component – it is made for Angular and .NET Core. It can be adapted very easy for all others , by transforming the  Angular library to a WebComponent library and the WEB API .NET Core into node.js  HTTP Rest.

If you want to see the final product , please check the https://www.npmjs.com/package/versions-netcore-angular  and the  live demo at https://azurestankins.azurewebsites.net/about

You will see the version of .NET Components and Angular Components that we are using.

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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